Vaccinated Brett Kavanaugh tests positive for Covid-19, September 30, 2021

More proof the vaccines are effective!
What do you know, the Jesuit shit stain Brett Kevanaugh has the “coronavirus” at age 56.

And notice he tested positive on his 231st day of his age.
*The news come 231 days after his birthday… October 1.

Remember, he went to Georgetown Prep, a school that was established January 23, or 23/1, like 231, in tribute to Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits.

What year is it?
As for his 212 birthday, it fits the riddle.

His birthday can also be expressed as 12/2, like 122.

Templar = 85
As we know, Thursday’s are very ‘Catholic’, the date he tested positive.
Thursday = 35 / 46
Catholic = 35 / 46