Sean Diddy Combs faces new sex trafficking allegations, July 4, 2024 news
This news broke on July 4, or 7/4, like 74.
Notice the allegations against the rapper came from a woman named Adria ‘English.’
Keep in mind this was on the same day as the U.K.’s election for Prime Minister (English).
It’s reported this is the 9th lawsuit against Diddy.
Robert Crimo III backs out of plea deal as Supreme Court says White House can continue to press social media giants to remove “disinformation,” June 26, 2024, one day after George Orwell’s birthday anniversary
Holy censorship. It’s 1984.
This ruling comes one day after George Orwell’s birthday anniversary.
Jesuit Order=54 & 144 *Censorship=54, 54 & 144
-George Orwell wrote 1984
–Jesuit=84 *The Jesuit Order=84 *The Catholic Church=84
–United States of America=84
-We are in the time of the first Jesuit Pope
-His birthday has 84 date numerology (12+17+19+36=84, Dec. 17, 1936)
-He is the 266th Pope and today is 26/6 *Iesus Hominum Salvator=266
FYI, George Orwell died young, at age 46 (Genesis 46, Sacrifice=46 *Catholic=46).
He would have turned 121 this year, and the date he died can be written 1/21, or 21/1.
As for 21/1, it is like 211 (47th prime) & he died in his 47th year of life, prior to his 47th birthday.
Robert Crimo is responsible for the July 4, or 4/7 shooting, and he had the 47 car, and the 47 tat on his face, plus more. Notice this is a top story next to the Supreme Court’s Orwellian ruling.
White House=47
-The long list of 47s with every President
The Masons study the 47th Problem of Euclid (it has to do with foundation).
Foundation=47 (4th of July, or 4/7, like 47)
Read about Robert Crimo III’s shooting in the town outside of Chicago that Hollywood likes to film movies in. It happened July 4, 2022.
Read past articles on Bobby Crimo here.
My YouTube channel was deleted for the first time in 2017, on June 28, Elon Musk’s birthday, shortly after Donald Trump became President of the United States.
The two states used in the case are Missouri and Louisiana.
First it is the number 42 in ‘Missouri.’ (We’ll see the 57, 93 & 123 for another time)
-The Chiefs of Missouri became 4-2 in Super Bowls on 42nd day of the year
Computer=42 *Internet=42 *Facebook established 4/2 (Feb 4, 2004)
-Facebook established the same day DARPA’s Life Log ended
-DARPA is the technology wing of the United States military
–Jesuit=42 *Freemason=42 *Knowledge=42
-The 42nd day of the year is the Vatican’s birthday
–New Testament=42 (42 generations to Jesus)
–New=42 (New World Order)
Think about how we learn the Americas were called the New World after Columbus, who had his voyages paid for by the Catholic Church.
As for the 101 in Louisiana, it is the 26th prime, and this news comes on the 26th.
As we know 26 has to do with God, in Hebrew and in English, and in the Bible.
God=26 (Adam=26, made in 26th verse, Genesis 1:26)
-Read Chapter 1 of my first book (Letters & Numbers) for more on the numbers 26 & 101.
Also, the 38 in Louisiana is important because DC is on the 38th Parallel.
The list goes on.
This ruling is the death of the idea of the United States of America.
They etch on the Masonic Temple, “All is number.”
*Robert Crimo III=163 (38th prime)
*Today is 151 days after John Roberts birthday, and 26/6.
Iesus Hominum Salvator=266 (Jesuit motto)
Jesus Christ=151
-151, 36th prime number
-666, 36th triangular number
–Computer=666, Internet=666
-Apple’s first computer for $666.66.
–Genesis=666 (don’t bite the fruit)
*Today is 227 days after the Superior General’s birthday
-227, 49th prime *Washington=49 *America=49 *Catholicism=49
-It is the 228th day of his age. *United States of America=228
*Today is the 193rd day of the Pope’s age *Roman Catholic Church=193
-It is 192 days after his birthday (Skull and Bones is 192 years old)
-DC is the (202) area code. *Skull and Bones=202
The trial date for Robert Crimeo was set on 20/2 (February 20, 2024)
Today is 723 days after the shooting.
Today is 127 days after the trial was set and the day leaving 188 days in the year.
Bavarian Illuminati=188 & 127
John Robert has a January 27, or 1/27 birthday.
Round Rock, TX shooting four days before Juneteenth, 2024 (after Alex Jones latest)
Round Rock is just north of Austin, Texas, where Alex Jones broadcasts from, and this comes the day after his latest news about liquidating InfoWars.
Round Rock=47 & 119
Vatican=47 & 119
Foundation=47 & 119 (Rock? Foundation?)
The Alex Jones liquidation story came 124 days after his birthday.
Round Rock=124
As for 47, think of Alex Jones birthday, 2/11, also the Vatican’s birthday.
211 is the 47th prime (Vatican=47, Authority=47, Christian=47)
And think about the 47th Problem of Euclid and the Masons…
The Fraternal Order of Police…. *Fraternal Order of Police=119 *Policeman=47
Their logo has the all-seeing eye in it *All Seeing Eye=119
47 and 119, are deep. For more, think 47-story Building 7 on the 11th of September or 11/9.
They also have a lot to do with the current Pope. *Francis=47 & 119
Moving on, Round Rock is on the 97th Meridian West. *Death=97 *Roman Catholicism=97
This story of tragedy and death comes four days before June 19, the official day of Juneteenth.
-The number 4 is associated with death *Holiday=38 *Death=38
And notice the overlap between ‘holiday’ and ‘killing.’
The Mavericks had just beaten the Celtics by 38 the day prior (Mavericks=38).
And recall, on June 19, 2020, the George Floyd riots were unfolding across the United States.
George Floyd=119 & 65 (the shooting was on 65 date numerology)
-This shooting came 211 weeks after George Floyd’s killing
-211, 47th prime number
That was a year before it was made an official holiday. I bring it up because Floyd was from Texas, where Juneteenth traces back to, and the number 62 was big in his death, as it is here.
Round Rock Texas=62
Round Rock, TX=62
Park=62 (This was in a park, and George Floyd was killed by the Park Police)
Minneapolis=62 (George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis)
*Allen Banks=62 (Police Chief in charge of the Round Rock scene)
In the Torah, Genesis 46 is about sacrifice. *Sacrifice=46 & 62
Alex Jones is on the Genesis Radio Network.
George Floyd was 46 years hold, from Houston, TX. *Houston, Texas=46
And as for Texas, this was on the 15th. *Texas=15
In history, Texas has a lot to do with slavery, and so does the Torah.
Old Settlers Park=195/60/210/93
–Saturn=93 & 21 (Saturday named after Saturn)
–Boston Celtics=195 (Mavericks vs. Celtics…)
Keep in mind the Mavericks just won 122-84. *Chief Allen Banks=122
And don’t forget the Saturday and shooting connection. They’re both 107 & 109.
Juneteenth is about freeing the slaves. *Chief Allen Banks=59 *Slave=59
Ephesian 6:5-9, Slaves obey your masters.
Tornadoes possible in Washington DC, Philadelphia & Baltimore + major storms all over, Memorial Day, May 27, 2024
Notice that on Monday, May 27, 2024, a date that can be written 27/5, the federal city is under threat of a tornado, and so is the old federal city, Philadelphia.
Federal Government=275
Keep in mind it is the day to remember the dead from the US Civil War, but instead, many people will have weather on their mind, without realizing is it the new warfare. It goes with the fact that Baltimore was where the first blood was spilled in the US Civil War (April 19, 1861, Ignatius of Loyola Day).
*Also, if anything does happen to the city of Philadelphia, it is noteworthy that the Twisters film will be released on the 201st day of the year, July 19, 2024, 215 days after the Pope’s birthday, and Philadelphia is the (215) area code.
Catholic Pope=201
Jorge Mario Bergoglio=201
Weather Control=201
The Jesuit Order=201
Keep in mind the Pope is 87. *Tornado=87
And of course, they’re causing massive travel inconveniences for a day typically full of travel, Memorial Day.
Robert Fico, Slovakia’s PM, fighting for his life after assassination attempt, May 15, 2024
This news comes on the ‘kill’ date, May 15, 2024.
The kill date is the day after numerology of 64, 44 & 28. *Kill=64, 44 & 28
Notice the 1:09 story. *Shooting=109
Last week we talked about how RFK Jr.’s news was foreshadowing some kind of “assassination” story for today, May 15, 2024, Mercuralia.
Recall that 115 was the big number in the RFK story from last week, May 8. *Assassin=115
Again, JFK died on 115 date numerology, and in the 187th year of the US’s existence.
Adding to the ritual, Robert Fico is 59-years-old. *John F. Kennedy=59 *Pope Francis=59
Recall that Joe Biden won the 59th US Pres. Election in tribute to JFK.
Also, ‘Fico’ equates to ‘Kennedy.’ *Fico=33 *Kennedy=33
And recall, the clue for this news came on May 8, or 5/8.
Slovakian=58 *Freemasonry=58 *Secret Society=58
–Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry=187
Today is 123 days before his upcoming birthday. *Conspiracy=123
Today is 243 days after his last birthday. *Cental Intelligence Agency=243
He took office on the first of the last 68 days of the year, going with RFK shot in ’68.
It is ‘Mercuralia,’ going with ‘assassin.’
The name Robert Fico also ties in with the upcoming 60th US Presidential Election.
Also this news comes 203 days after he took office, or on his 204th day in office.
*Jewish Mysticism=204 & 201
Prosecutors allege criminal conspiracy vs. Trump on April 22, 2024
This trial has begun on April 22, 2024, the 113th day of the leap year.
David Pecker is the man in focus today, the day of testimony.
Today is 211 days after David Pecker’s birthday. *211, 47th prime
It is the first day of Passover. *Passover=47 *Trump=47 *Government=47 *Judge=47 *Gavel=47
Trump pleaded not guilty to 34 counts of falsifying business records. *Passover=34
Burglars steal $30 million from Sylmar bank storage facility on Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024
$30 million stolen on Easter, when Jesus’ ministry began at age 30? *Bible=30
One-twelfth of a circle is thirty degrees (the 12 signs of the Zodiac, the 12 months, the 12 disciples).
Notice the burglary was in Sylmar, having the 74 code, like Jesus.
Keep in mind Sylmar is on the 34th Parallel, going with the ‘Jesus’ after the ‘cross’ theme.
Think of George Washington in the clouds like Jesus at the US capital, the “Masonic City.”
George Washington=74
And as for Sylmar being on the 118th Meridian West, checkout ‘Burglars.’
And notice Ephesian 4:28, something like the date April 28, typically the 118th day of the year.
And for the clincher, this happened on the 91st day of the year. Notice where ‘Storage Facility’ and ‘The Society of Jesus’ tie in. *Catholic=71
The largest heist prior was on 12/9, like 129 or 201 in base-8 counting. *The Jesuit Order=201
It goes with this heist happening on 78-date numerology. *3+31+20+24=78 *Jesuit=78
78 also corresponds with ‘order out of chaos.’
Rashee Rice meets with Dallas PD, Wednesday, April 3, 2024 news (the Easter-crucifixion joke)
Read about the Easter Ritual with Rashee rice here.
This update comes on the anniversary of Jesus being crucified.
Notice where Jesus ties in with April 3, or 4/3.
The date can be written 3/4 as well.
Recall this recent ritual with 11 and 34 and Bob Marley & the Wailers.
The 43 goes with this story coming out of Dalals, the “43 land,” because it is Dallas Cowboys territory.
Dallas Cowboys=43 *Policeman=43 *Football=43 *Masonic=43
He met with the police on April 3, or 4/3.
Think of the ‘fraternal’ order of police.
Remember what Brady did at 43 in Florida? *Florida=43
Bush became #43 because of Florida in 2000. He went to Yale. So did football’s founder.
Satanic display at Iowa capital setup December 2, 2023 & the Governor’s response 10 days later
48 is a hot number right now. *Satanic Temple=48 *Iowa=48
Notice the overlap with ‘Iowa,’ ‘evil,’ and ‘Tree,’ is in the Tree of Life, which has an evil half, the Qliphoth.
Notice the display was set up on December 2, or 12/2, like 122, going with the Church of Satan being founded in San Francisco on the 122nd Meridian West.
This also pertains to why they’re doing rituals with ‘abortion’ and these same numbers, 122 and 50 (Roe v. Wade decided on Jan. 22, or 1/22, and overturned in 50th year).
The display was setup 339 day after the state’s birthday.
United States of America=339
Lucien Greaves birth name is Douglas Mesner.
Just like the Church of Satan pertains to the Jesuit Order, so does the Satanic Temple.
And the Governor took office on May 24, 2017, the 144th day of the year.
It’s the same day Donald Trump was at the Vatican with the Jesuit Pope.
For one last point, her response comes on Tuesday, December 12, 10 days later.
Think of Marilyn Manson’s tribute to Satan, with Say10. Of course, he is a member of the Church of Satan.
He became a Minister in the Church of Satan 29 years ago, and Iowa is the 29th state.
Remember who died in ’94, in a massive 94 ritual? Kurt Cobain.
Seattle, Washington=94
Roman Catholic Church=94
That was the year of his first album.
Notice Marilyn Manson will turn 55 on the 5th of January.
55 is the 10th tri. number.
And notice, CNN is focused on Iowa and the upcoming vote tonight.
75-year-old woman becomes CNN’s focal point of why you should be sad this year at Hanukkah, December 7, 2023
This news comes on the anniversary of Pearl Harbor, related to World War II, the war that had the Holocaust, now being compared to what happened in Israel on October 7, 2023.
This story is about a 75-year-old woman.
Israel is 75-years-old right now, and CNN’s idea today is that you should be sad for this Hanukkah.
The dilemma is the war and the hostage situation.
Never forget this headline from the New York Times, October 6, 1940.
Order Out of Chaos=75
New World Order=75
Catholic Church=75
Roman Catholic=75
The Superior General, Arturo Sosa, turned 75, November 12, 2023, shortly after the start of the war.
Ignatius of Loyola=75, Adam Weishaupt=75
The Pope will turn 87 December 17, Saturnalia. It goes with the Jesuit suppression ending on August 7 in history, or 8/7, like 87. *Ignatius of Loyola=87 *The Catholic Church=87
Hanukkah also equates to 42 and the Holocaust began in ’42.
World War=42
Think about it…
Notice the character is the story, Jean Joachim.
Jean Joachim=44 & 64
Israel=44 & 64
Zion=44 & 64
44 traces back to the beginning of Israel and the times of Theodor Herzl. 64 traces back to the United States formation 64 days after the establishment of the Illuminati, by a Jewish man, Adam Weishaupt.
And now, back to the article…
New York to Seattle…?
Richard Sills=84
The Jesuit Order=84
The Catholic Church=84
United States of America=84
Recall, Israel waited until October 8, 2023 to declare war, a Sunday, and the day leaving 84 days in the year. *Sunday=84
For one more, the gematria of ‘Menorah.’ The 74, 38, 115 & 34.
Men, or, eh…? A question people are having to ask more and more in 2023.
Remember, Gaza strip is getting smashed at age 74.
And recall the 38 ritual with the USS Gerald Ford, named after the 38th President.