World War
William Rothschild burns up in Los Angeles home, November 27, 2024 (the Holocaust salute)

The Daily Mail and other sources had to pay tribute to 33…

Keep in mind ‘Holocaust’ means burnt offering.

Google now claims the Holocaust began in ’33, the year Hitler came to power.

The timeline of the Holocaust is commonly 1933-45, the time of the Nazi Party until the end of World War II. Get a load of the 45 firefighters, and the 33 minute fight.

Notice where ‘Rothschild Banking Family’ ties in.

Also, consider that the Rothschild family name is on the Balfour Declaration, dated November 2, 1917.

That means he died 25 days after the annivesary, dying on the 27th of November.

He died 20 days (Death=20) before the Pope’s December 17 birthday (Pope=25).
The 107 years is also noteworthy (Ritual Sacrifice=107).

William Rothschild is dead while the Pope is at the tail end of being 87 years old.

The Catholic Church=87 *Ignatius of Loyola=87

Read about the death of Jacob Rothschild at age 87, earlier this, February 26, 2024.
This death occurred on 46 date numerology (Sacrifice=46, Catholic=46).
The 1945 B-25 bomber into the Empire State Building & September 11, 2001, 56 years later

In 1945, the B-25 bomber that hit the Empire State Building directly crashed into the Catholic War Relief Services office.

This occurred on the Pope’s 149th day of his age (35th prime — Catholic=35, Holy See=35).

It is a reminder that a Skull and Bones member was the President when 9/11 happened.

Notice that the Empire State Building was struck on the 209th day of the year, July 28, 1945.

July 28 also leaves 156 days in the year, and 911 is the 156th prime number.

In light of the Catholic Connection with 1945, let us not forget that Vatican Hill equates to 911.

Keep in mind these incidents happened 56 years apart, with the flights that hit targets on 9/11 being 11, 77, and 175, equating to 263, the 56th prime number (Society of Jesus=56).
Furthermore, notice from the July 28 anniversary to September 11 is 45 days (IHS=45, Ritual=45).

This was also 18 days before the formal end of World War II, which came on August 15, 1945, the Jesuit Order’s birthday, days after the United States dropped the atomic combs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, bombs that came out of the Manhattan Project, similar to both the Empire State Building and the World Trade Center towers being located in Manhattan.

Also, don’t forget that Rudy Giuliani, a good Catholic, was the 107th Mayor of New York at the time of 9/11, and the attack came 107 days after his birthday, prior to the United States invading Afghanistan on October 7, or 10/7.

The Jesuit logo includes the Templar cross with the letters IHS for Iesus Hominum Salvator.
FYI, this is where Rudy Giuliani went to high school

Do you see the 357 address?

Do you see the 177? *The Jesuit Order=177 *New World Order=177
Do you see the 507? *Rome=57 *Conspiracy=57 *New York City=57
Do you see the 156? *911, the 156th prime
There are about 1000 more things that could be said, such as July 28, 1945, came 61 days after Rudy’s first birthday, and 61 is the 18th prime number (Church=61, Cross=61, Jesus=61), but I rest my case for now.
Beirut bombed by Israel on the 84th anniversary of the New York Times’s headline, New World Order Pledged to Jews, October 6, 2024

October 6, 2024, is the 84th anniversary of the New York Times headline, “New World Order Pledged to Jews.” It was a date with 75 numerology (10+6+19+40=75, New World Order=75, Order Out of Chaos=75, Catholic Church=75, Order=75). It goes with the target on October 6, 2024 (Beirut=75).
Keep in mind, October 6, 2023, one day before this war began, was the 50th year anniversary (the Jubilee) the start of the Yom Kippur War, which began October 6, 1973.
As for today being the 84th anniversary, it is a reminder that Netanyahu declared his war on Hamas, one day after the October 7 attack, on October 8, 2023, the day leaving 84 days in the year (Zionism=84, Masonry=84, Jesuit=84, The Jesuit Order=84, The Catholic Church=84, United States of America=84).
And regarding Beirut, remember when the explosion went off on Barack Obama’s birthday in the same town, on August 4, or 8/4, a span of 201 days from Michelle’s birthday (The Jesuit Order=84 & 201).

October 7, 2024, will be 36 days before the Superior General’s birthday (Lebanon=36).
Of course, it will be 71 days before the Pope’s birthday (The Society of Jesus=71, World War Three=71, Catholic=71). You’ll recall that the war began on Putin’s 71st birthday.
The date can be written 10/7 (Military=107, Ritual Sacrifice=107).
US intelligence says Iran is on the verge of missile attack on Israel, prior to “181 missiles” being fired, October 1, 2024

This news comes on October 1, 2024, 42 days before the Superior General’s birthday.

It is 71 years since the CIA overthrew Iran on August 15, 1953. Recall that the war in Israel began on Putin’s 71st birthday, 71 days before the Pope’s birthday (Catholic=71, Whore of Babylon=71).
They’re reporting Iran fired 181 missiles at Israel (181, 42nd prime).

The bombing of Beirut on September 27, 2024 couldn’t have been anymore Jesuit

Beirut was bombed on the very Jesuit day, September 27. It goes with the Pope being 87, and the Superior General being 75 (Beirut=87 & 75). As a reminder, the founder of the Jesuits has the 87 and 75 connection (Ignatius of Loyola=87 & 75). Beirut also has the 42 connection (Jesuit=42, War=42).

The New Testament discusses Jesus’ ministry beginning at age 30 (New Testament=42, Bible=30).
Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar sends letter from hiding almost a year of silence, September 13, 2024

Recall the overlap with ‘Jesuit Order’ and ‘Yahya Sinwar.’ It is 153, 144 & 54.

The surname Sinwar is a reminder the Jesuit Order is a military order.
And fittingly, today is 95 days before the Pope’s 86th birthday, reminding us that the Jesuits were created to counter the 95 Theses. Today is also 271 days after the Pope’s last birthday (the 58th prime), reminding us that Pope Francis became a Jesuit in ’58 (Pope Francis=58).
The number 58 also goes with Freemasonry (Freemasonry=58, Secret Society=58), and today is the 307th day of the Superior General’s age, while Modern Freemasonry is 307 years old (again, modern Freemasonry is a Jesuit creation). Keep in mind the word ‘Freemasonry’ also equates to 139 and today is 13/9 (Freemasonry=139, *America=139).
Notice how Sinwar’s full name also syncs with the 266th Pope (Yahya Ibrahim Hassan Sinwar=266).

It is 46 days before his birthday (Catholic=46, Chaos=46, Ordo Ab Chao=46).
For one more, the term used in the story, ‘Axis of Resistance,’ also fits a familiar pattern.

Society of Jesus=187, Holy Roman Empire=187 *Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry=187
Vatican=70, Francis=70

9/11 & the Art of Instigating War (YouTube Video)
Volkswagen says they may close plants in Germany for first time on the anniversary of World War II’s conclusion, September 2, 2024

On the anniversary of the end of World War II, Volkswagen, who served the Nazis (like Mercedes, Ford, and others), says they might close plants in Germany? And notice, the company is 87 years old, like the Pope. It’s a reminder the Pope turned a blind eye to the Nazis at the time of the war.

Notice the CEO of Volkwagen is 56 right now, the age of death for Hitler (Adolf Hitler=56, Society of Jesus=56, Pope=56).
Israel assassinates Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, Iran, July 31, 2024 news

Ismail Haniyeh=133/70/218/74

These three attacks surround the anniversary of World War I’s start, July 28, 1914.
Once again, Netanyahu came back on Albert Pike’s birthday, December 29, the man who wrote a letter about three future world wars, the last being centered on political Zionism. It goes with this attack in Iran coming 42 weeks and days after the war began on October 7, 2023.
World War=42
Today is the anniversary of Ignatius of Loyola’s death, July 31, 1556.
Ismail Haniyeh is dead on the anniversary of Ignatius of Loyola’s passing.
Notice he as born in ’63, going with being killed in Tehran (Tehran, Iran=63).
He died 184 days after his birthday, or on his 185th day of his age (Mathematics=185, Catholicism=185).
Israel targets Hezbollah chief in Beirut, Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Catholic Church=75, Roman Catholic=75, New World Order=75, Order Out of Chaos=75 *Order=75
Today is 30/7, like 307 (63rd prime). *Lebanon=63 *Terrorism=63

The Prophet Muhammad is believed to have died at age 63 (Muhammad Ali died on 6/3).

Recall the 63 in the supposed attack on the soccer field that killed 12 children.

NATO just turned 75 & its been a big number with the war that began while Israel was 75:
Hezbollah Chief=75
Catholic Church=75
Roman Catholic=75
New World Order=75
Order Out of Chaos=75
Remember, it began with the terrorist attack and the ongoing ‘hostage’ situation.

Read more about Mia Schem, the first hostage story, & Netanyahu.

Once again, it is Beirut, just days before Barack Obama’s birthday. Recall on August 4, 2020, the explosion on his 59th birthday occurred there, and it had reminders of the Beirut barracks bombing. That was on Michelle’s 201st day of her age (the 8/4/2020 explosion).
Today is 98 days before the election (Israel=98).
The man reportedly killed is Fuad Shukr.

Notice the overlap with ‘Fuad Shukr’ and ‘Netanyahu.’ And don’t forget, this latest escalation began Saturday, October 27, 2024, 37 weeks after the Superior General’s birthday (Hezbollah=37).