The Rock, The Scorpion King, the Scorpions, the August 6, 2024 Bakersfield quake, Hurricane Helene & what’s coming October 23, 2024

Astrology Celebrity Earthquake Entertainment Freemasonry Jesuit Military New World Order Predictive Programming Secret Societies Weather

The Rock was the Scorpion King…

Scorpio (the scorpion) begins on October 23…

October 23 is 174 days after his birthday…

The Scorpion King released on 17/4, like 174…

California, The Rock’s home state, turned 174 years old on September 9…

The Rock was in San Andreas…

As I predicted at the start of the year, there would be an earthquake in California on August 6, 2024, the anniversary of Hiroshima, 96 days after The Rock’s birthday, and there was, a 5.2, going with him being 52, and having a 5/2 birthday (California=52, Government=52, Authority=52, Gavin Newsom=52).

Well, now I am predicting an earthquake for California on October 23 (which I already predicted about a month ago), but I’m just making sure you remember.

FYI, October 23 will be 44 days after California’s 174th birthday.

The Rock=109

The August 6, 2024 earthquake was at 9:09 PM, similar to California’s 9/9 birthday.

The first act of weather warfare was admitted to on August 15, 1952, the Jesuit Order’s birthday.

The aftershocks rumbled through the region on August 7, the anniversary of the Jesuit suppression concluding. That date can be written 7/8, and October 23 is 78 days after August 6 (Jesuit=78, Scottish Rite=78, Order Out of Chaos=78, The Scorpion King=78, *October=78).

Order Out of Chaos=78 & 75 *Fault=75
The Scorpion King=84 *Dwayne Douglas Johnson=84 *United States of America=84 *Jesuit=84 & 78

And recall, I also predicted there would be a TERRIBLE HURRICANE synced with The Rock’s 52nd birthday, which was Hurricane Helene, a storm that formed 146 days after he turned 52 (Hurricane=52 & 146). That storm was also synced with the singer of The Scorpions and their song “ROCK YOU LIKE A HURRICANE.” Read about that below.

*October 23 is 28 days after September 25 (the day Helene formed). This matters because 107 is the 28th prime number and (Earthquake=107, Military=107).

From the July 4, 2019 earthquake in California to October 23, 2024 is a span of 1939 days. This is noteworthy because the most magnificent California of 1939 happened at 7:40 AM.

It was on Christmas, or 12/25 (1225, square root of 35).

San Andreas released on the 149th day of the year (35th prime).

California suffers 5.2 earthquake, 96 days after The Rock’s 52nd birthday

Celebrity Earthquake Entertainment Predictive Programming

Chalk up another correct prediction.

As stated 8 days before this happened, expect an earthquake in California on August 6, 2024, 96 days after The Rock’s birthday (San Andreas=96).

Again, The Rock is 52 years old, has a 5/2 birthday, and it goes with this quake being another 5.2 (California=52).

October 23, 2024, will be 174 days after his birthday (San Andreas=96 & 174).

It goes with California turning 174 years old on September 9.

October 23 is also 10+23=33 (October=33, San Andreas=33).

For one more point, August 6, 2024 was the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, and it was a date with 38 numerology (Earthquake=163, 38th prime).

Los Angeles’ 5.2 (or was it 4.9?) magnitude earthquake, Monday, July 29, 2024 (88 days after The Rock’s birthday)

Celebrity Earthquake Entertainment Military News

California=52 & 88
The Rock is 52 (born 5/2 — Mr. San Andreas)

Today is 88 days after his birthday (California=88)(Earthquake=457, 88th prime)

Today is also his 89th day of his age (Los Angeles, California=89)(Chaos=89).

Keep in mind today is the 211th day of the year (47th prime, Rock=47).

This happened 37 days before LA’s September 4 birthday (Los Angeles=37).

This happened on 44 date numerology (Earthquake=44, Military=44, HAARP=44).

Barstow=26, Quake=26 (26 date numerology today)

CNN runs headline about nationwide earthquake on The Rock’s 52nd birthday, May 2, 2024

Celebrity Corporate Earthquake Predictive Programming

This seems like encoded information. An earthquake could hurt a lot of people, including insurance companies. Two of the big companies are State Farm and Farmers.

This headline comes on the Rock’s 52nd birthday, 5/2. *Earth=52 *Enlil=52

He’s in the movie about the earthquake that rocks the nation.

That film will turn nine on May 26 & May 29, 2024.

Peter Higgs, physicist who proposed Higgs boson, dead at 94, April 8, 2024, the day CERN was fired back up

Celebrity CERN Death Earthquake Entertainment Murder by Numbers New World Order News Science Secret Societies
God Particle=56 & 187 *Society of Jesus=56 & 187 *European Council for Nuclear Research=187 (CERN)
Roman Catholic Church=94

His death at 94 is announced on 9/4, 9th of April.

Peter Higgs died Monday, April 8, or 4/8, the date CERN was fired back up.
Peter Higgs=48

If you have seen the Da Vinci Code, you know about the connection between CERN and the Illuminati’s interest in the particle collider. *Illuminati=48

His name ties in as well. *Peter Ware Higgs=80 *Bavarian Illuminati=80

So, in light of this all seeming a big ritualistic, go figure he died exactly 45 weeks after his last birthday.

His birthday, May 29, or 5/29, goes with the gematria of ‘European Council for Nuclear Research,’ what CERN stands for. *European Council for Nuclear Research=529

Notice that Sweden was one of the original twelve countries that signed the CERN Convention.

I bring this point up because of the ritual with the 4.8 magnitude earthquake in the Northeast United States on Henrik Stenson’s 48th birthday. If you missed my work on it, the theory is it had a lot to do with with nuclear ‘energy.’ Read more about that here.

And in light of that earthquake having an epicenter on Donald Trump’s golf course, a man with June 14 birthday, or 6/14, it is noteworthy that Higgs has died a span of 614 weeks, on the nose, from July 4, 2012, the supposed day the God Particle was discovered.

Moving on, Higgs died “from a short illness” on the 163rd day of Fabiola Gianotti’s age.
163, 38th prime *Death=38 *Earthquake=163

Donald Trump’s LIV Golf tournament at Bedminster, July 29-31, 2022, 88 weeks before the April 5, 2024 earthquake

Celebrity Earthquake News Sports

From July 29, 2022 to the earthquake with the epicenter on the same course, was exactly 88 weeks. It goes with the helicopter crash on Trump’s golf course on his 88th day of being President of the United States here. Trump=88 *Breton Bay Golf Course=88 *Energy=88 *Weapon=88

The upcoming Masters, April 11-14, 2024, is the 88th Masters.

And do you see the Club 54 detail? *Jesuit Order=54 *Bavaria=54

LIV played 54 holes, rather than the PGA’s 72. *Jesuit Order=54 & 72

Also, the date of the earthquake can be written 5/4, like 54, or 4/5, like 45, going with #45.
IHS=45 *Ritual=45

Last, notice that the tournament ended July 31, the death anniversary of Ignatius of Loyola, the day the Jesuit Ignatian Year ended. It is the day leaving 153 days in the year.
Jesuit Order=153 *The Illuminati=153

It went with the name of the tournament. *LIV Golf Bedminster=84 *The Jesuit Order=84

Furthermore, the man who won that tournament, Henrik Stenson, turned 48 on April 5, 2024, the day of the 4.8 magnitude earthquake. *Donald Trump=48 *Illuminati=48

Henrik Olof Stenson=84

Cameron Smith shot a 201 in that tournament in 2023. *The Jesuit Order=201 *Order of Illuminati=201

Trump National Golf Club at epicenter of April 5, 2024 earthquake

Biblical Celebrity Earthquake Elections Military News Sports

This earthquake comes on April 5, or 4/5, like 45. And the epicenter is on #45’s golf course?

On top of that, it is a 4.8, before the 4/8 eclipse. *Donald Trump=48 *Illuminati=48

Keep in mind today is the 96th day of the year. *Freemasory=48 & 96

It was at 10:23 AM, 123 days before the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima in ’45. Of course, ‘Little Boy’ was dropped on Japan on August 6, 1945. *Little Boy=123 *Conspiracy=123

It was the biggest since 1884, 140 years ago, and the epicenter was in “Whitehouse” Station, New Jersey, equating to 140 in gematria, like ‘Washington.’
White House Station, New Jersey=140

Also, notice this article by Time Magazine about Trump’s course that had the earthquake today, it was published May 5, 2017.
Earthquake=55 *Military=55 *Satan=55

MAGA is the highest degree of the Church of Satan.

From the publication of the article to the earthquake was exactly 361 weeks later.
Trump National Golf Club Bedminster=361

361 has a square root of 19 *Quake=19 *Chaos=19

It was opened in 2004 when Trump was 58. Today, April 5, is the first of the last 271 days of 2024, which is the 58th prime number, going with Trump becoming #45 in the 58th US Presidential Election.
271, 58th prime *Freemasonry=58

58 also has the bomb connection. *Nuclear Weapon=58 & 68

As for the 68 part. *Nuclear Energy=68 *Donald John Trump=68 *Golf=68

Remember what happened in 1968, leading up to 9/11?

And while this is going on rumors of World War with Iran are breaking out.
World War=48 & 42 *Iran=42 *War=42

Keep in mind this earthquake was 42 weeks and days after Trump’s last birthday.

This is high ritual, and it is biblical. *Ritual=45 *Holy Bible=45 & 45

And for another thought, what Masters golfers are from the area of this quake?

Or is it a tribute to the bombing of Japan in ’45, because the PGA has some top flight Japanese golfers.

The Masters is in Georgia, where the Guidestones just celebrated their 44th anniversary.
Georgia=44 *Earthquake=44 *Trump, 44th person to be US President

Ramapo Fault=43 *New Jersey=43 *Nuclear=43

Nuclear energy began development in ’43, 81 years ago.
Ritual=81 & 81 *President Trump=81

President Biden is 81 years old right now. *Joseph Robinette Biden II=361

There was a 4.0 aftershock. 4.8+4.0=8.8 (Trump=88)

4.8 magnitude earthquake, April 5, 2024 (reminders of the Manhattan Project)

Earthquake History Military News

In light of today’s 4.8 quake in the Northeast, on April 5, or 4/5, think of the Manhattan Project that ended the World War in ’45, with some massive explosions in Japan. *World War=48

Today is 123 days before August 6, reminding us that ‘Little Boy’ was the bomb dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. *Little Boy=123 *Conspiracy=123

Keep in mind today is the 96th day of the year. *Freemason=48 & 96 *Illuminati=48

Of course, we have the 4/8 eclipse just three days away.

He knows there will be no aftershocks because only one bomb is to be used in the ritual.

This comes the day of a Nor’Easter as well.
Nor Easter=43 *Nuclear Bomb=43

The earthquake happened at the 443rd minute of the day. The number has the 44 and 43 in it, both relevant. *Earthquake=44 *Nuclear Bomb=43

Tewksbury=144 & 54 *Jesuit Order=144 & 54
-Today is 5/4 (5th day of 4th month)