China says 126 dead after 7.1 magnitude earthquake on January 7, 2025

Catholic Church Earthquake Jesuit Military Natural Disaster News

The 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Tibet comes on the 7th day of the 1st month, or 7/1.

The earthquake in Tibet comes 56 days after the Superior General’s birthday.

This ritual comes 263 days before September 27, 2025, the Jesuit’s anniversary of being recognized by the Roman Catholic Church (The People’s Republica of China=263, Republic of China=263). The number 263 is the 56th prime number.

Today is the 22nd day of the Pope’s age (Buddha=22).

Today is 185 days after the Dalai Lama’s birthday (Catholicism=185, Mathematics=185).

He is the 14th Dalai Lama, and it is the 14th day since the birthday of the Sun (Dalai Lama=54 & 27, Sun=54 & 27).

Today is 185 days after his birthday.

China said it was a 6.8 (like 68).

August 26, 2023, a date to watch

History Military Natural Disaster News Predictive Programming Weather

After the massive 127 ritual in Maui, which carried into Spokane, Washington, we are watching August 26, the day leaving 127 days in the year. Making this date even more interesting is that it would be the 127th day of Oppenheimer’s age if he were still alive.

Of course, August 26 is also the 238th day of the year, going with the “big bomb” that Oppenheimer helped make. Uranium-238 is part of the recipe.

And once again, we know Polynesia is in the crosshairs, and their “natural disaster” news could come as soon as Saturday, August 26, 2023.

Moana, the Rock, and the Maui “wildfires” star of August 8, 2023

Entertainment Fire Military Natural Disaster Predictive Programming
Moana = 44 *Maui = 44 *HAARP = 44 *Military = 44
*Maui, the fire god, is Polynesian

Moana released November 23, 2016, the day leaving 38 days in the year.

As we know, the fire in Maui’s rapid spread was blamed on Hurricane Dora
Dora = 38
Fire = 38

They also came 38-weeks and 3-days after the Superior General’s 74th birthday, Nov. 12, 2022.

As we also discussed, the major flooding in Maui was March 8, 2021, or 3/8.
-That was on The Rock’s 311th day of his age (201 is 311 in base-8 counting)
-The August 8 fire was 129 days before Disney’s death anniversary (129 is 201 in base-8 counting)

And in this case, notice Dwayne The Rock Johnson portrayed Maui, the Fire God (and Earthquake God), in the Disney film Moana.

The rock’s birthday is May 2, or 5/2, and he is in his 52nd year of of life right now. As we know, the first act of weather warfare was admitted to on August 15, 1952, the Jesuit Order’s birthday.
Hurricane = 52
Earth = 52
Enlil = 52
Flood = 52
*Fire = 25

He will turn 52 in 2024.
California = 52 (San Andreas)

Notice he is 51 as Hawaii burns.

San Andreas released 9 days after The Rock’s birthday, and 2024 will be the 9th anniversary of the film, May 29, JFK’s birthday, part of the legacy of American tragedies, like Maui.

The 9s goes with the 99s. Notice, the fire in Maui began on August 8, 2023, the 99th day of The Rock’s age.

Read more about the Directed Energy Weapon ritual in Maui on August 8, 2023 here.

*From the film’s release to the disaster was a span of 350-weeks. *The Rock=35

Keep in mind The Rock is in San Andreas, about the massive fault line on the west coast, and Maui is also the Polynesian god of earthquakes.

Notice the headlines heading into August 15, the Jesuit Order’s birthday, say 99 dead in Maui.

Also noteworthy, notice the 201 connection with the death of The Rock’s grandfather. This is important because the grandfather was inspiration for the film.

Historic coast-to-coast storm, February 22, 2023

Military Natural Disaster News Weather

65 million people, 29 states. The two numbers have numerology of 11, the master number.

And for the record, out here in Washington state, the wind started to blow tremendously on Tuesday, February 21, 2023, the 52nd day of the year. As we know, that is the number connected to weather warfare, since 1952.

And in this case, a couple states south of me is ‘California,’ so we’ll see what this storm brings to that state, since they’e emphasizing 65 million people.
California = 52 & 65

Also, how often do “coast to coast storms” happen? Historically, they didn’t.
Coast to Coast Storm = 56 & 223
Natural Disaster = 56 & 223

And consider today is 2/22.
Order Out of Chaos = 222

For certain people, there are lots of money to be made from these storms.

Turkey’s & Syria’s deadly earthquake at 4:17 AM, February 6, 2023, is clearly a Jesuit ritual & tribute to the Synagogue of Satan

Awards Ceremony Biblical Catholic Church Earthquake Entertainment Jesuit Military Murder by Numbers Natural Disaster News

The Turkey & Syria earthquake of Monday, February 6, 2023, a 7.8, was the worst for the region in 84 years (78 and 84).

The earthquake also took place on the first Jesuit Pope’s 52nd day of his age.

Remember, the first act of weather warfare was admitted to in ’52, on the Jesuit Order’s birthday, August 15, 1952.

*Part of CNN’s narrative this morning is how this earthquake can improve relations with Turkey and NATO, who has been a member since 1952.

Also, as I stated, 2023 would be full of tributes to Philadelphia and the Synagogue of Satan, as well as “natural disasters.” Of course, the letter to the Church of Philadelphia in Revelation, is located in modern day Turkey.

Keep in mind February 6 is the 37th day of the year, going with Revelation 3:7, where the letter to the Church of Philadelphia begins.

Read about HAARP being patented on the 223rd day of 1987 here.

And as for it being in ’87, this ritual took place on the 87th day of the Superior General’s age.

You could also say it came 86 days after his birthday, while the Pope is 86-years-old, reminding of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, or 8/6.

Adding to the ritual, notice the gematria of the fault line.

And as I just pointed out, the death of the ex-president of Pakistan, at 79, was a clear Jesuit ritual, and his birthday was the anniversary of the establishment of HAARP.

When the news broke in the U.S., the 65th Grammy’s were taking place, and it was at the same time as the Sam Smith “Unholy” performance.

It’s a reminder that the Church of ‘Philadelphia’ was in ‘Turkey.’

And it is a reminder that Biden is from Pennsylvania, and is surrounded by Jesuits, and this ritual comes on his 79th day of his age. Of course, the US is sending help… and the US developed the HAARP technology.

It was still February 5, or 5/2, in the U.S., while Sam Smith was playing the devil, 103 days before his upcoming birthday.

Keep in mind the Philadelphia Eagles play in Super Bowl 57 next week, to conclude the 103rd NFL season.

As for Kim Petras, she also fits in with the ‘devil’ ritual.

Her birthday is the 239th day of the year (52nd prime).

The date of their performance can be written 2/5 or 5/2 (like 25 and 52).

The performance was exactly 29 weeks before her birthday to boot.

Keep in mind, they are both 30-years-old, going with ‘Bible.’

Jesus ministry begins at age 30.

Furthermore, the earthquake of February 6 was 102-days before Sam Smith’s upcoming birthday, a favorite number of the Jesuits.

And the name of the song goes back to the Jesuits, who were created to counter the 95 Theses.

Again, this technology that has been developed allows them to play ‘God,’ thus the ritual on February 6, or 2/6, like 26.

The earthquake happened at the 257th minute of the day.

And again, the initial deadly quake happened at the 257th minute of the day.

As for why it was first reported that “at least 100” people were dead on February 6, or 6/2, like 62, it goes with ‘Turkey.’

Also, this came 20 days before the President of Turkey’s birthday.

And don’t overlook that he is 68-years-old while this happens. As we know, it is a number connected to ‘terror’ and tragedy.

Furthermore, this comes 83 days before António Guterres’s birthday.
António Guterres = 201 / 87
The Jesuit Order = 201

Order of Illuminati = 201 (This happened on Adam Weishaupt’s birthday)

It also came a span of 84 days, going with worst quake in 84 years.

Keep in mind Turkey recently changed its name to Turkiye.

Turkiye = 37 (Earthquake on 37th day of the year)
-Revelation 3:7
Turkiye = 44
Earthquake = 44
Military = 44

Tornadoes cause significant damage in south, especially Selma, Alabama, January 12, 2023

History Military Natural Disaster News Racism Weather

The Selma to Montgomery Marches were 87 kilometers in total.

Keep in mind Selma is on the 87th Meridian West.

This news comes three days before Martin Luther King Jr.’s January 15 birthday.
Three = 56
Society of Jesus = 56
Natural Disaster = 56 / 223
-It is 2023…

Of course, one of the things MLK is remembered for is the 54-mile Selma to Montgomery March, that ended on March 25, 1965, the 84th day of the year.
Jesuit Order = 54
-It has been 54-years and month since MLK was assassinated in a huge Jesuit ritual

And they ended on a date with 112 numerology, going with today’s “natural disasters” being on 1/12. Once again, the Jesuits operate in 112 countries.
3/25/1965 = 3+25+19+65 = 112

*55 miles is 87 kilometers
Slavery = 87
Martin = 87

Keep in mind Alabama has their 54th Governor right now, Kay Ivey.

56 and 54 come together a lot… again, today has 56 date numerology…

Recall, the first act of weather warfare was admitted to on the Jesuit Order’s birthday, August 15, 1952. And HAARP was patented on the 223rd day of the year in 1987.

Also, the first march was triggered by a shooting that happened on the 57th day of 1965, and now it is 57 years and months since the marches.

Two injured and thousands without power after Humboldt County earthquakes in Northern California, December 20, 2022

Earthquake Energy Military Natural Disaster News

This earthquake in Northern California happened while I was talking about the 1989 World Series earthquake (in NoCal) and the July 4, 2019 earthquake in Southern California. It was not an intended subject in the stream, but it came up. The thing is, I didn’t know about the news until the stream concluded. Watch here:

Funny enough, the stream is primarily about 103, and this earthquake comes on the 103rd day of California state’s age, established September 9.
Jesuits = 103 (The military-technology order)

It also come 54 days before the Super Bowl 57, or a span of 55 days.
Earthquake = 55
Military = 55
49ers = 55
-49ers were in Super Bowl 54
Jesuit Order = 54
-Joe Montana = 54 (It was between his two teams, 49ers and Chiefs)

This news comes December 20, 2022, or 12/20.
San Francisco = 122
Satanic = 122 (Home of the Satanic Church)

More importantly, this news comes on 74 date numerology, reminding of the July 4, 2019 SoCal earthquake.
12/20/2022 = 12+20+20+22 = 74
Nuclear = 74
Energy = 74
Weapon = 74
Occult = 74
Masonic = 74
Holiday = 74
Independence Day = 74

Today also has 38 date numerology.
12/20/2022 = 12+20+(2+0+2+2) = 38
Energy = 38
Death = 38
*Earthquake = 163 (38th prime)

The power is out (energy)…

72%? Jesuit Order = 72

This comes on Gavin Newsom’s 72nd day of being 55 years old. Of course, he is a Jesuit. And again, ‘earthquake’ equates to 55.

Robbie Coltrane dead on 199th day of his age, October 14, 2022 +Europe votes to declare Russia a ‘terrorist regime’

Celebrity Entertainment Government Military Murder by Numbers Natural Disaster News War World War

1:44 post time, and 72? Jesuit Order = 144 / 72

Today leaves 78 days in the year. Jesuit = 78

Today through December 31 is a total of 79 days. Society of Jesus = 79

Notice, Robbie Coltrane is dead on his 199th day of his age, connecting with his agent.
Scott Henderson = 199
199, 46th prime
10/14/22 = 10+14+22 = 46 (Date of news & death)
Sacrifice = 46

And notice the ‘terrorist regime news as well.

199, 46th prime
Chaos = 46
Ordo Ab Chao = 46 (Order out of chaos)

I’m sure that is only the tip of the iceberg.

Notice the Gematria overlap with ‘Anthony Robert McMillan’ and ‘The World Is Not Enough.’