Sex Trafficking
Sean Combs accused of raping a 13-year-old after the 2000 VMAs, October 21, 2024

This news comes 56 days after Cassie’s 38th birthday, August 26, 2024 (Black Lives Matter=56, Cassie=56).

Recall that Diddy was arrested September 16, the day leaving 106 days in the year.

Remember, when Diddy was arrested, it was 56 days after the anniversary of NO WAY OUT’s release. Keep in mind it is 27 years later (Ritual=27)

This news comes on a Monday (the moon has a 13-month cycle).
Notice the story is about a 13-year-old girl being raped by Diddy and another celebrity.
Recall that the arrest came 19 years after Diddy’s relationship began with Cassie, and the moon is on a 19-year cycle.
Today is 35 days after the September 16 arrest of Diddy on a Monday.
It goes with the Cassie beating video dated March 5 or 3/5 (No Way Out=35).

March 5, or 3/5, is like 35 (Rap=35, Satan=35, Baphomet=35, Svengali=35).
MTV also has the Satan connection (MTV=55, Satan=55)
Again, Diddy’s trial begins on May 5, 2025, a date with 55 numerology, when he will be 55.
And recall the Dawn Richard “55” ritual with Diddy from earlier this year.
Today’s news comes on 55 date numerology (10+21+24=55).

Today is 44 days after the 24th anniversary of those VMA’s (Cancer=44, what rules the moon).
Diddy accused of sexually abusing a 16-year-old “John Doe,” at 1998 “White Party,” Columbus Day news 2024

This story broke on Christopher Columbus Day, the white Jew, who “discovered” the New World, where dark completed people already lived. So how fitting this Sean Diddy Combs headline came on the day that it did. And notice, the man was 16 in 1998, which means he is 42 now.
Puff Daddy=42
Freak Offs=42
The term ‘John Doe’ also fits the joke (John Doe=28, Sean Combs=28, Diddy=28).
Also, Diddy’s 5/5 trial is set when he is 55 years old (White Party=55).

Diddy’s trial set for May 5, 2024, October 10, 2024

The trial date was set for Diddy, 24 days after his September 16 arrest (Trial=24).
It was set for a date with 54 numerology (10+10+20+24=54, Jesuit Order=54).
The trial date is May 5, or 5/5, when Sean Diddy Combs will be 55 years old.
Read about the massive 55 ritual with Dawn Richard & Diddy earlier this year.
As I pointed out in the post, there is a relationship with 55 & 10, and notice the trial date was set on 10/10, for 5/5, when Diddy is 55.
May 5 will be exactly 26 weeks after Diddy’s November 4 birthday (Diddy=26, God=26 & 55).
The post above is about the MTV connection (MTV=10, 26 & 55, Satan=10 & 55).
Dawn Richard was the center of the 55 ritual, and May 5 will be the 274th day of her age, reminding us that Diddy was arrested 274 days after his birthday (Iesus Hominum Salvator=274).
May 5 is also 182 days after Diddy’s birthday (Assistant U.S. Attorney Emily Johnson=182).
From December 18, 2024, to May 5, 2025, is 138 days (Federal=138).
December 18 also has 54 date numerology (12+18+24=54 — Jesuit Order=54).
That date has 74 numerology as well, and is 93 days after his arrest (Cross=74, Crucifix=93). It is one week before Christmas, in case they have an Epstein moment planned.
The Jesuit educated Supreme Court rejects R. Kelly’s appeal of federal sex crimes, Monday, October 7, 2024 (another IHS tribute)

This news comes on the day leaving 85 days in the year, and on the 274th day of R. Kelly’s age.

It goes with Sean Diddy Combs being arrested on September 16, 274 days after his birthday.
Notice how ‘federal sex crimes’ also overlaps with Iesus Hominum Salvator (266).

Keep in mind today is 158 weeks after R. Kelly was sentenced to prison on the very Jesuit date, September 27, 2021. The number 158 is a lot like 15/8, the Jesuit Oder’s birthday.
Houston attorney says 9-year-old among 120 victims claiming sexual assault by Sean Diddy Combs, October 2, 2024 news

Diddy is 54, and now he is accused of sexually abusing a 9-year-old.

As we covered on September 16, Diddy was arrested 274 days after the Pope’s birthday, going with the IHS in the Jesuit logo, the sun (Iesus Hominum Salvator=274). Once again, the Catholic Church began worshipping the sun in the sky on December 25 in the year 274 AD.
As for the 120 victims, it is a reminder that the Illuminati was founded by a Jesuit in Bavaria (Illuminati=120, Bavaria=54, Jesuit Order=54, *Sun=54).

Sean Diddy Combs compared to Jeffrey Epstein (and Kristina Khorram, the new Ghislaine Maxwell)

This story came on the 77th birthday of the CIA, and it is a reminder that there was much speculation that Jeffrey Epstein was CIA. Notice the emphasis on ‘as bad as Epstein,’ (as bad as Epstein=135 & 243, Central Intelligence Agency=135 & 243).
Also in the headline on this same day is ‘Kristina Khorram,’ having a name equating to 77, going with the CIA’s age (Kristina Khorram=77).
As for the parallels being drawn from Epstein to Diddy, again, Sean Combs was arrested on the day, leaving 106 days in the year (Jeffrey Edward Epstein=106). That day was Monday, September 16, 2024.

From Epstein’s death, August 10, 2019, to the arrest of Diddy, was 266 weeks later. It goes with his arrest coming 274 days after the Pope’s birthday (Iesus Hominum Salvator=274 & 266). As you know, that is the Jesuit Order’s motto, going with Diddy being 54 (Jesuit Order=54, Sun=54).

Again, the same New York office that prosecuted Epstein, is the same one prosecuting Diddy.
784 dildos seized from Sean Combs (Diddy’s) home (the Chester the Molester joke)

The Chester the Molester cartoon ended the year Diddy dropped out of Howard, 1989.

Notice where 784 dildos seized from his house relates.

Keep in mind Diddy’s celebrity began in 1991, 33 years ago.

Don’t forget Diddy’s father died at 33.
Also, 784 has a square root of 28 (Diddy=28).

Diddy made 54 calls in one day to Kalenna Harper

Dirty Money=122 *Iesus Hominum Salvator=122 (8+13+19+82=122)
This news comes while Diddy is 54-years-old (Jesuit Order=54, Sun=54).
Diddy’s arrest a span of 201 days from Clive Davis’ birthday

Think about the ritual in light of Diddy being 54…
The Jesuit Order=201
–Jesuit Order=54
Order of Illuminati=201
Puff Daddy accused of ‘Freak Offs,’ September 17, 2024, by the numbers

Notice the overlap with ‘Freak Offs’ and ‘Puff Daddy.’

911, 156th prime (The Department of Homeland Security was created after 9/11, in Manhattan…)
The Catholic Church=87 *Ignatius of Loyola=87 *Voting=87 (Vote or Die…)
Jesuit=42 *Georgetown=42 *Freemason=42 *Kamala=42 (I bet she’s been to some…)
Word on the street is Trump would just grab ’em by the pussy at the Diddy Freak Offs.
These federal charges come 275 days after the Pope’s 87th birthday.

For one more, they’re reporting at one of the Freak Offs, “$46,000” was the bill.

Recall when Kim Porter died on the day, leaving 46 days in the year, November 15, 2018. At first she was reported dead at 46, then it changed to 47 (Sacrifice=46, Svengali=46, Rap=46).