Passengers of Ocean Gate Titan killed in ‘catastrophic implosion,’ June 22, 2023 news

Death History News The Titanic

Catastrophic Implosion = 102
Submarine = 102

This story comes 125 years after 1898.
Submersible = 125 & 172
Ocean Gate = 172 & 71
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam = 172

Today is 187 days after the Pope’s birthday. The ship disappeared 218 days after the Superior General’s birthday. And we know how those numbers come together.
Holy Roman Empire = 218 & 187
Society of Jesus = 187

They saved this news for 71 date numerology.
6/22/2023 = 6+22+20+23 = 71
The Society of Jesus = 71
Ocean Gate = 71
Catholic = 71

Numerology = 125

Today is also the 9-year anniversary of The Last Ship releasing.