Peter Higgs, physicist who proposed Higgs boson, dead at 94, April 8, 2024, the day CERN was fired back up

Roman Catholic Church=94

His death at 94 is announced on 9/4, 9th of April.
Peter Higgs died Monday, April 8, or 4/8, the date CERN was fired back up.
Peter Higgs=48
If you have seen the Da Vinci Code, you know about the connection between CERN and the Illuminati’s interest in the particle collider. *Illuminati=48
His name ties in as well. *Peter Ware Higgs=80 *Bavarian Illuminati=80
So, in light of this all seeming a big ritualistic, go figure he died exactly 45 weeks after his last birthday.
His birthday, May 29, or 5/29, goes with the gematria of ‘European Council for Nuclear Research,’ what CERN stands for. *European Council for Nuclear Research=529

Notice that Sweden was one of the original twelve countries that signed the CERN Convention.

I bring this point up because of the ritual with the 4.8 magnitude earthquake in the Northeast United States on Henrik Stenson’s 48th birthday. If you missed my work on it, the theory is it had a lot to do with with nuclear ‘energy.’ Read more about that here.
And in light of that earthquake having an epicenter on Donald Trump’s golf course, a man with June 14 birthday, or 6/14, it is noteworthy that Higgs has died a span of 614 weeks, on the nose, from July 4, 2012, the supposed day the God Particle was discovered.
Moving on, Higgs died “from a short illness” on the 163rd day of Fabiola Gianotti’s age.
163, 38th prime *Death=38 *Earthquake=163