The Big Mac Bridge burns in Cincinnnati, 140 days after Donald Trump’s birthday

Elections Fire Government Infrastructure Jesuit News Politics Roads, Highways & Interstates Secret Societies

The Daniel Carter Beard Bridge is known as the Big Mac Bridge.

Not by chance, this happened exactly 140 days after Trump’s birthday (Daniel Carter Beard=140).

Of course, Trump just had his big McDonald’s ritual days earlier.

Wiki has to tell you he grew up at 322 East Third St.

From Daniel Carter Beard’s death anniversary to the fire was a span of 144 days (Jesuit Order=144).

Think of what Ignatius of Loyola said (Go forth and set the world on fire=144).

The fire began with Sawyer Point Park & Yeatman’s Cove (Sawyer Point Park & Yeatman’s Cove=120 & 150, Illuminati=120 & 150). Of course, the 120th World Series just concluded, where Pete Rose, the famous Cincinnati Red, was sacrificed for it. Not by chance, the fire began near Pete Rose Way.

Dali moves for first time since crashing into Baltimore’s Key Bridge, May 20, 2024

Catholic Church History Infrastructure Jesuit New World Order News

Today is 55 days later, or a span of 56 days, including the date of the ritual, March 26, or 26/3, like 263, the 56th prime number, going with the bridge having a 56-meter clearance. And let us not forget it happened on Nancy Pelosi’s birthday.
Society of Jesus=56
Nancy Pelosi=56

Of course, today is special to the Jesuits, it is Cannonball Day.

And as for the 55 days, it is the anniversary of Christopher Columbus dying at age 55.

The Baltimore Bridge is demolished 48 days after its March 26, 2024, collapse on Pelosi’s 84th birthday, on May 13, 2024

Catholic Church Entertainment History Infrastructure Jesuit News Predictive Programming Secret Societies World War
The word of the day is ‘demolish’ *Demolish=41 *Key=41 *Baltimore=41 *USA=41

The Baltimore Francis Scott Key Bridge was demolished today, Monday, May 13, 2024.

Today is 13/5, like 135.

Recall that the Key Bridge came down 135 days after the Superior General’s birthday.
Golden Gate Bridge=135
Central Intelligence Agency=135

Reportedly, they were going to do it yesterday, but the weather moved it today.

Had they done it yesterday, it would have been 47 days after the 47-year-old bridge collapsed into the river that was “47 degrees” at the time, per reports. *Time=47 *Maryland=47 *Government=47

And you know the rest of the 47 list, including… *News=47 *Authority=47 *Vatican=47

Instead, the ritual comes 48 days after it came down, on Nancy Pelosi’s 84th birthday. *Illuminati=48

The Illuminati was founded in Bavaria (135).

Notice that CNN’s story is 48 seconds.

And keep in mind that tomorrow is Israel’s birthday, established in ’48. And it is a reminder the war with Israel and Gaza began on October 7, 2023, the 174th death anniversary of Edgar Allan Poe, in Baltimore. As we know, it was a massive ritual, the war, the death anniversary, and the Steelers coach Mike Tomlin picking up his 174th win over the Baltimore Ravens the very next day.
Baltimore Ravens=174
New World Order=174
Number of the Beast=174

And again, the part about 48.
World War=48 (What Israel came out of before it was officially established in ’48)

Also, keep in mind Israel’s borders were agreed to on September 3, 1947, by the UN before it became an official country the next year. Also, ’47 was the year of the CIA and the Tavistock Institute.

*The demolition also came 1 month & 17 days later *Bridge=117 *Central Intelligence Agency=117

Recall that the worst bridge collapse was on November 7, in Washington State, the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse, and this year will mark the 84th anniversary of that collapse, November 7, 2024.

*The demolition comes 219 days after the war began *Roman Catholic=219

Remember what they did to Scalia on February 19, or 2/19? *Antonin Scalia=219

Keep in mind he died on 13/2 (13th of February). *Roman Catholic=132 *Antonin Scalia=132

And don’t forget the U.S. was named September 9, 1776, 132 days from the Illuminati’s making.
United States of America=132
-132 rooms in the White House
Catholic Church=132
Roman Catholic=132

Attempt to repeal Arizona’s 1864 abortion ban fails with Mayorkas impeachment, and Joe Biden visits Pittsburgh to talk infrastructure, April 17, 2024

Abortion Biblical Federal Government Infrastructure News Secret Societies

Today is April 17, 2024, and what connects all major political headlines is the ‘number of the beast.’ You’ll see what I mean below. *Number of the Beast=174 (17/4)

1864 was 160-years ago, and the year before the shooting of Abraham Lincoln, April 15, 1865.

Next year, 2025, will be the 161st anniversary. *American Civil War=161

Notice on April 9, 8 days ago, there was a 4-2 vote by the Arizona Supreme Court, regarding this issue.
Arizona=42 (a number with a large history pertaining to race *Jackie=42)

April 9, 2024, has 57 date numerology. *4/9/2024=4+9+20+24=57 *Supreme Court=57

As for the 4-2 decision, it goes with this latest news coming April 17, or 17/4, similar to 174.
Number of the Beast=174 (the beast rules for 42 months)
-New Testament=42

April 9 is also like 4/9, or 49. *Revelation=49

Revelation teaches about the number of the beast.

For the clincher, ‘Abortion Ban’ equates to 666.

Also, today is the anniversary of Barbara Bush dying, married to George H.W. Bush, who spoke of the New World Order on numerous occasions.
New World Order=174

This 174 thing pertains to Joe Biden being in Pittsburgh today to talk infrastructure. Recall, Mike Tomlin of the Pittsburgh Steelers picked up his 174th win with the Steelers by beating the Baltimore Ravens, October 8, one day after the 174th anniversary of the death of Edgar Allan Poe, named after Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven. *Baltimore Ravens=174

Don’t forget all the deaths connected to Baltimore the year leading up to their 2023-24 season.

And recall the beast ritual at the United Nations 174 days into the first Jesuit Ignatian Year.

And don’t forget members of Congress are being paid $174,000 per year right now.

Today is 44 weeks into Xi Jinping’s age. *Joe Biden=44

He is also dealing with World Trade matters.

Also noteworthy is that today is the 108th day of the leap year, and the ‘geometry’ number and constructing and engineering have much to do with geometry (gematria means geometry in language).
Geometry=108 & 108

Also today, the Mayorkas impeachment failed. His name connects with ‘Number of the Beast.’

Today is 145 days after Alejandro Mayorkas last birthday, November 24.
Catholic=145 (145 more chapters in Catholic Old Testament)

Israel was created May 14, or 14/5. That date is in 27 days. *Ritual=27

Today is 167 weeks and a day after Mayorkas took office, February 2, 2021. 167 is the 39th prime number. And this ritual comes in his 39th month of being in office.
Federal=39, Masonry=39, Secrecy=39

And for one last point, this ritual comes 149 days after Biden’s birthday. D.C. is the 202 area code.
Skull and Bones=149 & 202

Golden Gate Bridge shutdown on Paul Pelosi’s 84th birthday (after Key Bridge collapse on Nancy’s 84th)

Bridge Collapse Catholic Church Federal Government Infrastructure Jesuit News Secret Societies

On April 15, 2024, Paul Pelosi’s 84th birthday, the Golden Gate Bridge was shutdown.

It goes with the Key Bridge falling on Nancy Pelosi’s 84th birthday when she governed in San Francisco after being raised in Baltimore.

As for these rituals coming on their 84th birthdays, it is plain to see why. Keep in mind Paul has Francis in his name, like Pope Francis, the first Jesuit Pope, born on 84 date numerology, going with the founder of the Jesuits, Ignatius of Loyola dying 84 days from his own birthday.
The Catholic Church=84
The Jesuit Order=84
United States of America=84

Think of George Orwell’s 1984. Think of Anthony Fauci since 1984.

Also, keep in mind Nancy Pelosi’s father, Thomas Ludwig John D’Alesandro Jr., died at age 84.

On top of that his birthday was August 1, the same day as Francis Scott Key.

His 37th death anniversary is August 23 of this year, Kobe Bryant’s birthday anniversary. It is a reminder that Thomas D’Alesandro Jr. was the 41st Mayor of Baltimore, and Kobe Bryant died at age 41.
Baltimore=41, Kobe Bryant=41 *USA=41 *Key=41

Larry Lucchino, former Orioles and Red Sox president, dead at 78, April 2, 2024

Death Infrastructure Jesuit Murder by Numbers Predictive Programming Secret Societies Sports
Lawrence Lucchino=166/76/266/86 *Key Bridge=86 (down on 86th day of the year)

He won 4 World Series, and is dead in the 4th month, April. He won his first with Baltimore in ’83, 41-years ago, and this comes days after the Orioles owner’s death on the 83rd day of the year, March 23, the anniversary of the Key Bridge opening, the one that collapsed three days after his death, March 26. Plus, that boat was owned by Hyundia, opened in ’72, the year bridge construction began, on March 23.
Baltimore=41 *Lucchino=41 *Key=41

The Orioles have a chance to become 4-1 today vs. the Super Bowl winning city, Kansas City. As you know, Mahomes got his 41st road win over Baltimore to go there, and Mahomes is currently on 41 postseason TDs. *Super Bowl=41

Kansas City=32 *America=32 *KC=14 *Baltimore=41 *Key=41 *Super Bowl=41

As a reminder, the Key Bridge came down on the 86th day of the year.
Lawrence Lucchino=86 *Jesuits=86 *Blood Sacrifice=86 *Human Sacrifice=86

Keep in mind today is 4/2 *Jesuit=42 *Orioles=42

And keep in mind the Chiefs became 4-2 in Super Bowls, on the 42nd day of the year, after beating Baltimore.

Notice he is from Pittsburgh, where the Fern Hollow bridge collapse was a precursor to the Key Bridge.

And notice he went to Yale. Was he a member of Order 322, Skull and BOnes?
Skull and Bones=322 (Genesis 3:22, 78th verse of the Bible — dead at 78)
-We just saw Yale win with 78 points on March 22, while the school is 322 years old
-He has died on the 177th day of Yale’s age *The Jesuit Order=177 *Jesuit=78 & 42 (4/2 date)
-His death was 153 days after the last World Series ended *Jesuit Order=153
-That’s a span of 154 days *Doubleday=154 *Ritual Sacrifice=154
-Of course, Auburn lost to Yale with 76 points *Skull and Bones=76 *Lawrence Lucchino=76
-Baltimore is on the 76th Meridian West

Last, a ‘president’ is dead, and we know how the collapse of the bridge was synced with Joe Biden.

Barge strikes Oklahoma bridge four days after Key Bridge collapse, at Robert S. Kerr Reservoir

Bridge Collapse Federal Government History Infrastructure Jesuit News Secret Societies

Notice Robert S. Kerr was born on September 11 and died in 1963, the year JFK was assassinated.

Robert Samuel Kerr=201 & 75
The Jesuit Order=201
New World Order=75
Order Out of Chaos=75

Recall the 75 ritual that just took place with the Francis Scott Key Bridge, and recall that CNN had on the ’95 Oklahoma City Bombing expert on to talk about the “accident” with the Key Bridge. These are are major league jokes on the American people, and most people aren’t conscious enough to grasp the humor.

For one more point, there’s a Baltimore sync here. *Robert S. Kerr=148 *Baltimore=148

1851 Maritime law was amended in 1936, 88-years-ago, impacting Key Bridge collapse financial decision

Bridge Collapse Federal Freemasonry Government History Infrastructure Jesuit New World Order News Predictive Programming Secret Societies

Maritime in Maryland? Again, the bridge came down at 1:28, the 88th minute of the day, 34 weeks after Francis Scott Key’s birthday anniversary, and on 26/3, like 263, the 56th prime. The bridge had a 56 meter clearance. The number ’43’ has a lot to do with the monster of the sea, Poseidon.

Remember, this whole thing is connected through Nancy Pelosi, who is from Baltimore, and who has been in federal office in San Francisco *Francis, *San Francisco, *Pope Francis.

She just turned 84. *United States of America=84 (Plus way more)

And notice the overlap with Britannia and ‘maritime.’

And notice that since February 10, 2010, it has been codified as 46 USC S 30501. As we covered in the last point, 46 was very important to this ritual, in the time of #46, 46 days before Salvador Dali’s May 2 birthday anniversary. Read more here.

Notice it passed March 3, or 3/3, like 33 (that was the 62nd day of the year) *Mason=62
The 1984 amendment would be worth researching

Here more’s on that “46” part.

The mayor also ties in. through 46. *Chaos=46 (Joe Biden, #46) *Catholic=46

Took office at age 36, and was born in ’84, on the 8th day of the 4th month
The Governor was elected 433 days before the collapse (84th prime)
The collapse happened on Nancy’s 84th birthday

And Biden’s infrastructure bill was enacted November 15, 2021, the day leaving 46 days in the year. It was also part of the “117th Congress.”

HR “36” *84″

It was with the 117th congress, and the collapse appears to be connected to the Orioles owners death on March 23, 2024, the 47th anniversary of the bridge’s opening, and the new MLB season.
Major League Baseball=117 *Central Intelligence Agency=117 *Thirteen=113 *Bridge=117
-Again, the collapse was 13 days before the eclipse
-And again, November 7, 2024, will be the 84th anniversary of the Tacoma Narrow Bridge collapse *11/7
-That happened in ’40 *United States=40 *US=40
-This incident is 173 years after 1851 (173, 40th prime number)

This governor is 45 *Bridge=45

Also, the RMS Titanic sinking invoked this 1851 act as well as did the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and more.

That June 18 tragedy was 282 days earlier (span of 283, 61st prime) *News=61

The 1936 amendment bit is interesting, since it pertains to exactly this case. That was 88-years ago.
Bridge=36 & 36 *Geometry=36

Eviction attempt leads to shootout in Pittsburgh, August 23, 2023, in ‘Garfield’ area

Elections Federal Government History Infrastructure News Police State Predictive Programming Shooting
extremely active = 70 / 83 / 187 / 218

It’s school season and the shootings are back, go figure!

As for the Garfield area… that’s key.
Garfield = 44
Shooting = 44
Officer = 44
Department = 44
*Evictions = 44 & 127
*Elberon, Long Branch, New Jersey = 127 (Where Garfield was killed)

President Garfield was assassinated in 1881.
President Biden = 81
President Trump = 81
Ritual = 81 & 81

Biden got “81 million votes,” a record.

This is in Pennsylvania, Biden’s birth state. Just saying.

This news also comes on 74 and 54 date numerology.
Holy Roman Empire = 74
Roman = 74
Masonic = 74
Jesus = 74
-Killing = 74
Jesuit Order = 54
Sun = 54

It feeds back in history.
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry = 127
Bavarian Illuminati = 127

DC is the Masonic city. Today leaves 130 days in the year.
Washington = 130
Pittsburgh = 130

Notice the overlap with Washington and Pittsburgh.

Plus, today is 276 days after Joe Biden’s birthday, the 23rd triangular number, and it is 2023.

The number 23 is the 9th prime number, and the next US President to die in office will be the 9th to do so. That would tie in with Joe Biden being the 45th person to be US President (despite #46), because 45 is the 9th triangular number. 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9=45

As we know the numbers 45 & 27 are often used together, and today is 27 days before the September 19 assassination anniversary of Garfield.

8/23/23 = 8+23+23 = 54

Recall when Obama endorsed 81 candidates on August 1, or 8/1.

Revisit some Obama 81 rituals from the past here.

Related: Read about the bridge collapse in Pittsburgh the day of Biden’s visit. It is a reminder that Josh Green had a Steelers helmet behind him when he talked about Maui, where steel melted.

From the date of the collapse, January 28, 2022, to today, August 23, is 81 weeks and days later.

The bridge collapse was 28/1, like 281, the 60th prime. The 60th US Presidential Election is next year. Biden is expected to face Trump again, unless one of them doesn’t make it…

There’s something bigger coming with the 81.

March 16th, Nuclear Synchronicity and the Trinity and Trident

Astrology Earthquake Esoteric Explosion Fire History Infrastructure Military Natural Disaster News Politics Rambo's Corner War

In recent posts I have revealed the central importance of the trident symbol at the core of some of the most salient crisis events in world history.

Another epic global event of historic magnitude is the Russian military invasion of Ukraine, a country that has a trident for a national symbol.

The Ukrainian trident is the seal-trident of Volodymyr the Great who – in the 10th century – ruled the region that included present day Ukraine and parts of present-day Russia, called Kievan Rus.

Russian President Vladimir Putin identifies to a large degree with Volodymir/Vladimir the Great. The current Ukrainian President is named Volodymr, so both countries have Heads-of-state with the same name; a name associated with the trident symbol.

In my previous posts (and video) I have shown how the trident in most cases invites extreme persecution and destruction.

September 11th is a prime example, and it is still being invoked in this conflict as recently as today; the time of writing this post: March 16th, 2022, by the Ukrainian President Volodymyr in a virtual address to the United States Congress.

September 11th, 2001 can be said to be so significant that it will be relevant to world events for the rest of time. Very important to note is the symbol (albeit occulted) at the heart of the 911 great ritual, is the trident.

One of the greatest tragedies to face Ukraine was the worst nuclear disaster/accident in world history which the Chernobyl meltdown of April 26th, 1986.


The trident has been a central element of other nuclear destruction related incidents, which have multiple common threads between them. The term “trinity” is related to the trident, and emerges in multiple nuclear incidents.

The greatest nuclear accident in the United States history is the March 28th, 1979 partial meltdown of the Three Mile Island nuclear facility in Pennsylvania. There is significant trident symbolism here, but for now I will point out the most conspicuous one which is the name of the facility “THREE” Mile Island.

Three is the number of trident and trinity. The first successful nuclear bomb detonation was the famous TRINITY TEST of July 16th, 1945 by the United States government at Trinity Site in New Mexico.

The second worst nuclear accident in world history the March 11th, 2011 Fukushima, Japan nuclear disaster that occurred after an earth-quake and Tsunami. The city of Fukushima will forever be synonymous with nuclear catastrophe.

With the subject of nuclear energy — as weaponry and as energy source — prominently in current world news, it was significant that today (United States time) Wednesday March 16th, 2022, midnight March 17th in Japan, Fukushima is in the world headlines again as a powerful earthquake hit the city and off the coast. A tsunami warning was issued, but none materialized. The Earthquake was – significantly – 7.3 in magnitude.


12 days before the Three Mile Island meltdown the movie The ChinaSyndrome was released. The China Syndrome is about undercover reporters who prevent a potential catastrophic nuclear power plant meltdown in the United States. The nuclear industry condemned the movie as anti-nuclear propaganda upon its release.

Three Mile Island is in the state of Pennsylvania. In the movie The China Syndrome an official describes the potential catastrophe as one that could

“could render an area the size of the state of Pennsylvania permanently uninhabitable.”

And of course 12 days after the March 16th release Three Mile Island experienced a meltdown.

On March 16th, 2022 an earthquake of 7.3 magnitude rocks Fukushima reviving memories of its historic meltdown after an earthquake. 7.3 is synchronistic here: in gematria “THREE MILE ISLAND” has a value of 73.

In the Agrippa/Latin/Jewish cipher of English gematria “THREE MILE ISLAND” sums to 426 like the date 4-26 April 26th which is the date of the Ukrainian Chernobyl disaster of 1986.


The 7.3 Fukushima earthquake hit on the 43rd anniversary of the release of The China Syndrome that predicted the Three Mile Island meltdown. 43 ( and its reflection 34) is huge to the nuclear code.

43 can be the date 4th March; the date on which Russian forces are said have taken over control of the Ukrainian Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant that is the biggest in Europe.

In gematria the all-important word “TRINITY” sums to 43.

The last name of the Ukrainian President “Zeleskyy” has a value of 43

“NUCLEAR” sums to 43 in gematria.

The full name of the Fukushima power plant is “Fukushima Daiichi”. “DAIICHI” has a triple 43, in the base ciphers and the Agrippa/Latin/Jewish cipher.

A trinity of 43s, when “TRINITY” sums to 43.

The trident is a zodiacal and planetary symbol: it is a symbol of the planet Neptune. The planet Neptune rules the zodiac sign of Pisces.

The March 4th occupation of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant occurred in the zodiac sign of Pisces which is ruled by the trident of Neptune.

The Ukrainian trident called the TRYZUB was officially adopted as a symbol on the national coat of arms on the first day of Pisces February 19th, 1992.

Neptune is the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Poseidon who also carries the trident. In gematria “POSEIDON” sums to 43 like the date 4th March on which the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant was said to have been occupied.

The date can be 4th March 4th or March 4th; 4-3, 3-4.

The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is on the 34th meridian East; like the date March 4th.

We see synchronicity with the “TRINITY” theme between Three Mile Island and Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.

The Three Mile Island meltdown happened in Unit 2 specifically.

Construction of Unit 2 began of November 1st, a date written 1-11. 111 is a number of trinity.

Construction of Unit 5 of Zaporizhzhia began on November 1st as well. That is in 1985.

The Trinity as a Christian Reference. 4-3 / 3-4 the Crucifixion Date

Trinity can be a Christian reference of Father, Son, Holy Spirit. So it interesting that the very first unit of Zaporizhzhia to be commissioned (Unit 1) experienced the honor on Christmas the day 1985 that honors the birth of Christ.

This brings the 3-4, 4-3 occupation date of Zaporizhzhia into another area of ritual since significance the crucifixion date is said to be April 3rd or 3rd April; 4-3 or 3-4.

In the most famous picture of post disaster Chernobyl, the focus is on Reactor 4 and Reactor 3.