Lottery jumps to $1.73 billion as Israel and Hamas war escalates, October 10, 2023

$1.73 billion? After what just popped off in Israel in the Templar ritual?
Roman Catholicism = 173 & 74
Knights Templar = 173 & 74
Today is 10/10, Gavin Newsom’s 56th birthday.
Society of Jesus = 56
$1.04 billion Powerball, 10/4 phone alert & the 104th NFL season

I’m just documenting that the Powerball is $1.04 billion right before the 10/4 phone alert as the 104th NFL season is in Week 4.

Mega Millions $1.58 billion drawing of August 8, 2023 is third largest all-time

Freemasonry = 158, 139, 59, 58
Powerball = 139
Today is 45 days after Freemasonry’s June 24 birthday, and the Mega Millions is offered in 45 states.
Ritual = 45
Freemasonry is about rituals and rites.

Keep in mind today is 8/8, and there are 88 constellations, and stars are part of the Mega Millions logo.
Powerball drawing of Dec. 26, 2022

$201 million? Cash value $105 million?
Order of Illuminati = 201 / 105
Winning ticket for $1.28 billion Mega Millions lottery in Illinois, Friday, July 29, 2022, after Independence Day shooting

Illinois had the July 4 mass shooting, now it has the $1.28-billion lottery winner.
Independence Day = 128
Lottery = 74

Mega Millions increased to $790-million, just in time for the weekend, July 23, 2022

This news breaks July 23, 2022, a date with 72 numerology.
Money = 72
Jesuit Order = 72
7/23/2022 = 7+23+20+22 = 72
Can you find the 201 I missed in this 2016 post on the lottery?
January 13, or 1/13… search my work on about the lottery and 113.
*The 201 in the Georgia lottery question linked above….
Mega Millions = 129
Georgia Lottery = 201
Arizona Lottery ticket worth nearly $666k sold in town near Kingman, Arizona, May 12, 2021 news

*White Hills = 55 *Satan = 55 (Nearly 666k?)
The winning numbers were 14, 17, 19, 25, 28, 41, adding up to 144. And if you add up the first 144 decimal points of Pi, they total 666, both of which are numbers from the Bible.
14+17+19+25+28+41 = 144

*Triple Twist = 54 / 72 *Jesuit Order = 54 / 72
*Kingman, Arizona = 72 / 153 *Jesuit Order = 72 / 153
*Arizona = 42 / 84 *Jesuit = 42 / 84
*United States of America = 84 / 132 (This news broke on the 132nd day of the year)
*Catholic Church = 132 *Roman Catholic = 132
Covid-19 frontlines nurse wins the lottery, January 13, 2021 news

It’s been awhile since I covered the lottery and 113 related stories in the mainstream, but here is another, the nurse who has survived the “coronavirus pandemic” and now won the ‘jackpot’. Of course, the story comes on January 13, or 1/13, like 113.

Read more about the meaning of 113 and its relation to dishonesty. Also, check my old blog for more on 113 and the lottery.
For the record, if you are ever in this scenario, be sure to take the lump sum of cash because by the time you get that last payment —- MONEY WILL BE WORTH WAY LESS (inflation).
Historic Christmas 2002 Powerball winner, Jack Whittaker, dead at 73, June 27, 2020, the day leaving 187 days in the year
This man died June 27, the day leaving 187 days in the year.
Society of Jesus = 187 / 56
Whittaker = 56 (Dead on his 263rd day of his age, the 56th prime)
This man won the Powerball on Christmas, 2002, coming up on 18 years ago.
IHS = 18; Sun = 18 (The Society of Jesus logo has IHS in it, with the sun)
Jack Whittaker died at age 73, June 27, 2020, a date with 73 numerology.
6/27/2020 = 6+27+20+20 = 73 *Sacrifice = 73 *Ritual Sacrifice = 73
Keep in mind, 73 is the 21st prime.
*Bible = 21 *Math = 21 *21st Century
Jack Whittaker = 211 (47th prime); born in ’47
He died on his 263rd day of his age, or 262 days after his birthday. *263, 56th prime
Faustian Bargain = 262 / 62 *Sacrifice = 62
263, the 56th prime
His name is reshuffling of the 314.9 million he won. *3.14 is Pi
Andrew Jackson Whitaker = 134 / 341
The day he died was the 179th day of 2020. 179, 41st prime
Notice ‘Powerball’ sums to 41.