Dorli Rainey, who gained national attention in 2011 for her Occupy Wall Street activism, is dead at 95, August 12, 2022 (and the news breaks 201 days before Tim Pool’s 37th birthday)

Catholic Church Celebrity Entertainment Jesuit Murder by Numbers News Politics Staged Media / Controlled Opposition

Dorli Rainey, in Seattle, the rainy city, next to Mt. Rainier?
Dorli Rainey = 68
Seattle, Washington = 68
-*Tim Pool born on 68th day of the year (Mr. Occupy)

Notice she died at age 95.
Catholicism = 95
-The Catholic Church and the 95 Theses
-Jesuits created to Counter 95 Theses

Her pepper spray incident happened when she was 84, and she died on August 12, the 224th day of the year. Of course, the divisors of 84 sum to 224.
The Society of Jesus = 224
Jesuit = 84
*Timothy Daniel Pool = 84 (Tim Pool, Mr. Occupy)

The word ‘Occupy’ fits.
Occupy = 79
Society of Jesus = 79

Think of Tim Pool (famous through Occupy).
Tim Pool = 35
Catholic = 35
Holy See = 35
Jesuitism = 35
Eye = 35

So go figure the news of her death broke August 20, 201 days before Tim Pool’s birthday.
The Jesuit Order = 201

He will turn 37 March 9, 2023, as a Chicago native.
Chicago = 35 / 37
Tim Pool = 35 / 37

Notice her speaking date was November 18, the 322nd day of the year in 2011.

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