Maria von Braun’s death on the day of Elon Musk’s Nazi salute in tributto to Wernher von Braun, January 20, 2025

On the 38th day of the year, it was revealed that Wernher von Braun’s wife had died on January 20, 2025, the same day that Elon Musk gave the Nazi / Roman salute in tribute to von Braun (Germany=38, Death=38, Murder=38, Killing=38, RIP=38). Her death was revealed 18 days after it happened (IHS=18 & 18 — The Jesuit Order=201, like 20/1).
Notice that she and Werhner von Braun were married in ’47, connecting with her death coming 47 years after his passing, in the time of #47, Donald Trump (Trump=47). The 47 goes with her place of death (Huntsville, AL=47). The location also has a Jesuit connection, and it is a reminder that Adolf Hitler supposedly died at age 56 (Huntsville, Alabama=56, Adolf Hitler=56, Society of Jesus=56).

She also died in the 47th week since their wedding anniversary.
It was precisely 325 days after the anniversary (Scottish Rite of Freemasonry=325).
She was 96 years old (Freemason=96, *Satanism=96).
The Masons study the 47th Problem of Euclid.

Elon Musk seemingly gives Nazi salute on inauguration day, January 20, 2025 (the Wernher von Braun tribute)

Notice the 47 list (it grows by the day).
Mein Kampf=47
Fascism=47 & 25
Trump=47 & 25
Read more about Trump and 47 here.

The official name of the Nazi salute is Sieg Heil.

Wernher von Braun died 47 years ago (he’s the Nazi who wrote about The Elon).

It goes with Mars having a 47 year orbital cycle.

It also goes with 2025 being the year of Mars.

This ritual happened on the 207th day of Elon Musk’s age.

Notice The Mars Project was published in English in ’53, and Elon Musk is age 53.
And don’t forget about this debacle from August of 2017.

Recall that the Nazi, Wernher von Braun, wrote the book Project Mars: A Technical Tale, where the leader of the mission to Mars is The Elon. Read more about that below.
For one more point, notice the overlap with ‘Project Mars’ and ‘Donald Trump.’
Keep in mind Musk’s ritual was 159 days before his 54th birthday (Jesuit Order=54).

“Men are from Mars.”
Of course, the Jesuit Order’s birthday is August 15, the day leaving 138 days in the year.
And of course, the Jesuits have quite the history with the Nazis.
The July Plot to kill Hitler was on July 20, 1944. July 20 is typically the 201st day of the year.

Project Paperclip, to bring Nazi scientists to America, began on July 20, 1945, the 201st day of the year.

Trump is 78-years-old
Elon Musk was declared the world’s richest man at age 78
I’m Dark MAGA=78
Recall that Adolfus Hitler is Adolf’s name on his birth certificate (201).
Elon Musk’s ritual comes on January 20, or 20/1, the 201st day of the nation’s age.

This ritual also came 218 days after the 47th anniversary of Wernher von Braun.

Keep in mind the Holy Roman Empire supposedly folded on the 218th day of the year, August 6, 1806, which was 218 years ago (Holy Roman Empire=218).

For one more point, notice that Elon Musk’s birthday, June 28, is pertinent to Nazi history, including the day that Hitler went to Paris, the home of the Jesuits.

Apophenia was invented by a Nazi Party scientist in 1958 (how much of the world has been under Nazi mind control tactics ever since?)

The man who essentially deemed numerology as schizophrenia died at age 55 on 5/5, May 5.
Keep in mind, May 5 is the 125th day of the year.
Notice that the man was a Nazi who invented the term Apophenia in ’58 (Nazi=58).
That was the same year that the same man, Klaud Conrad, became the director of the University Psychiatric Hospital in Gottingen.

K.C.=11.3. (Nazi Party=113)
It’s a reminder that one of the most important rituals the Nazis pulled off was The Reichstag Fire. It unified them against an enemy that they blamed for a fire that they set themselves.
The parallel is that the fire occurred on the 58th day of the year, February 27, 1933.

Read more about The Reichstag Fire here.
This ties in with why Donald Trump was rumored to carry Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf after winning the 58th US Presidential election. That same Donald Trump was part of the US’s Reichstag Fire incident (September 11, 2001).

As for 1958, the year of the text, it is the same year Pope Francis became a Jesuit.

It goes with Donald Trump, who was educated by the Jesuits at Fordham.
I bring this up because it is a reminder that Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope, and the Nazis were modeled after the Jesuit Order. It was also the Jesuits and the Catholic Church that were mum on what the Nazis did to many groups in Europe, namely Jews.

Think about how Freemasonry is banned within Catholicism, and how Hitler shutdown Masonic Lodges in all areas the Nazis controlled. Despite these historical tales, the number 58 is very important to Freemasonry, and as you can see above, Pope Francis is doing the Masonic hidden hand pose. So how much of what is mainstream is purely deception? Keep in mind, the Jesuits are responsible for Modern Freemasonry, and the Illuminati, founded by a Jesuit, infiltrated Modern Freemasonry as well (George Washington literally wrote letters about it).

Furthermore, think of King James, the Freemason and Rosicrucian, who died at the age of 58, and who had a Bible named after him (perhaps the Nazi scientist would accuse the fourth text of the book, Numbers, of being schizophrenic).

As you’ll recall, Trump had his GOP Convention in Cleveland in 2016, after LeBron James won the NBA Finals on the real King James birthday, June 19 (and now in 2024, he is the new Grover Cleveland).
These jokes tie in with the first degree of Freemasonry being The Apprentice (like Trump).
As for the Jesuits, notice the title of Klaus Conrad’s book that deems pattern recognition as mental illness, namely schizophrenia. It is ‘Die beginnende Schizophrenie.’

‘Beginning Stages of Schizophrenia’ is the English translation of the book.

The 153 ties in with the Jesuits, and the Bible.

Don’t forget that the Illuminati was founded by a Jesuit in Germany (hello Nazis).

The Jesut HQ is at the Church of the Gesu, building 54.
The Haavara Agreement, 207 days after Hitler became Chancellor of Germany (Jesuits & Art of War) (Hasan-i Sabbah & Order of Assassins)

Israel was drawn up by the United Nations on September 3, 1947.
With regards to ’47, notice ‘Haavara.’ *Haavara=47 (Haavara Agreement=68)
August 25 is written 25/8, like 258. *Order of Illuminati=258 *Number of the Beast=258
Thr square root of 666 is 25.8 (like 258).
It goes back to the 47. *Beast=47 *Authority=47 *Government=47 *Vatican=47
And this happened in Germany, where the Illuminati was founded by the Jesuit Adam Weishaupt.
Keep in mind August 25 is the 237th day of the year, leaving 128 days remaining.
–2x3x7=42 *World War=42 *War=42 *Jesuit=42
-128 is 11 in numerology (11, the master number) *Jew=11
Remember, the whole thing with Hitler, who modeled the Nazis after the Jesuits, dying 10 days after his 56th birthday. *Nazi Germany=56 *Adolf Hitler=56 *Society of Jesus=56 *Washington DC=56
47 & 56 are 11 in numerology.
The Nazis came to power in 1933.
The Nazi Party came into power on January 30 (1/30, like 130. *Nazi Part=130 *Washington=130

That date had 83 numerology. 1+30+19+33=83 *Germany=83 *Murder=83
Murder by Number (song) was created in ’83.
Finally, the Haavara Agreement came 207 days after Hitler was appointed Chancellor.
The Jesuit Priest who wrote Art of War was Jean Joseph Marie Amiot.
Jean Joseph Marie Amiot=207
Read more about Art of War & the Jesuits in light of recent times here.

July 20 is the 201st day of the year, and the date can be written 20/7, like 207.
–The Jesuit Order=201
–Order of Illuminati=201
–Order of Assassins=201
–State of Israel=201
*Adolfus Hitler=201 (Name on Adolf’s birth certificate)
And the rest of the long list.
Read about Israel’s war breaking out on October 7, 2023, in a massive 207 ritual, foretold by the October 4 alerts sent out in the United States and Russia on the same day. Of course, the war began three days later, on Vladimir Putin’s 71st birthday, 71 days before the Pope’s birthday.
Talmud=71 *Catholic=71 *The Society of Jesus=71
October 7 leaves 85 days in the year. *Templar=85 *Crucify=85 *Christ=85
The Jesuit motto, IHS, equates to 85. *Iesus Hominum Salvator=85
And recall the 85 connection with the founder of the Order of Assassins. *Hasan-i Sabbah=85
His nickname to those from the west was… *Old Man of the Mountain=85

His death anniversary is the birthday anniversary of George Herbert Walker Bush, a Skull and Bones member, an order that pays homage to the Templars.
Templar=41 *Skull and Bones=41 (George HW Bush, #41)
Trump accuses Biden of running Gestapo administration, May 6, 2024 news

Notice the connection to ‘Gestapo,’ ‘Germany,’ and ‘Election.’

Notice the 34 in both Gestapo & Germany. It goes with ‘Biden.’ The 29 is also in Gestap & Biden.

If Biden makes it, he would begin his 83rd year of life on November 20, 2024.

This news comes on May 6, or 5/6, a reminder that Adolf Hitler died at age 56, April 30, 1945. That means we just passed the 79th anniversary of his death.

*Think of January 6th or 6/1
*Think of US Civil War breaking out in ’61
*Think of 61 in Sacred Geometry (it pertains to God)
*The number 56 pertains to light
Also, we have been keeping an eye on June 1, 2024 in regards to Joe Biden leaving office since before he took office.
And the 79th anniversary of Hitler’s death is crucial too.

Recall the ritual with the Key Bridge, and its 56 meters of clearances, 79 years after Salvador Dali’s The Broken Bridge and the Dream.
Or think of the pandemic being declared on the 79th day of Anthony Fauci being 79 years old.
Anthony Fauci=56 *Coronavirus=56 *Covid Vaccine=56 *Washington DC=56
Society of Jesus=56 & 79

As for the Gestapo part, it goes with the ‘election’ theme of 83.
Gestapo=83, Germany=83, The Donald=83, *Election=83
Remember the ritual with Colorado and the ballot earlier this year. *Colorado=83
For one last point, today is the 177th day of the Superior General’s age.
The Jesuit Order=177 *New World Order=177