Black men bear the majority of monkeypox cases, August 18, 2022 news

Recall, the US government declared a monkeypox emergency on Barack Obama’s birthday, the nation’s first black president. Now they are saying monkeypox is a problem for black men. Keep in mind today is 14 days after Obama’s last birthday.
Obama = 14
Slave = 14
The 14th Amendment…

St. John’s Well Child & Family Center = 153
Jesuit Order = 153
Monkeypox renamed by WHO as Clade I and Clade II, Friday, August 12, 2022

Notice, this news broke Friday, August 12, or 12/8, like 128.
Clade I = 128
-Clade I = 25 / 34 / 38 / 128
-Clade II = 34 / 43 / 47 / 146

Recall, on June 14, or 14/6, WHO said they would rename Monkeypox.
Clade II = 146
Thus, the renaming of the virus came August 12, 59-days later. It is a reminder that the emergency for the illness in the US was declared on Obama’s birthday…
And remember, they say HIV came out of the Belgian Congo in ’59.
Belgian Congo = 59
Biden plans to declare monkeypox outbreak a PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY on Barack Obama’s 61st birthday, August 4, 2022

This news breaks August 4, 2022, a date that can be written 4/8. And recall, Monkeypox was declared in the US on May 18, the 138th day of the year. Thus 48, and 138, for ‘Monkeypox.

Read about Monkeypox in US on May 18, 2022.
Read more about Monkeypox by the numbers here.
But notice, the case was found the day prior, May 17, 2022, in Massachusetts.
May 17, 137th day of year
137, 33rd prime
Massachusetts = 33
Monkeypox = 33

Order of Illuminati = 105 / 201 (Event 201 gang simulated Monkeypox too…)
105, 14th triangular number
14th Amendment
Slave = 14
Obama = 14

And think. On Barack Obama’s birthday, this is the headline? And again, how many times did Barack Obama call Michelle, Michael? Plus, MONKEYpox, and the first black US president?
Slave = 59
Negro = 59
Rasta = 59
Blues = 59
Renegade = 59 (Obama’s Secret Service name)
Obamacare = 59 (Think about it… especially with the new laws and coming mandates)
-If you don’t have sovereignty over your own body, you are someone’s slave

Joe Biden just won the 59th US Presidential Election.
-JFK was killed 59-years ago *John F. Kennedy = 59
-Biden elected #46, 46-weeks after Pope Francis’ birthday
–Pope Francis = 59
–Catholic = 46
–JFK killed at age 46

Kill = 59 (Jewish Gematria)
Again all these rituals are from the Society of Jesus.
President Obama = 61
Washington DC = 61
Jesus = 61
Cross = 61

*JFK became President in ’61
*Remember, 61 is related to God in Sacred Geometry (Flower of Life)
God = 61 (Jewish Gematria)
ALSO, let us not forget that Obama won the 56th Presidential Election.
Society of Jesus = 56
Washington DC = 56
Anthony Fauci = 56
Black Lives Matter = 56
Coronavirus = 56
Covid Vaccine = 56
And the first case of Monkeypox confirmed in the world at this time is from May 6, or 5/6.
And, the monkeypox pandemic was simulated March 26, 2021, or 26/3, like 263.
263, 56th prime

These details also factor in with it being labeled a ‘gay’ disease.
Monkeypox = 33 / 48
Gay = 33 / 48
-Today is 4/8

And this is also happening on a date with 54 numerology, reminding that Barack Obama closed out the Agenda 2030 Conference, September 27, 2015, 54-days after his 54th birtdhay.
Jesuit Order = 54
Sun = 54
That was the day leaving 95-days in the year, and the Jesuits were created to counter the 95 Theses.
Emergency = 95
-Read about WHO’s July 23 Monkeypox Emergency ritual
And again, his birthday is 8/4.
Jesuit = 84
The Jesuit Order = 84
The Catholic Church = 84
United States of America = 84
-Jesuit Order = 144
-President Biden = 144
-The United States of America = 144
New York Times reports Monkeypox Vaccine shortage on August 3, 2022

On August 3, 2022, the New York Times published that the Monkeypox Vaccine will be in short supply for at least a few months, which is projected to the month of November. To me, this likely the beginning of the narrative to setup eventually declaring a “Monkeypox Pandemic.” If that happened in the 12th month, December, no doubt it would be a tribute to the film 12 Monkeys.
Pandemic = 38
-NYT on 3/8 (Aug. 3)
The 47-cases of Monkeypox between 1970-79

47 cases!!!!? NCBI.
38 cases!!!? Africa = 38 *Death = 38 *Pandemic = 38
The first case was May 6, 2022, emphasis on 5/6 or 6/5.
Society of Jesus = 56 / 79
Coronavirus = 56 / 70
-56 is 70 in base-8
-First case of Monkeypox in 1970
Pandemic = 65 / 38
-Tomorrow is 3/8 (3rd day of August)

If they declared a pandemic on August 3, 2022, or 3/8, it would fit with the trend.
Pandemic = 38 / 65

From May 6 to August 3 is 89-days later.
Virus = 89
Chaos = 89

Notice this detail about a case from July 15, 2021.
157, 37th prime
Virus = 37

7/15/21 = 7+15+21 = 43
Pandemic = 38 / 43 / 65 / 151
-First case of Covid in US was 15/1 (like 151)
-August 3 through December 31 is a total of 151-days

Recall, first case of Monkeypox in US was May 18, 138th day of the year.
Monkeypox = 138
Joe Biden names Robert J. Fenton Jr. as Monkeypox coordinator, August 1, 2022

This move came on August 1, or 8/1, like 81.
President Biden = 81
Ritual = 81 / 81
And again, Monkeybox is a mostly homosexual illness.

It was the day leaving 152-days in the year.
Joe Biden = 152
Remember, the first case in the US was May 18, the 138th day of the year.
Monkeypox = 138
Federal = 138
His name goes with virus.
Robert J. Fenton Jr. = 89
Virus = 89
And since Monkeypox is a gay virus, don’t forget the FDA approved 54 sizes of anal condoms on the 54th day of the year, February 23, 2022.
Jesuit Order = 54
That was 84-days before May 18.
Jesuit = 84
United States of America = 84

New York, Illinois & California declares monkeypox emergencies after accounting for 47% of the United States cases (July 29 – August 1, 2022)

The date August 1, or 8/1, fits with the ongoing Sodom and Gomorrah theme.

This came 161-days after the February 23 announcement.
Los Angeles = 161
Phi = 1.61 (Golden Ratio)
-Philadelphia, about a homosexual man (Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington)
-The LA & Philadelphia connection (Kobe Bryant +)
The three states with the three biggest cities have declared monkeypox emergencies.
And notice, per the news, they make up 47% of US cases.
News = 47
Homosexual = 47 (Monkeypox is a gay virus)

New York declared their emergency on Friday, July 29, 2022 (International Tiger Day).
Illinois & California declared their emergencies on Monday, August 1, 2022.
Sodom and Gomorrah = 81
The first confirmed case in the U.S. was from May 18, 2022.
-July 29 was 72-days later (span of 73)
–Jesuit Order = 72
-Monkeypox Emergency = 73
Recall, WHO declared a global health emergency on July 23, 2022.
They did that while 75 countries supposedly had cases.
New World Order = 75
Order = 75
California and Illinois declared their emergencies 75-days after May 18, 2022.

WHO declares monkeypox a public health emergency 905-days after doing the same for coronavirus, July 23, 2022

The WHO news about the public emergency for monkeypox comes 905-days after January 30, 2020, when they declared coronavirus a public health emergency.
Emergency = 95

Jesuits created to counter 95 Theses…
Recall, the first case of Monkeypox traces back to May 6, or 5/6, or 6/5 (like 56 and 65).
-56 is 70 in base-8 counting
-Monkeypox Virus = 70
-Coronavirus = 70
-Covid Vaccine = 70
That means the emergency has been declared 78-days later, or a span of 79.
Society of Jesus = 79
Order Out of Chaos = 78
Monkeypox Outbreak = 78
Monkeypox Vaccine = 78
Jesuit = 78
Recall when the coronavirus pandemic was declared 78-days after Fauci’s 79th birthday, or on his 79th day of being 79-years-old.
And since they’re already putting money towards vaccines for Monkeypox, notice how the phrase ‘Monkeypox Vaccine’ fits in with today, July 23, or 23/7, like 237.

At this time they’re reporting it is in 75 countries…
New World Order = 75
Order = 75
Today is 142-days after Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus March 3 birthday.
Coronavirus = 142

Read more about Monkeypox by the numbers here.
Funny enough, today’s date relates to the monkey in Chinese Astrology.
Leo = Monkey

First cases of Monkeypox confirmed in children, July 22, 2022

This news comes on the 203rd day of the year, 65-days after the first confirmed case in the United States, on May 18, 2022, the 138th day of the year.
Monkeypox Pandemic = 203
Monkeypox = 138
Pandemic = 65
This news comes July 22, or 22/7, like 227.
Monkeypox Virus = 227
United States has 201 confirmed cases of monkeypox, June 25, 2022 reporting

This news broke on George Orwell’s birthday, June 25.
George Orwell = 1229 (201st prime)
-George Orwell = 56 / 70
-Coronavirus = 56 / 70
-Covid Vaccine = 56 / 70
Notice the story begins on June 13, the day leaving 201 days left in the year.
Then it says there are 201 confirmed cases of Monkeypox in the nation.
Keletso Makofane = 54 / 153
Jesuit Order = 54 / 153