Staged Media / Controlled Opposition
David C. Weiss appointed special counsel to Hunter Biden case, August 11, 2023

It’s the 223rd day of the year in 2023!
David Weiss is a practicing member of law in the state of Delaware, where Joe Biden calls home these days, and where he was once Senator. And notice, Wikipedia only states he was born in ’56.
And notice where David C. Weiss ties in with today’s date, 11/8 (or 118), and 46.

*CIA = 118
He was nominated on the 46th day of the year, February 15, 2018, and Joe Biden is #46.

Today is 177 days after the February 15 anniversary.
The Jesuit Order = 177
Hunter Biden = 177

Think about it…
It is also 26-weeks and 6-days after Hunter Biden’s birthday.
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 266
Pope Francis, the 266th Pope
Pope Francis was at the White House with Joe Biden on September 23, 2015, the 266th day of the year.

The 188 days also reminds that the Jesuit Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati.
Bavarian Illuminati = 188

Joe Biden is 80 years old right now *Bavarian Illuminati = 188 & 80
Tomorrow will be Joe Biden’s 266th day of his age, and Sunday will be 266 days after his birthday, so we’ll see what comes this weekend.

Special counsel also goes with him being 80.
Today is 133-weeks and 3-days after Biden took office.
President = 133
White House = 133
Government = 133
Twitch streamer Kai Cenat sparks “riot” in Union Square in New York City, Friday, August 4, 2023

This occurred August 4, while Kai Cenat is 21-years-old.
Jesuit = 84 & 21

This occurred 231 days after his birtdhay.
231, 21st triangular number
Kai = 11+1+9 = 21

It was also 33 weeks (New York=33).
He has been a blue checkmark on Jesuit run Twitter since ’21.
Again, today is 8/4, like 84. *Jesuit = 84 & 21

It goes with the promise of Playstations being given away

It also happened exactly 33-weeks after his birthday as well.
New York = 33
Police = 33
Secrecy = 33
Masonry = 33 & 84

Remember how big 33 was with 9/11, in New York, in 2001? Cenat was born in 2001.
His first YouTube video was uploaded January 13,

K.C. is 11.3.
Look at this recent visit to Aunt Cathy.

His full name, Kai Carlo Cenat, also equates to 113.

Read more about YouTube and 113 here.
The 113s go with this coming 33 weeks after his birthday.

Today is a span of 39-days to 9/11 *New York = 33 & 39
And this is how these people are getting famous.

On July 4 he made big internet waves by setting fireworks off indoors. As we know, the Jesuits love firework (hello Guy Fawkes Day).
The Kai N’ Speed Show = 74 (his show)
Union Square Park = 74 (this)
WTCs on 74th Mer. W. (9/11)
Independence Day = 74 (7/4)
Holiday = 74 (7/4)
Masonic = 74
Occult = 74
Roman = 74

He was born 96 days after September 11.
Freemason = 96 & 48 (4/8)
*Assembly = 96 & 48 (4/8) (the issue of the day)
*Today is 4/8
People gathering for anything but freedom… signs of the times…
And notice the reporting just ahead, you’ll see…
4 million followers on YouTube (first mention)
4 PM (time of incident)
Level 4 (the NYPD’s action)
It is the 4th of August.
MLK on 4/4
Obama, #44
Today is a span of 135-days to Cenat’s upcoming birthday.
Central Intelligence Agency = 135
Checkout Inside Edition’s 19 second clip of the chaos
Chaos = 19

And look at the numbers on his own channel.

This ritual also comes 39 weeks after his likely father’s birthday, Diddy.

It’s also the 274th day of Diddy’s age (Iesus Hominum Salvator=274)
Tucker Carlson plays footage further exposing the lies of January 6, 2021 (Q’Anon Shaman & Brian Sicknick)

The footage Tucker Carlson played on Monday, March 6, 2023, showed us more of what we already knew. That the police and the “rioters” were working together. Since the days of “January 6th,” we’ve seen the video of the police opening the barricades for the “mob” to pass through.
We’ve also know that “Brian Sicknick” and his death is a totally contrived story. At first they reported that he died from “bear spray,” something that is hardly fatal. Trust me, I would know, since I got some in the face from Antifa at pointblank range.

This footage was played 71 days before Tucker Carlson’s 54th birthday, May 16, 2023.
Jacob Chansley = 71
The Society of Jesus = 71
It goes with the Brian Sicknick supposedly dying on January 7, or 7/1, like 71.
Also, tying in with the Catholic theme, this reveal comes 112 weeks and days later.
Catholicism = 112
Mathematics = 112
Jesuits operate in 112 countries
Boy pulled from Turkey earthquake wreckage after “52 hours,” February 8, 2023

After 52 hours? Remember, this earthquake happened on the 52nd day of the Pope’s age, February 6, 2023. And as we know, that is the number for environmental warfare. Furthermore, the earthquake took place 86 days after the Superior General’s birthday, and notice the boy’s very clean sweatshirt says “TRAINING 86.”

Pope = 52
Devil = 52
Earth = 52
Enlil = 52
And notice the MST in the background.

My take is this is staged propaganda to inspire hope in the hopeless.

Vladimir Putin grants Edward Snowden citizenship +Hurricane Ian news, September 26, 2022

Hurricane = 97
-97, 25th prime
-Flood = 25
-Earth = 25
If you count today, September 26, through December 31, it is a total of 97 days.
And in this case, Ian is intensifying on this day.
Yesterday, the 25th, Ian was also big news.

Notice his name, Edward Joseph Snowden. It is just perfect for ‘Russia.’

This news comes 97 days after his birthday (25th prime).
Roman Catholicism = 97
Pope = 25
If you count today through December 31, it is a total of 97 days.
Notice he is from Elizabeth City, in North Carolina, and the Carolinas are named after the Queen.
Edward Joseph Snowden = 87 / 93 / 222 / 291
–Russia = 87
-Saturn = 93
-Order Out of Chaos = 222
-Recall Russia putting its troops in Ukraine on 2/22/22
-December 12, 2022 will be 291 days after Russia-Ukraine began

This comes 11 days before Putin’s 70th birthday, and 11 is the master number.
Putin born October 7, 1952
And watch how this story develops on September 27, the big Jesuit date that is.
Russian Citizenship = 95
Snowden = 95
September 27 leaves 95 days in the year. And it is the Jesuit recognition anniversary. Of course, they were created to counter the 95 Theses.
Also, Snowden’s birthday is the 172nd day of the year.
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam = 172
AND FINALLY, in today’s news it is essentially Russian spies and the return of Mussolini. Funny.
Those who don’t know history… are doomed to repeat it….
Dorli Rainey, who gained national attention in 2011 for her Occupy Wall Street activism, is dead at 95, August 12, 2022 (and the news breaks 201 days before Tim Pool’s 37th birthday)

Dorli Rainey, in Seattle, the rainy city, next to Mt. Rainier?
Dorli Rainey = 68
Seattle, Washington = 68
-*Tim Pool born on 68th day of the year (Mr. Occupy)
Notice she died at age 95.
Catholicism = 95
-The Catholic Church and the 95 Theses
-Jesuits created to Counter 95 Theses

Her pepper spray incident happened when she was 84, and she died on August 12, the 224th day of the year. Of course, the divisors of 84 sum to 224.
The Society of Jesus = 224
Jesuit = 84
*Timothy Daniel Pool = 84 (Tim Pool, Mr. Occupy)
The word ‘Occupy’ fits.
Occupy = 79
Society of Jesus = 79
Think of Tim Pool (famous through Occupy).
Tim Pool = 35
Catholic = 35
Holy See = 35
Jesuitism = 35
Eye = 35
So go figure the news of her death broke August 20, 201 days before Tim Pool’s birthday.
The Jesuit Order = 201

He will turn 37 March 9, 2023, as a Chicago native.
Chicago = 35 / 37
Tim Pool = 35 / 37
Notice her speaking date was November 18, the 322nd day of the year in 2011.
The Satanic Verses, published September 26, 1988

September 26? Recall, Olivia Newton-John just died on August 8, and her birthday was September 26.
Satanic Verses = 88 / 47
Beast = 88 / 47
And following Olivia’s death, August 9, Serena Williams, born on September 26, retired.
And this year, September 26, 2022, will mark the last day of the Jewish Sabbatical year, something that happens every seven years in their faith.

Read prior work on Salman Rushdie’s August 12, 2022 stabbing, 54-days after his birthday here.
Salman Rushdie = 54 / 144
Jesuit Order = 54 / 144
In the case of Olivia Newton-John, she died a span of 54-days from the Grease release date anniversary, June 16, 1978. And her death has a lot to do with John Travolta, who was born in ’54.
And in the case of Serena, she retired on the 54th day of her sister’s age, Venus.
Venus = 54
As we know, 54 is a big number with the Jesuits and more.
*John Carroll = 54
-Established first Jesuit Uni. Georgetown when he was 54-years-old (Jan. 23, 1789)
*Mark of the Beast = 54
*Kobe Bean Bryant = 54 (The Sunday before Super Bowl 54…)
-That was the Joe Montana Bowl (49ers vs. Chiefs)
-Joe Montana = 54
-Kobe’s 666th career game, career high (he scored 81)
-Kobe Bean Bryant = 54 / 81
-Mark of the Beast = 54 / 81
*Islam = 54 / 81
—Think of Osama bin Laden killed on his 54th day of being 54-years-old.
–Terrorism = 54
–President Biden = 81
–Biden addressed nation about killing Bin Laden’s right hand man on August 8 (8/1)
–That address was about the killing on the last day of the first ever Jesuit Ignatian Year (Jul. 31)
*Tennis = 54 / 81
-The parallel with Serena Williams
ALSO, never forget Cable 54 in They Live.
As for the Fatwa issued against Rushdie, it was Valentine’s Day, February 14, 1989, a very Catholic Day. And it was just after Georgetown began its 201st year of existence.
Georgetown = 129 (129 is 201 in base-8 counting)
It was issued 20-weeks and 1-day after the book released on September 26, 1988 (201).
-It was also a span of 142-days (a bit like 14/2)
And get a load of the detail of 56 safe houses below.
Society of Jesus = 56
Washington DC = 56

It’s interesting that he died at age 89, in ’89.
Ruhollah Khomeini = 89
Religion = 89
-89 chapters in Gospel
Will Smith apologizes to Chris Rock, July 29, 2022

This apology comes International Tiger Day, in the Year of the Tiger, July 29, 2022, a span of 125-days from the March 27, 2022 slap.
Read about the March 27, 2022 slap here.

This comes on a date with 58 numerology, July 29, 2022.
7/29/22 = 7+29+22 = 58
Chris Rock = 58
Freemasonry = 58
Secret Society = 58
It also comes 58-days before Will Smith’s September 25 birthday.
This comes 307-days after Will Smith’s birthday as well.
307, 63rd prime
Racism = 63

This also comes 172-days after Chris Rock’s birthday.
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam = 172
-Motto shared by Jesuits and Masons
-Today has 78 date numerology as well
-Sidney Poitier = 78
-Scottish Rite = 78
-Jesuit = 78

Notice how Will Smith overlaps with ‘numerology.’

And recall this ritual was connected to the death of Sidney Poitier at age 94, before Will Smith won Best Actor at the 94th Oscars.
7/29/2022 = 7+29+20+22 = 78

And finally, today has 42 date numerology also.
7/29/2022 = 7+29+(2+0+2+2) = 42
Slavery = 42
Tuskegee = 42
Jackie = 42
…the long list…
Freemason = 42
Jesuit = 42
This news also comes 4-months and 2-days after the March 27 slap…
And again, 42 and 59 being brought together on ‘Tiger’ Day.
Tiger = 59
Slave = 59
Negro = 59
-Five = 42
-Nine = 42
Post Malone’s ‘Always Tired’ face tattoo & Bobby Crimo’s ‘Awake’ version, in light of the number 47 obsession

Recall, on July 4, 2022, Post Malone’s 27th birthday, the rapper with ‘Awake’ tattooed on his face reportedly shot up Highland Park, Illinois. He also has a 47 tattooed on his head and drove a car with a 47 on the side of it, a lot like the fourth day of the seventh month.
Read about Bobby ‘Awake’ Crimo, the rapper obsessed with 47 here.
And notice the words on Post Malone’s face, Always Tired, equate to 47.

Read more about Awake the rapper and his July 4 shooting here.

‘Baked Alaska’ news breaks at same time Russia and Europe’s latest energy crisis is top news story (mainstream mockery)

Notice, the top story is the energy problem between Russia and Europe.
And the breaking news is ‘Baked Alaska.’ Of course the US once acquired Alaska for military strategic purposes regarding the Soviet Union / Russia. And right now there is a military conflict with Russia.
Alaska’s statehood occurred on January 3, 1959.

Alaska just turned 63 to start 2022 (and it was created on a 63 date numerology 1+3+59=63). It was admitted in ’59, and here we are during the time of the 59th presidential election winner, Joe Biden.
Green New Deal = 59 (Baked Alaska joke)
-JFK (the only other Catholic President other than Biden)
-JFK killed in ’63
–John F. Kennedy = 59
–Pope Francis = 59
–Paris = 63
–Jesuits home (Paris, France)
We are also in the time of the 117th Congress.
Alaska = 117
Central Intelligence Agency = 117
And of course, there are tensions with Russia.

In light of the name Baked Alaska, think of the record temperatures in the states in recent times.

And politically, with high fuel prices, part of the reason is the drilling that has stopped in places like Alaska, a controversial drilling state for many decades.

Recall, the military conflict began February 24, 2022, a date with 68 numerology.
2/24/2022 = 2+24+20+22 = 68
Donald John Trump = 68
Drill Baby Drill = 68
CIA = 68

*Recall, Russia-Ukraine got hot February 22 and the military conflict began February 24, the 55th day of the year. Today’s news is July 25, or 25/7, like 257, 55th prime.
Military = 55
Putin = 55
He goes by the the name Tim Treadstone.
Tim Treadstone = 55

Trump, #45… Alaska… “drill, baby, drill…”

Trump, Serta, “looking good number nine.”
–45 is 9th triangular number
–Mike Pence = 45 / 45
-IHS = 45
We are in time of 117th Congress now and not drilling in Alaska is what Republicans are calling madness.
For the record, the last day of the Ignatian Year will be July 31, 2022, a date with 60 numerology, and 47-days after Trump’s 75th birthday (48th day of his age).
Trump = 47
Vatican = 47
Francis = 47
Time = 47
President = 47
White House = 47
Government = 47
Authority = 47
Republican = 47
Democrat = 47
-Donald Trump = 48
-Cleveland = 48 (Only US President to have split term)
-If Biden does not finish his term, and he is reelected, he will be number 48, and the 47th person to be US President (what are the odds?)
Recall, Trump’s ex just died 45-years after their marriage began, 60-weeks after the Ignatian Year began, hours after news broke he hinted he would run for the 60th US Presidential Election, and on the day of the 72-page report from conservatives against Trump based on 60 cases ruling against Trump.
IHS = 45
Order = 60
Donald Trump = 60
-Jesuit Order = 72
-President Trump = 72
-President Biden = 72
-*Conservative = 72

19 million acres? 78,000 square kilometers?
Order Out of Chaos = 78
Chaos = 19
-Jesuit = 78
-Sun Card, 19th card in Tarot
-78 cards in the Tarot Deck
-Genesis = 78
-78th verse of Genesis, 3:22
Wikipedia is describing him as a promoter of antisemitic conspiracy theories. They love to do that.