Siphamandla Mtolo of Richards Bay FC, dead at 29, March 8, 2023 news

The Mexico kidnapping and murder is a top headline on March 8.
Kidnapped = 163 (38th prime)
Murder = 38
Death = 38
Also in the headline, is a dead football player, at age 29. Of course, today can also be written 8/3, like 83.
Football = 83 / 29

Four Americans kidnapped in Mexico found; 2 dead, March 7, 2023 news

Notice how the headline encodes 42. As we know, it is the number stamped all over black history, and in this case, the four Americans are black.
Slavery = 42
Tuskegee = 42
Nigger = 42
Jackie = 42
Huxtable = 42
Cosby Show = 42
February = 42
History = 42
4 kidnapped Americans in Mexico found 4 days later (2 dead, 2 alive), March 7, 2023

The kidnapping was reportedly on March 3, or 3/3, and this update, of the four Americans, comes four days later, March 7, 2023, a date with 33 numerology.
3/7/23 = 3+7+23 = 33
Mexico = 33
Read more about the March 3 kidnapping here.
4 US citizens kidnapped in Mexico on Friday, March 3, 2023

Matamoros, Mexico = 67 / 86 *Blood Sacrifice = 67 / 86 *Human Sacrifice = 67 / 86

Notice, the kidnapping was Friday, March 3, 2023, emphasis on 3/3.
Mexico = 33
This news comes from the FBI.
Federal = 33
And notice the fateful 67 & 86 gematria of Matamoros, Mexico.

North Carolina = 67 (Where the four Americans are from) *Tamaulipas = 67

Tamaulipas = 32 / 113 / 157
–United States = 113 / 157
–America = 32
As we know, the number ‘4’ is associated with death.

Don’t be surprised if we get an updated on the story on March 8, or 3/8.
Kidnapped = 163 (38th prime)
Murder = 38 / 34
Matamos = 34
Today, Monday, March 6, has 52 date numerology.
Kidnapping = 52