March for Israel takes place in December, November 14, 2023 (What is 47?)

Mike Johnson=56 (56th Speaker of the House), Washington DC=56, *Society of Jesus=56
Funny how for a decade I’ve drawn the parallel between the 4th of July, all the 47’s in D.C., and Israel being drawn up in September of 1947. Now here we are on November 14, 2023, the day leaving 47 days in the year.
Of course, Israel was drawn up as a nation, September 3, 1947, before it was created officially on May 14, 1948. And as we know, 47 is a special number.
The Gematria is also perfect. *March for Israel=74 & 88 *Jewish=74 & 88
Another 74 and 88 is *George Washington=74 & 88
Another is *Holy Roman Empire=74 & 88

Keep in mind Israel was once under the occupation of the United Kingdom.
United Kingdom=146
March of Israel=146
*Jesus Christ=146
Soon the blind’s messiah will return, the one with the 14/6 birthday, Donald Trump.
He left office at age 74, and will return… think about it.
Jesus Christ=74
Of course, in Washington DC, most politicians are Christians in the land of Roman architecture.
And of course x2, this nation’s got the 7/4 birthday.
Keep in mind today is 38 days after the war began on October 7, and Washington DC is on the 38th Parallel North, the home of the ‘Pentagon,’ where “Marching for Israel” is big business at the taxpayer’s expense, in resources and lives.

The pro-choice protest at Samuel Alito’s house, June 27, 2022, by the numbers

This protest was 87-days after Alito’s birthday, April 1, 1950.
Justice = 87

And notice how ‘Pussy Posse’ goes with ‘Supreme Court.’

Read about the 174 ritual with the Supreme Court and Aaron Judge on the 174th day of the year.
Keep in mind this happened on the day leaving 187-days in the year.
Washington DC = 187
George Washington = 187
Society of Jesus = 187
Holy Roman Empire = 187
Unconquered Sun = 187
Shout out to On the Ground with Tara.
And as you watch the video, notice that the Covid-19 muzzle has never been more convenient. Something tells me there would be less people in the protest if they weren’t able to so conveniently cover their face.
They show a lot of respect for the neighborhood.
Half naked Roe v. Wade protester, Zoe Warren, racks up 5 million+ views after MSNBC interview, June 25, 2022

The number 53 represents the feminine, which is why the Roe v. Wade overturning came 53-days after the memo leak of May 2, 2022. And in this case, it is encoded in the name of the attractive young woman, who is “dressed for success” in terms of what gets views on the web.
Zoe Warren = 53
Vesica Piscis = 53
Womb = 53

Now ask yourself, how much did her outfit have to do with the views? And keep in mind young women her age are the primary demographic for abortions

Longmont Christian pregnancy center in Coloardo vandalized and burned following Roe v. Wade decision, June 25, 2022

Notice this fire happened in Colorado, the 38th state, after the ruling on the 38th Parallel North, in Washington D.C., overturning Roe v. Wade.
Kabbalah = 38
English = 38
Gematria = 38
Energy = 38
*Colorado = 38
*Longmont = 38 / 34
*Fire = 38 / 34
Notice it was at 3:20 AM.
Roman Catholic Church = 320 / 94
–Life Choices = 94 (Church name)
–Denver = 94 (Longmont is just outside Denver)
Recall the death of Sidney Poitier, at 94, 320-days after his birthday, or the ritual with George Floyd and the 320 vehicles. Of course Poitier won best actor for the 94 minute film about Catholic Nuns.
And Longmont also has the gematria of 110 and 106, just like prophecy.
Longmont = 106 / 110
Prophecy = 106 / 110
Read about the Roe v. Wade ritual involving 110 in Los Angeles.
-Los Angeles
-All American Southwest

Why the Los Angeles Roe v. Wade protest began at Pershing Square, June 24, 2022 | The Jesuits & Agent Provocateurs

The protest march, June 24, 2022, came on Eric Garcetti’s 141st day of being 51-years-old.
Electric = 51 / 141

It was also 20-weeks and 1-day into Eric Garcetti’s age.
The Jesuit Order = 201
Order of Illuminati = 201
Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization = 201 (What overturned Roe)
The Roman Mythology Super Bowl 56 blackout joke (with f*** your rights Arnold SS)

Notice blow that the march began in PERSHING SQUARE.
Pershing Square = 177 / 201
The Jesuit Order = 177 / 201
Propaganda = 177

The Mayor has the 201 connection in Phoenix. *Kate Gallego = 201
And as we know, ‘Agent Provocateur’ equates to 201.

I can speak to the May 1, 2012 Seattle May Day agents that operated like they were military…
I’ve told the story many times before.
Order of Illuminati = 201
-Established May 1, 1776
-“201 File” for Army
-Jesuits are military
-Jesuits founded the Illuminati
As for Route 110, it was disrupted on June 24, 2022, in response to the Roe v. Wade overturning.
And when I think 110, I think…
The massacre in Charleston, at 110 Calhoun Street (the race based shooting)
-It happened on the anniversary of Rodney King drowning (the man beaten in LA)
How tall the World Trade Centers were.. (2 became 0 became 1)
Osama bin Laden = 110
Rockefeller = 110
President = 110
-RFK and Biden have the same birthday
-Both born November 20, (RFK in 1925, Biden in 1942)
-RFK was assassinated in Los Angeles (RFK = 46, JFK dead at 46, Biden #46)
Ukraine = 110
-Warriors, Rams & Ukraine ritual (McVay with the Ukrainian fiance + more)
Longmont = 110 (Where fire burned abortion clinic in Colorado)
Minnesota = 110 (Where the massive 201 George Floyd ritual began)
Prophecy = 110
-Revelation = 121
-L.A. = 121
-Look into the show REVOLUTION which sounds similar to REVELATION
Recall, what happened in Phoenix, next door, that got more attention the day of June 24, 2022.
Phoenix = 91 (13th triangular number)
–West = 13
–LA = 13
-LA is just west of Phoenix
-The sun is very relevant to Freemasonry and the Jesuits (this happened on Freemasonry’s birthday)
-Read about Eric Garcettia’s very Masonic ritual in 2015 with water (96 black balls)
-The reservoir was 175 acres (for the ritual linked)
–Roe versus Wade = 175
–Phoenix, Arizona = 175
–Pope Francis = 175
–Holy Trinity = 175 (Often associated with water, baptism)
–It’s a big number with the 9/11 ritual in 2001 (in relation to current Pope)
–Roe v. Wade decided on 175th day of year (in time of Cancer, a water sign)
–Three branches of US Government, the “trinity” (“fair and balanced” that way)
–Hiram Abiff and the three ruffians… (Freemasonry story)
In light of the blackout theme of the Phoenix post linked above, don’t forget the Justin Timberlake “Supplies” song and the music video in Los Angeles where the power is out.
It goes with Eminem’s song Darkness, released 91-days after his birthday, in tribute to the Route 91 Harvest Festival shooting, on the day leaving 91-days in the year, October 1, 2017.
Darkness = 91
It reminds that Eminem performed in LA on 2/13, in Super Bowl 56, as the LA Rams won Super Bowl 56, for the hometown (213) area code.
Power Outage = 52 / 56 / 146 / 151
-July 14 is 151-days after the Super Bowl (July 13 is a span of 151-days including the SB)
-July 9 is 146-days after the Super Bowl (July 8 is a span of 146-days including the SB)
–*Rodney Glen King = 79 (Who was beaten by LAPD on March 3, 1991)
–*Society of Jesus = 79
–Jesus at 33
—-Police = 33
—-KKK = 33
—-Race War = 33
—-Masonry = 33
—-Secrecy = 33
—-Order = 33
The date July 9 can also be written 9/7.
Eric Michael Garcetti = 97
*The protest was 131-days after the Super Bowl.
Super Bowl = 131
Championship = 131
And for one last point, notice Eric Garcetti’s education. Can you say New World Order?

Hopefully this event that is clearly being foreshadowed is still years away. That said, Super Bowl 56 did foretell that it is to come, and you can never be too safe (that said, you can be too paranoid, so find the balance). And ‘power outage’ does equate to 56 in the most pure cipher. And Eminem, with his song Darkness, did perform at it.
And here was the headline from May Day, May 1, 2012, in Seattle.
Everett Herald lies about my appearance at March For Our Lives in Everett, Washington, June 11, 2022
Go to about 2 hours and 17 minutes in the video to see the “counter protester” in action. You’ll notice how the article neglected the truth about what I said.
And you’ll notice, unlike what the article claims, I did not disappear from the scene. I was the last man standing.
March For Our Lives rally in Washington D.C. interrupted while Jesuit educated Erica Ford on stage, June 11, 202

Notice the emphasis on ‘I am the gun,’ equating to 44.

Read about the 44-minute North Hollywood shootout that targeted assault rifles in its aftermath.

This happened during a moment of silence for the 19 children killed at Uvalde, while 19 cops stood down. As we know that is the ‘chaos’ code.
Chaos = 19
Recall the Uvalde shooting happened on the 193rd day of the Governor’s age, Greg Abbott.
193, 44th prime
Salvador Ramos = 193
Keep in mind Uvalde is along Jefferson Highway, and Buffalo’s Tops shooting was on Jefferson Ave.

And don’t forget the Buffalo Tops opened 19-days after the shooter’s date of birth, and was opened on the 190th day of the year, the 19th triangular number, and the shooting occurred 19-weeks before Mayor Byron Brown’s upcoming birthday (a man who was not elected, but selected as a “write-in” candidate… after losing the primary….). And beyond that, remember the 19 hijackers on 9/11, and then Covid-19 19-years later. It’s a long pattern, with countless examples, including the 19 dead children in the OKC bombing, blamed on Timothy McVeigh, who was from the Buffalo area.
Funny enough, Erica Ford is one of the people who I talked to in Buffalo, and she was on the stage at the time of the chaos in D.C. on June 11, 2022 at the March For Our Lives Rally.
Society of Jesus = 191 / 79 / 56
New York City Crisis Management System = 191
Erica Ford = 79 / 56

When I talked to her and her team, she said to me, “I know you, you’re that YouTube guy. Your work is pretty interesting.” It was her employees though that I had the longer conversation with. And keep in mind the Buffalo Tops opened on July 9, (7/9), on OJ Simpson’s 56th birthday, and the shooting happened on May 14, 2022, 56-days before July 9…

It turns out Erica Ford is Jesuit educated as well, so this is likely how she was chosen to run the agency that she now does (which truly is a good thing). Remember, the Jesuits are good and bad, like all things, and people like Erica might not have a clue about the EVIL side of their order.

So April 8 is Erica Ford Day in New York.
Jesuit = 84
The Jesuit Order = 84
The Catholic Church = 84
United States of America = 84
And if you read this Erica, March For Our Lives, June 11, 2022, was on the day leaving 203-days in the year, exactly 203-days after Jesuit Joe Biden’s birthday.
March For Our Lives = 203
Let’s get to 10,000 supporters!
Why the feminist ‘We Can Do It’ ad campaign is so fitting for abortion rights rallies

Notice the overlap with ‘We Can Do It’ and ‘Abortion.’
40 / 50 / 94

Andrew Yang accuses the New York Daily News of racism towards asians with latest drawing of him, May 27, 2021

Recall when Andrew Yang, Mr. Math, dropped out of the Presidential race on February 11, or 11/2, the 42nd day of the year? If not, read about it here.
I bring it up because this latest news is his controversy with the ‘Daily News’.

Don’t forget the Jesuits operate in 112 countries. And regarding the Jesuits, today’s news comes 72 days after the March 16, 2021 shootings in Georgia.
–Jesuit Order = 72
–New York Daily News = 79; Society of Jesus = 79