Bomb scare at Eiffel Tower, Saturday, August 12, 2023
Today is August 12, or 12/8. The tower opened January 28, or 1/28.
Radio Tower = 128 (What it is)

Eiffel Tower = 56
Radio Tower = 56
Paris, France = 56
Society of Jesus = 56
Kobe Bryant statue to be erected on August 8, 2024

This news comes August 9, 2023.
8/9 is like 89
89 is the 24th prime
Los Angeles, California = 89
The statue is to be erected on August 8, 2024, a date with 60 numerology. Recall, Kobe finished his career with 60 points.
Also, August 8, 2024 will be 54 months after Kobe’s death, a man who died on a Sunday, a week before Super Bowl 54.
Kobe Bean Bryant = 54
Sun = 54
It also goes with this news coming on August 9, the day leaving 144 days in the year.
Jesuit Order = 54 & 144
As for 8/8, it goes with the 88 constellations, made of “stars.” The nearest one is the sun, and Kobe was also a big one, who against died on a Sunday.
Read about what they did with “Daystar” Peterson on 8/8 this year (Tory Lanez).

The Space Needle’s opening April 21, 1962, the 111th day of the year

The Space Needle opened on the 111th day of the year.
Vaccination = 111

Think of the Covid-19 vaccination development beginning in Seattle after the fist confirmed case of Covid in the world outside of mainland China, in Seattle, January 15, 2020.
Pandemic = 151 (15/1)
It opened 190-days before Bill Gates’s 7th birthday (born October 28, 1955).
190, 19th triangular number
Seattle = 19
It opened on a date with 87 numerology.
4/21/62 = 4+21+62 = 87
Bill Gates = 87
Recall, Bill Gates was vaccinated on the 87th day of his age, January 22, 2021.
Georgia Guidestones on 34th Parallel North (and why it matters)

Recall, Georgia won the college football championship in ‘Indiana,’ and then Matt Stafford with the LA Rams became the 34th QB to win a Super Bowl at age 34, and he went to Georgia for university.
Indiana = 34
Ukraine = 34
Of course, Sean McVay, the coach of the Rams, had the Ukrainian fiancee.
Then the Warriors won the NBA Finals, with the same colors of the Los Angeles Rams, while Curry was 34. He scored 34 points in Game 1, and the last of the series, Game 6.
*And don’t forget the NBA Finals were all synced up with Pope Francis, just like the Super Bowl, and just like the war.
Francis = 34
War is Murder.
Murder = 34
The destruction of the Georgia Guidestones came while they were 42-years-old.
World War = 42
War = 42
As for being on the 82nd Meridian West, they were revealed on the 82nd day of the year, March 22, 1980. It goes with their nickname, ‘America’s Stonehenge,’ equating to 82.
Meme of Trump blowing up the Georgia Guidestones appeared June 20, 2022, 16-days before the demolition of the structure

Read more about the Georgia Guidestones destruction here.

It was first published on Truth Social on July 2, but first published online on June 20.
President Trump = 72
Jesuit Order = 72

The first meme was published June 20, 2022, 16-days before the explosion.
Yale = 16
As we know, Skull and Bones, of Yale, is behind the monument and its destruction on George W. Bush’s 76th birthday, on 7/6. Of course, he was the last Republican President before Trump.
Skull and Bones = 76, Donald John Trump = 76, RC Christian = 76
RC Christian is who the Guidestones were credited to.

Daniel Coit Gilman = 76 (Born on 7/6)
-Also a member of Skull and Bones

Charlie Daniels July 6, 2020 death, and the destruction of the Georgia Guidestones July 6, 2022

Remember when we said Georgia would beat Alabama in the college championship before Week 2 of the season was even played? And remember how after it happened I showed how it was synced up with Charlie Daniels and his song ‘The Devil Went Down to Georgia?’ After I showed that, I said Georgia better look out. And then notice, the Georgia Guidestones blew up on the anniversary of Charlie Daniels July 6, 2020 death, exploding two years later to the day.
On top of that, the song released in ’79, 43-years before 2022, and the monument was destroyed on #43’s birthday, at 4:03:33 AM. Again, it was also Daniel Coit Gilman’s 191st birthday (43rd prime).
Yale = 43
Masonic = 43
Of course, the stones were put up for the Georgia Guidstones at the end of ’79.
Knights Templar=79 (Highly related to Yale, Skull and Bones)
Society of Jesus=79
Let us not forget, Skull and Bones is known as the Brotherhood of death, and is modeled after the Knights Templar. It goes with July 6 being the 187th day of the year.
Brotherhood of Death=187 (Murder=79)
Both numbers are associated with homicide.
Swahili and Hindi stone destroyed in Georgia Guidestones explosion of July 6, 2022, one day after CERN activation

The stone destroyed at the Georgia Guidestones was the one with the languages Swahili and Hindi on it. This is curious because the day prior to the destruction, CERN fired back up. And at CERN, is the statue of Shiva, the Hindu Goddess.
*Shiva is known as ‘The Destroyer.’
Swahili and Hindi = 144

Explosion damages Georgia Guidestones on George W. Bush’s 76th birthday, July 6, 2022

This bombing happened July 6, 2022, emphasis on 7/6, like 76. Of course, today is George W. Bush’s 76th birthday, the Skull and Bones member, the secret society that identifies by the number 322, and the Georgia Guidestones etchings were unveiled on March 22, or 3/22, in the year 1980.

The word ‘bomb’ also fits in with the 76 theme.

They’re saying an ‘explosive device’ is responsible.

And the stones were connected to RC Christian.

Watch Bush and Kerry be questioned about 322, Skull and Bones here.

For another point, the Georgia Guidestones have stood for 42-years.
Explosion = 42
Freemason = 42
Jesuit = 42
Today is 201-days after Pope Francis’s birthday.
The Jesuit Order = 201
Order of Illuminati = 201
Skull and Bones = 201 / 202
Today is also Pope Francis’s 202nd day of his age.

It’s a reminder that today is the 187th day of the year.
Brotherhood of Death = 187
Society of Jesus = 187
Holy Roman Empire = 187
Unconquered Sun = 187
Washington D.C. = 187
Paris, France = 187
Today is also 246-days after Brian Kemp’s birthday, and the United States of America just turned 246-years old. *Catholic Church = 246
Catch the 47 tribute? 4 AM? About 7 miles?
Don’t forget Georgia is the fourth state.
Georgia = 44
Genocide = 44
Execution = 44
Military = 44 / 107
-They have been destroyed on the 107th day of their age
The Georgia Guidestones will turn 44 on March 22, 2024.

The thing about the Elvis movie coming out the same day Roe v. Wade was overturned, June 24, 2022, Freemasonry’s birthday

On the day of Roe v. Wade being overturned, the Elvis Presley movie released. This is interesting because Elvis was accused by many of doing the devil’s work in terms of getting their young daughters into promiscuity and very non-Christian behavior. For an easy example, all I have to do is look at my mom’s family and her many sisters, all of which were Elvis fans to say the least. Ha!
Promiscuity = 129
129 is 201 in base-8 counting
Elvis died with his 21-year-old girlfriend, Ginger Alden (the one with the 201 name)
The Jesuit Order = 201
Order of Illuminati = 201
Overturning Roe = 201
William Henry Gates = 201 (Event 201)
And regarding the Jesuits, Elvis died at age 42, after becoming an icon for Sun Record Studios.

And never forget his amazing ’42’ rituals with Jonas Salk and Bill Gates on October 28, 1956.

And don’t forget June 24 is Freemasonry’s birthday, the 305th, and Elvis was born in ’35.

This movie comes 167-days after what would have been Elvis’s 87th birthday.
–Justice = 87 (Supreme Court ruling on same day)
-Ruth Bader Ginsburg died at age 87 (her death changed the balance)
And regarding 167-days later, and the movie and the federal decision on the same day…
Elvis Presley = 167
167, 39th prime number
-Federal = 39
-Masonry = 39
-Secrecy = 39

167, 39th prime number
39 books in OT (Jonas Salk, Bill Gates, and Elvis are all Jewish)

There’s also this story of Elvis dealing with the possibility of abortion due to Priscilla Presley.

Stonehenge lit up with Queen Elizabeth, Monday, May 30, 2022
This tribute began Monday, May 30, 2022, the 150th day of the year.
Illuminati = 150
Keep in mind it is a “light” driven display.
The mainstream wrote about it on May 31, Elizabeth’s 41st day of her age.
Stonehenge = 41
Her platinum Jubilee will occur on June 2, or 6/2, or 2/6.
Platinum Jubilee = 62 / 170
Sacrifice = 62 / 170
Queen = 62 / 26
*Stone = 62
And now that she has survived past the curious day of May 20, 2022, the next date that really jumps out to me is July 3, or 7/3, 73-days after her 96th birthday.
Queen = 73
Sacrifice = 73
Ritual Sacrifice = 73
*United = 73
*Kingdom = 73
-Charles is 73-years-old right now…
*Stone = 73

July 3 is also 140-days after Super Bowl 56, where the Queen City lost.
Queen of England = 140