Blaire Fleming, the trans volleyball player being used to distract the nation

Education News Sports Transgender / LGBTQ

The latest transgender news story focuses on the volleyball player, Blaire Fleming.

The person’s name is perfect for numerous reasons.
Blaire Fleming=113

Read about 113 and the mainstream media here.

Furthermore, the name encodes 238, a number related to the all-seeing eye.
Blaire Fleming=238
Eye of Providence=238

Elon Musk and JK Rowling named in Khelif cyberbullying lawsuit, August 13, 2024 news

Legal New World Order News Sports Transgender / LGBTQ

Khelif was the biggest controversy in the 33rd Summer Olympics (Khelif=33).

And now that the games are over, the controversy still carries on.

They had to remind you of the “46 second” fight, and now, Elon Musk was named in the lawsuit 46 days after his birthday.

Keep in mind Elon Musk is 53 right now, the ‘transgender’ ritual number.

As for JK Rowling, the 46 second fight was 91 days after Khelif’s birthday, on August 1, 2024, connecting with the words ‘boxing’ and ‘Rowling.’

The Society of Jesus=91 & 71 *Boxing=91 & 71

91 is the 13th triangular number, and this news came 13 days after Rowling’s birthday.

Also, this news broke on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, a date with 65 numerology.

And last, Khelif won the gold on the day leaving 144 days in the year, August 9.

The Jesuits were born in France (aka, The Society of Jesus).

Elon Musk tells Dr. Jordan Peterson the tranny agenda killed his son, Monday, July 22, 2024

Celebrity Jesuit News Transgender / LGBTQ

This story first broke on Monday, July 22, 2024, a date with 53 numerology. As we know, 53 is the transgender code in the media (7+22+24=53).

Notice that the name Vivian Jenna Wilson equates to 78.

It should remind you of the time he was declared the richest man in the world, for the first time ever, on the 78th death anniversary of Nikola Testla (Tesla=78, Jesuit=78).

In this case, the remarks were made on Jordan Peterson’s show.

And keep in mind Xavier is a strong Jesuit name, with a long Jesuit history.

United Methodist Church lifts 40 year ban on LGBTQ clergy, May 1, 2024 news

Politics Religion Secret Societies Transgender / LGBTQ

These are the headlines on May 1, 2024, the Illuminati’s 248th birthday.
Columbia University=248

Today, the Illuminati transitions from 247 to 248.
United Methodist Church=247

40 is a very biblical number (look into it if you don’t know). It starts in the Old Testament, with the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. *Old Testament=40 *United States=40 *US=40

Recall, there are 929 chapters in the OT of Protestant Bibles. *United States of America=929 (Jewish)

There were 51 dissenting votes on May 1, or 5/1.
May First=51 *Adam Weishaupt=51

The ban was in place since ’84, a very Jesuit number, reminding us that Adam Weishaupt was a Jesuit.

White House responds to Pope Francis after he condemns ‘gender theory,’ April 8, 2024

Catholic Church Federal Jesuit News Transgender / LGBTQ
Faith Friction=138/75/213/78

Gender Theory=144, 72 & 54
Jesuit Order=144, 72 & 54

Recall how important 144 & 72 are to Joe Biden’s legacy. *President Biden=144 & 72

And the same is true for the first Jesuit Pope, Pope Francis.

Today is also 8/4, like 84. *The Jesuit Order=84 *United States of America=84

Virginia transgender lawmaker storms off after being called ‘sir’ by 42nd Lt. Governor in Black History Month, February 27, 2024

Gender Government News Racism Transgender / LGBTQ

As per usual, the ’53’ code is in effect for the national transgender headline.

This news comes on 53 date numerology. *2/27/24=2+27+24=53

Today also has 19 date numerology. *2/27/2024=2+2+7+2+0+2+4=19

Notice, they’re attempting to shame the 42nd Lieutenant Governor of Virginia.
February=42, Slavery=42, Nigger=42, etc.

And they have to shame her while she is 59-years-old.
Slave=59, Negro=59, Blues=59, Rasta=59

Pebbles LaDime Doe killing becomes first federal hate crime towards transgender in history, February 23, 2024

Death Legal Murder by Numbers News Transgender / LGBTQ

Doe was killed at age 24, back in 2019, and now this story comes up to start ’24, in Black History Month.
Black History=181 (42nd prime) *Daqua Lameek Ritter=181

‘Hate crime’ has the 53 encode, like ‘transgender.’

It goes with the recent killing story of Nex Benedict, who died after being beaten at school on February 8, or 8/2, like 82.

This news comes 54 months after the killing, and on the 54th day of the year.
Jesuit Order=54

February 23 is something like 223, the 48th prime, and the killing was on 4/8, or 4th of August.

The killing was also on Obama’s birthday, who hired the first transgender employee in White House history. He was also the first president to routinely call his wife a man’s name, Michael, instead of Michelle.

Nex Benedict, the nonbinary teen beaten to death, February 7, 2024

Death Murder by Numbers News Transgender / LGBTQ

Nex Benedict received a deadly beating on February 7, 2024, a date with 53 numerology, the number seen time and time again in ‘transgender’ related rituals.

53 is the 16th prime number (16-year-old)

They passed away from the beating the following day, February 8, or 2/8, like 28.

And let us not overlook that the beating came on February 7, the 38th day of the year.
Murder=38, Killing=38, Death=38, RIP=38

Transgender funeral for Cecilia Gentili becomes ‘sacrilegious’ at St. Patrick’s Cathedral,

Catholic Church News Transgender / LGBTQ

Mocking God=53 & 172
Transgender=53 & 172

As we know, “53” is the transgender number.

In this case, the activist died at age 52, thus in their 53rd year of life.

The activist also died at 52, on the Pope’s 52nd day of their age. *Pope=52

Cecilia Gentili=89
Sacrilegious Funeral=89

Cecilia Gentili=73
St. Patrick’s Cathedral=73
Mass of Reparation=73

The surname Gentili is similar to genitals, as well as gentile.

For one last point, the funeral was on the 46th day of the year, February 15.