Over 20 large cats dead from bird flu in Shelton, Washington (coronavirus de ja vu)

In 2020, the coronavirus broke out in the Seattle area of the United States. You’ll recall celebrities were posing in Tiger gear while announcing their coronavirus and Covid-19 diagnoses. So think about “20” large cats, including Tigers, being reported dead from this bird flu outbreak in the same area in 2020 (Cat=24, Bird=24).

Al Pacino reveals he nearly died of Covid-19, October 5, 2024 (The Godfather ritual)

This news first broke on October 5, 2024.

Notice, the story broke 163 days after Al Pacino’s birthday (38th prime, Death=38, Pandemic=38).

Al Pacino is 84, and this news broke on the day, leaving 87 days in the year (The Catholic Church=84 & 87). The biggest film series he is in is The Godfather (Godfather=84). Recall that Francis Ford Coppola’s wife died at age 87, 117 days after the Pope’s 87th birthday, earlier this year (The Godfather=117).
From her passing to Al Pacino’s news was a span of 177 days (The Jesuit Order=177 & 84).
Anthony Fauci is recovering from West Nile Virus, August 24, 2024 news

August 24 leaves 129 days in the year (201 in base-8 counting).
Recall when Fauci predicted the pandemic from Georgetown, January 10, 2017 (Georgetown=129).
Also, Anthony Fauci is 83 years old at the time (West Nile Virus=83).
This news comes on August 24, 2024, while the country is 248 years old (24/8).

This news comes on Kobe Bryant Day, who was buried in Corona del Mar, days after coronavirus was confirmed in the United States. Fittingly, it is exactly 41 weeks into the Superior General’s age (Kobe Bryant=41). It is also 251 days after the Pope’s birthday (54th prime — Kobe Bean Bryant=54, Jesuit Order=54). Recall, Kobe died at 41 on the Pope’s 41st day of his age, and this year they put up the Kobe statue on February 8, the 54th day of the Pope’s age.

Keep in mind today also has 56 date numerology (8+24+24=56).

And in light of 87 being a big theme in the time of Pope Francis being 87 years old (Ignatius of Loyola=87, The Catholic Church=87), West Nile Virus turned 87 years old this year.

President Biden tests negative for Covid-19, 89 days before Kamala’s 60th birthday, July 23, 2024
Today is 89 days before Kamala’s 60th birthday (Virus=89).
Gerald Ford’s prediction was in ’89.
Richard Nixon resigned on August 9, or 8/9, and that gave us Ford.
Richard Nixon and Biden had big years in ’72.
And don’t forget, Kamala was born exactly 263 months after Biden (56th prime). It matters from ‘Black Lives Matter,’ to ‘coronavirus.’ It’s the same 56 rituals over and over, and they brought it together in the time of the Pandemic with “I can’t breathe.”
Bob Newhart, famous since 1960, dead at 94, July 18, 2024

In a week where the Donald Trump assassination hoax joke went almost over everyone’s head, along with the ongoing parallels of Dementia Joe to another man accused of dementia, Ronald Reagan, who also ran on MAGA… Bob Newhart, the longtime comedian, is dead.
Trump is #45, and Bob Newhart is #45.

Recall, #45, Trump, just had the scare 45 days after JFK’s birthday.
Newhart became known in 1960, the year JFK was elected President of the United States. And recall, the shooting was on the anniversary of JFK becoming the nominee for the Democratic Party, July 13, 1960.
It has been 64 years since 1960, going with ‘comedian.’
And notice how Joe Biden overlaps with ‘comedian.’

Remember the joke with Joe Biden on Hawaii’s 64th birthday as a state, August 21, 2023?
And now the Covid diagnosis? It’s joke on jokes.

George Newhart=146 (Trump’s birthday is 14/6) (his birth name is George Newhart)
You could say it is “35 Thursday” as well.
The death of Bob Newhart comes on July 18, or 18/7, like 187.
The number is associated with homicide, the Jesuits & the Masons.
His birthday was September 5, like how the Jesuits were created to counter the 95 Theses, or his birthday can be written 5/9, like 59, a big number with the first Jesuit Pope, Pope Francis.
The Trump shooting had a lot to do with 107, how old JFK would be right now if he were still kicking.

George Robert Newhart=100 (Thursday=100)
George Robert Newhart=289 *Oct. 15 will be the 289th day of the leap year (typically October 16)
Shooting=107 *John Fitzgerald Kennedy=107 (Butler was in 107th year of existence)
CNN lays out why Biden’s days are numbered, Thursday, July 18, 2024

Today is 18/7, 187 days from Inauguration Day (Society of Jesus=187, Washington DC=187).
It goes with Covid (Coronavirus=56, Society of Jesus=56, Washington DC=56).
He got sick 56 months and days after Event 201, October 18, 2019.
Today is 241 days after Biden’s birthday (53rd prime — Covid=53).
Tomorrow is the 201st day of the leap year. His family, RIP, all 201’d.
July 20 is the 202nd day of the leap year and DC is the (202) area code.
Pelosi tells Joe Biden he cannot win the election, Wednesday, July 17, 2024 (and Trump shooter hyped July 13 shooting on gaming website)

This is CNN’s front page, July 18, 2024, the last day of the GOP Convention, a span of 187 days from Inauguration Day (Washington DC=187 & 56, Society of Jesus=187 & 56, Nancy Pelosi=56).
Keep in mind it was 17/7. *The Jesuit Order=177
And notice the coded headline from the supposed Trump shooter, “July 13 will be my premiere, watch as it unfolds.” It encodes the number 457, the 88th prime (Trump=88), and 523 (Donald Trump=523 in Satanic Gematria). As I’ve been discussing, tomorrow, July 19, 2024, the 201st day of the leap year, will be 457 days after RFK Jr. gave his first speech running for office, April 19, 2023, Ignatius of Loyola Day.

Even fox is running the same headline as CNN.
Joe Biden tests positive for Covid-19, July 17, 2024 (the anniversary of Captain Tom being knighted)

This news comes on the 241st day of Joe Biden’s age (53rd prime)(Covid=53).
Recall, Trump “just escaped death” in PA (Pennsylvania=53).
This news also comes 111 days before the election (Vaccination=111).
It it goes with the “214 theme” in Trump’s near assassination (Covid Vaccine=214).
Recall that we covered the parallels with Trump’s Operation Warp Speed on the 48th anniversary of George Wallace being shot, and now you have this.
Today is also 33 days after Trump’s birthday (Covid=33)(divisors of 33 sum to 48).
Keep in mind today is 17/7 (The Jesuit Order=177)(Klaus Schwab=177)(New World Order=177).
Recall Captain Tom was Knighted on this day, July 17, 2020, and died 201 days later from Covid-19, the day after Burma’s military overthrew its government, and he was known for the Burma Campaign.
It was the Queen who knighted him, and who also eventually died 201 days after her Covid diagnosis.
Also, today is 56 months and days since Event 201 (Coronavirus=56, Covid Vaccine=56).
Gavin Newsom locked down CA in the 56 ritual (Gavin Newsom=56, Society of Jesus=56).
It all goes back to the 56 signers (Washington DC=56).
It comes up to the present (Anthony Fauci=56).
And never forget, 2020, the year of the “pandemic,” was 56 years after Trump’s Jesuit education at Fordham, in the time of the 56th Governor of New York, Cuomo, who also went to Fordham.
For one more, today is 95 days before Kamala’s birthday (Jesuit signature).
Today is also exactly 227 weeks after the pandemic was declared, March 11, 2020.
227, 49th prime (Kamala Harris=49, 49th VP) *Washington=49 *America=49
This news also comes on 68 date numerology, and coronavirus was coined in 1968 (7+17+20+24=68).
Trump shares vaccine skepticism in video posted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s son, Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Today is 181 days after RFK Jr.’s birthday (today is July 16, 2024, a Tuesday).
Vaccine Skeptcisim=181
The ritual is obvious. Today is 181 days (42nd prime) after RFK Jr.’s birthday (Vaccine=42).

There were many 42 rituals at the time of the pandemic.

Read more about 42 and the pandemic here.
Also, don’t forget the beast rules for 42 months, and the beast is connected to 666, like how Clade X was May 15, 2018, 666 days before the pandemic was declared (*and Trump declared Operation Warp Speed on May 15, 2020).
Remember, they began testing the vaccines early on in Bill Gates’ backyard, Seattle, in Washington, the 42nd state (not to be confused with Washington DC — Jesuit=42, Georgetown=42 *Freemason=42).
The New Testament begins with the 42 generations to Jesus (New Testament=42, Math=42.
The Jesuits operate in 112 countries, and today is 112 days before the election. Trump and Kennedy are both Jesuit-educated (Trump, Fordham & Kennedy, Georgetown Prep)(Catholicism=112, Mathematics=112).

The New Testament begins with the 42 generations to Jesus.

Remember, Trump was #45. *Holy Bible=45 & 45 *Geometry=45
The fourth book of the Bible is Numbers (and there’s infinitely more to say on this).
And again, from Clade X, May 15, 2018, to Event 201, on October 18, like 10/18, like Luke 10:18, where Satan comes to earth, to the pandemic being declared 666 days after May 15, 2018, it was all predicted, because we explained in 2016 why the time of Trump would be biblical. It was all in the numbers.
Chrsitianity=155 (15/5 date)
And again, Trump did Warp Speed on May 15, the date that was Mercuralia in Ancient Rome.
*Today is 32 days after Trump’s birthday or his 33rd day of his age (32 sun rays on Jesuit logo).
As for RFK Jr. being 70, recall the 70 rituals with the pandemic (Coronavirus=70).
It goes with it being the 33rd day of Trump’s age (Corona=33).
Also, Trump is 78, reminding us that the pandemic was declared on March 11, 2020, 78 days after Anthony Fauci’s birthday (Jesuit educated, Holy Cross).

Trump’s Operation Warp Speed on the 48th anniversary of the George Wallace assassination, and the July 13, 2024 assassination attempt (it’s the Jesuits, stupid)

Trump declared Operation Warp Speed (Shots — Vaccines) on May 15, 2020, the 48th anniversary of George Wallace being shot, a politician Trump has always been compared to (Donald Trump=48). Trump was now shot in Butler, named after a man who died at age 48. This joke goes with Sandy Hook’s anniversary being the day Sandy Lindsday became the first vaccinated American for COVID-19.

From the day Trump declared Operation Warp Speed, to the assassination attempt, July 13, 2024, was a total span of 1521 days, like Ignatius of Loyola was shot May 20, 1521.

Who could do this but the Jesuits? They gave us the calendar and the language.