Rashee Rice meets with Dallas PD, Wednesday, April 3, 2024 news (the Easter-crucifixion joke)

Biblical Car Crash Celebrity Holidays News Sports

Read about the Easter Ritual with Rashee rice here.

This update comes on the anniversary of Jesus being crucified.

Notice where Jesus ties in with April 3, or 4/3.

The date can be written 3/4 as well.

Recall this recent ritual with 11 and 34 and Bob Marley & the Wailers.

The 43 goes with this story coming out of Dalals, the “43 land,” because it is Dallas Cowboys territory.

Dallas Cowboys=43 *Policeman=43 *Football=43 *Masonic=43

He met with the police on April 3, or 4/3.

Think of the ‘fraternal’ order of police.

Remember what Brady did at 43 in Florida? *Florida=43

Bush became #43 because of Florida in 2000. He went to Yale. So did football’s founder.


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