Coincidence Programming
Dave Halls on the set of Brandon Lee and Halyna Hutchins shootings

Remember, Brandon Lee was buried on Alec Baldwin’s 35th bury, after being killed while portraying ‘Eric,’ in a shooting that had parallels to his father’s film Game of Death.
Bruce Lee = 35
Eric = 35
As we know, both shootings had a lot to do with 201, and that is where Dave Halls fits in.
The Jesuit Order = 201 & 84
Dave Halls = 84
The CIA War on Reality, Washington Post and the Mind Control Code
As the 911 anniversary approaches the term “CONSPIRACY THEORY” and “CONSPIRACY THEORIST” loom front and center.
The term was coined by the C.I.A. in response to multiple books, newspaper articles and documentaries critical and skeptical of the U.S. government’s Warren Commission report on the John F Kennedy assassination.
The Central Intelligence Agency is – in effect – among other things, (and maybe primarily)a mind control and perception-management institution.
The C.I.A. was formed after World War II and inherited multiple Nazis through Operation Paperclip, for its war on Communism.
Here is an example of a current C.I.A. mind-manipulation operation; this one regarding 911.
This documentary video is on The Washington Post’s 2 million-plus subscriber Youtube channel, titled:
How 9/11 ‘Truther’ conspiracy theories fueled the war on reality
This is the description of the video:
Conspiracy theories blaming George W. Bush for the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks have been debunked, yet millions of Americans still believe them. When Osama bin Laden was the obvious “outsider,” why did so many people turn against Bush and what does it say about U.S. society today? In this short film, conspiracy theory researchers Evan Laine and Raju Parakkal connect the dots between 9/11 “trutherism” and the “Big Lie.
The first item of primary importance is that the C.I.A. has a contract with Amazon which owns the Washington Post. And the CIA is documented as having inherited Nazi expertise primarily in the form of Reinhard Gehlen who lead Nazi intelligence operations against the Soviet Union.
Multiple Nazis were absorbed in multiple United States governmental agencies – NASA is one famous example – and Nazi perception-control and mind control techniques were adopted by the United United States government including MK Ultra; MK standing for “Mind Control” but spelled with a “K” because “control” in German is spelled with a “K”: “kontrolle.
The face of MK Ultra is Josef Mengele who is purported to have worked for the United States government under the alias “Doctor Green”.
The face of Nazi propaganda and perception-management is Josef Goebbels who is not alleged to have worked for the United States government but whose techniques are nonetheless being employed today: this Washington Post video is a prime example.

The disingenuous motto of the Washington Post is “Democracy dies in Darkness”.

“Josef Goebbels” and “Democracy Dies in Darkness” have double overlap in the base ciphers of gematria.

A pretty ignominious match up for a newspaper; but not surprising when you consider the connection of the Washington Post to the CIA, and the CIA’S connection to the Nazi regime.
119/911 Numbers sacred to Nazis
911 and 119 are numbers that the Nazi Party highly venerated.
During Nazi rule 9th November/November 9th was a national holiday honoring the Nazis who lost their lives during the 1928 Beer Hall Putsch coup attempt of 9-11/11-9, 1923.
The term “Schicksalstag” means “Day of Fate” which refers to major moments in German history that fell on 119/911.
So there should be no surprise when 911 or 119 appear in mind-control/proganda-related narratives.
“SNOPES.COM” = 119.

In its video the Washington Post uses the term “TRUTHERISM” which equals 119.


“PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS” also sums to 1206 in the Agrippa/Jewish/Latin cipher.

1206 is like the date December 6th when the Washington Post was founded.

The title of the video is: “How 9/11 ‘Truther’ conspiracy theories fueled the war on reality”.
“WAR ON REALITY” fits the gematria mind control code perfectly:

Josef Mengele the face of MK Ultra, as born on 163; 16th March.
A mind controlled automaton – usually used for assassinations – can be called a “MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE” which sums to 163.

George H W Bush – who was CIA Director and whose family had openly historically acknowledged Nazi ties through his father Prescott Bush and Union Bank – was born on the 163rd day-of-the year: June 12th, 1924.

The 1984 describes a Nazi-like dystopia dependent on extreme mind and perception-manipulition. A 1984-style society is the goal of today’s major economic and political forces. 1984 was written by George Orwell whose real name is “Eric Arthur Blair” which sums to 163.

163 is the 38th prime number, so 38 manifests in propaganda/mind control narratives.
“SNOPES.COM” has a value of 38. It is also 119.

“Alter Ego” an MK Ultra term, = 38.
“GAS LIGHT” is a main control term that sums to 38.
The Washington Post video is narrated primarily by Evan Laine of Thomas Jefferson University.

“EVAN LAINE” has a value of 38.


160 is one of the central mind control code numbers. This is because “MIND CONTROL” has gematria of 160.
The name of the main narrator of the Washington Post CIA propaganda video “Evan Laine” equals 160.

The Head Quarters of the CIA is named the “GEORGE BUSH CENTER FOR INTELLIGENCE” .


“WONDERLAND” is a euphemism for a place that is detached from reality, which is the accusation of the CIA and its media minions, against anyone questioning governmental or elite economic authority.
This can another term related to “war on reality”.

Although the Nazi Party identified freemasonry as an enemy, there are nonetheless Nazi/Jesuit/Illuminati infiltrators into Freemasonry for the purposes of using and destroying or at least altering it to their desires.
A major Freemason symbol that I have touched upon in previous decodes is the staircase between the twin pillars.

Evan Laine is depicted between the twin pillars with the curved staircase behind him; ironically as he discusses the destruction of the Freemason twin pillars; covering for the perpetrators.

He says: “WE ARE GRAPPLING WITH THE BIG LIE”. This sums to 289 which is 17 x 17.

This is homage to modern Freemasonry the was founded in England in the year 1717.
He described as a “CONSPIRACY THEORY RESEARCHER” which has a value of 143.

“We are grappling with the big lie” has a value of 143.


Vanessa Bryant wins $16 million lawsuit on Kobe Bryant Day, August 24, 2022 (and the day Len Dawson, #16, died)

On Kobe Bryant Day, August 24, 2022, Vanessa Bryant is awarded $16 million dollars, and recall, Len Dawson, of the Chiefs, who won Super Bowl 54 the Sunday after Kobe’s death, wore #16. Of course, he is dead today as well.
8/24/22 = 8+24+22 = 54
Kobe Bean Bryant = 54
Jesuit Order = 54
Sun = 54
Keep in mind today leaves 129 days in the year.
129 is 201 in base-8 counting

And the $31 million for her and Christ Chester, C.C., 3.3. ($16 million +$15 million)
31, 11th prime number
11 days of court…
And recall, Bill Russell, the 11 time champ, just died on the last day of the Ignatian Year, the 31st of July.
31, 11th prime
And as for her getting $16 million, it’s the Jesuits since the 16th century.
Los Angeles = 53 (16th prime)
-16 points in Super Bowl 53
-Which LA lost to the Patriots (Patriots = 53)
-Brady tied Jordan with 6 championships
-Then he got the GOAT title
–Goat = 16
–Six = 16
Recall, Kobe died 38-weeks (266 days) after Vanessa Bryant’s May 5, 2019 birthday.
Death = 38
Murder = 38
Killing = 38
RIP = 38

Today is 111 days after her birthday.
-On her 111th day of her age, Kobe’s birthday anniversary, Rays beat Angels 11-1
-Helicopter = 111
You could also say it is her 112th day of her age.
Catholicism = 112
Mathematics = 112
-Jesuits operate in 112 countries
Notice CNN’s use of “coincidentally.”