China says 126 dead after 7.1 magnitude earthquake on January 7, 2025
The 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Tibet comes on the 7th day of the 1st month, or 7/1.
The earthquake in Tibet comes 56 days after the Superior General’s birthday.
This ritual comes 263 days before September 27, 2025, the Jesuit’s anniversary of being recognized by the Roman Catholic Church (The People’s Republica of China=263, Republic of China=263). The number 263 is the 56th prime number.
Today is the 22nd day of the Pope’s age (Buddha=22).
Today is 185 days after the Dalai Lama’s birthday (Catholicism=185, Mathematics=185).
He is the 14th Dalai Lama, and it is the 14th day since the birthday of the Sun (Dalai Lama=54 & 27, Sun=54 & 27).
Today is 185 days after his birthday.
China said it was a 6.8 (like 68).
7.0 magnitude earthquake strikes Northern California on 7 date numerology, December 5, 2024
This news comes on 7-date numerology, going with the 7.0 magnitude.
Today is December 5, 2024 (1+2+5+2+0+2+4=16, and 16 is 1+6=7).
Today can be written 12/5, like 125 (Numerology=125).
The earthquake happened at 10:44 AM (Earthquake=44, Numerology=44).
Today leaves 26 days in the year (Quake=26, HAARP=26).
Today is the 88th day of the state’s age (Weapon=88, California=88).
Tomorrow will be December 6, or 6/12, like Revelation 6:12.
December 6 will leave 25 days in the year (Eureka=25, Earth=25, Tsunami=25 & 97 (25th prime)).
December 6 will be 88 days after the state’s birthday (California=88).
4.4 earthquake strikes just before midnight on the first day of Scorpio, October 23, 2024
CNN warns about a significant earthquake coming to Southern California, October 16, 2024, one week before Scorpio
This is CNN’s front page news one week before Scorpio begins on October 23, 2024, 174 days after the Scorpion King’s birthday, The Rock (San Andreas=174). Again, California turned 174 years old on September 9, the first day of Scorpio is 44 days after the state’s birthday (Earthquake=44, Military=44). Notice the first earthquake mentioned in the article was a 4.4.
October 23, 2024, is 369 months after the January 17, 1994 Northridge earthquake.
The Rock, The Scorpion King, the Scorpions, the August 6, 2024 Bakersfield quake, Hurricane Helene & what’s coming October 23, 2024
The Rock was the Scorpion King…
Scorpio (the scorpion) begins on October 23…
October 23 is 174 days after his birthday…
The Scorpion King released on 17/4, like 174…
California, The Rock’s home state, turned 174 years old on September 9…
The Rock was in San Andreas…
As I predicted at the start of the year, there would be an earthquake in California on August 6, 2024, the anniversary of Hiroshima, 96 days after The Rock’s birthday, and there was, a 5.2, going with him being 52, and having a 5/2 birthday (California=52, Government=52, Authority=52, Gavin Newsom=52).
Well, now I am predicting an earthquake for California on October 23 (which I already predicted about a month ago), but I’m just making sure you remember.
FYI, October 23 will be 44 days after California’s 174th birthday.
The August 6, 2024 earthquake was at 9:09 PM, similar to California’s 9/9 birthday.
The first act of weather warfare was admitted to on August 15, 1952, the Jesuit Order’s birthday.
The aftershocks rumbled through the region on August 7, the anniversary of the Jesuit suppression concluding. That date can be written 7/8, and October 23 is 78 days after August 6 (Jesuit=78, Scottish Rite=78, Order Out of Chaos=78, The Scorpion King=78, *October=78).
And recall, I also predicted there would be a TERRIBLE HURRICANE synced with The Rock’s 52nd birthday, which was Hurricane Helene, a storm that formed 146 days after he turned 52 (Hurricane=52 & 146). That storm was also synced with the singer of The Scorpions and their song “ROCK YOU LIKE A HURRICANE.” Read about that below.
*October 23 is 28 days after September 25 (the day Helene formed). This matters because 107 is the 28th prime number and (Earthquake=107, Military=107).
From the July 4, 2019 earthquake in California to October 23, 2024 is a span of 1939 days. This is noteworthy because the most magnificent California of 1939 happened at 7:40 AM.
It was on Christmas, or 12/25 (1225, square root of 35).
San Andreas released on the 149th day of the year (35th prime).
Magnitude 4.4 earthquake in LA on the “44 date,” August 12, 2024
This 4.4 magnitude earthquake comes on 44 date numerology (Earthquake=44, Military=44).
Japan issued the first “megaquake” warning on August 8, 2024
This warning came on 8/8 (Earthquake=457, 88th prime).
Read about HAARP, 457 & 88 here.
Keep in mind this warning came three days before the patent anniversary of HAARP.
California suffers 5.2 earthquake, 96 days after The Rock’s 52nd birthday
Chalk up another correct prediction.
As stated 8 days before this happened, expect an earthquake in California on August 6, 2024, 96 days after The Rock’s birthday (San Andreas=96).
Again, The Rock is 52 years old, has a 5/2 birthday, and it goes with this quake being another 5.2 (California=52).
October 23, 2024, will be 174 days after his birthday (San Andreas=96 & 174).
It goes with California turning 174 years old on September 9.
October 23 is also 10+23=33 (October=33, San Andreas=33).
For one more point, August 6, 2024 was the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, and it was a date with 38 numerology (Earthquake=163, 38th prime).
Los Angeles’ 5.2 (or was it 4.9?) magnitude earthquake, Monday, July 29, 2024 (88 days after The Rock’s birthday)
California=52 & 88
The Rock is 52 (born 5/2 — Mr. San Andreas)
Today is 88 days after his birthday (California=88)(Earthquake=457, 88th prime)
Today is also his 89th day of his age (Los Angeles, California=89)(Chaos=89).
Keep in mind today is the 211th day of the year (47th prime, Rock=47).
This happened 37 days before LA’s September 4 birthday (Los Angeles=37).
This happened on 44 date numerology (Earthquake=44, Military=44, HAARP=44).
Barstow=26, Quake=26 (26 date numerology today)
CNN runs headline about nationwide earthquake on The Rock’s 52nd birthday, May 2, 2024
This seems like encoded information. An earthquake could hurt a lot of people, including insurance companies. Two of the big companies are State Farm and Farmers.
This headline comes on the Rock’s 52nd birthday, 5/2. *Earth=52 *Enlil=52
He’s in the movie about the earthquake that rocks the nation.
That film will turn nine on May 26 & May 29, 2024.