John Hinckley, Jr. to be given unconditional release on June 15, 2022 (June 1 news)

This news breaks June 1, or 6/1, like 61.
Assassin = 61
Washington D.C. = 61
The assassination attempt on Reagan, March 30, 1981, was a span of 61-days from Hinckley’s May 29, 1981 birthday. *JFK became President in ’61, and was born May 29, 1917.
Recall, he was freed from his mental hospital at age 61, after “35-years.” JFK, #35.

His release on June 15 will be 77-days after the 41-year anniversary of the assassination attempt.
United States = 77
Judge Paul Friedman = 77
-D.C. on 77th Meridian West
USA = 41
Dallas = 41 (Where Hinckley went to high school & JFK was killed)
His release on June 15 will be 129-days after Reagan’s birthday anniversary.
Hinckley = 129
-129 is 201 in base 8 counting
Keep in mind John Hinckley was born on May 29, the same day in history as JFK, who was assassinated.

June 15 leaves 199-days in the year (46th prime) *JFK killed at age 46 *RFK = 46 *Catholic = 46 *Chaos = 46
And keep in mind Ronald Reagan died on June 5, the same day in history Bobby Kennedy was shot by Sirhan Sirhan.

June 5, or 5/6
Society of Jesus = 56
Washington D.C. = 56

As we know, Highland Park High School is where Matthew Stafford, Clayton Kershaw and Scottie Scheffler all went to school, and as we know their scripted sports careers are all tied together.

John Hinckley, Jr. = 72 / 72
Jesuit Order = 72
Fifth grader in Cape Coral arrested at Patriot Elementary School for threatening mass shooting, Saturday, May 28, 2022

Notice this happened at ‘Patriot Elementary School.’
Patriot Elementary School = 109
Shooting = 109
-Cape Coral = 74
-Active Shooter = 74
Read about Ruben Ruiz and Eva Mireles in relation to the latest 109 shooting ritual in Uvalde, Texas at Robb Elementary School.
Ruben Ruiz = 109
Eva Mireles = 109
-Dallas-Warriors game the day of the shooting in Texas was all about 109
In this case the arrest of the 5th grader came on ‘Saturday.’
Saturday = 109 / 107
Shooting = 109 / 107

Chardon High School shooting, February 27, 2012 +Prison break of T.J. Lane the shooter & September 11, 2014

8-years ago today was the Chardon High School shooting.

The shooting was on the 58th day of the year, February 27.
It was on a date with 61 numerology.
2/27/2012 = 2+27+20+12 = 61
*Ohio = 61
This occurred in Chardon, Ohio, or 187 town, on February 27, or 2/27.
The name of the event has a ‘Scottish’ connection as well.
*227, 49th prime *2/27 shooting date
Later that same year, on December 14, 2012, the Sandy Hook shooting would happen, on a date with 58 numerology. 12/14/2012 = 12+14+20+12 = 58
The shooter was T.J. Lane III.
He was also often referred to without the III in his name.

*March 19 *Masonic = 319 *Killing = 319
This man reportedly escaped prison a couple years later, September 11, 2014, only to be caught hours later, September 12.
Don’t forget the Columbine shooter Dylan Klebold had a September 11 birthday, and he had a fantasy of hijacking a plane and flying it into a skyscraper in New York…

The shooting was 5-months and 8-days after Lane’s birthday.

It was also his 162nd day of his age.

David Lee May, 42-year-old black male prisoner, found dead February 16, 2020, at Central Mississippi Correctional Facility

David Lee May was found dead, on the 47th day of the year.
As for ‘May’ being 42, we know what that means…
This comes during Black History Month. *Black History = 181 (42nd prime)
Notice the mention of the 18th inmate death in the headline being May.
If you have read my book, you know the 18th chapter is about racism by the numbers, and yes, I made it the 18th chapter intentionally, because it is use systematically in articles such as this. For example, revisit the January 8, or 1/8 story, about Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, stepping back from their royal duties, for matters of race: