Donald Trump suffers second assassination hoax on his golf course, Sunday, September 15, 2024
They said this “second” Trump assassination hoax came just before 2 PM (probably 1:59 on 1/59), but again, the second, just before “2 PM,” and during NFL Week 2, when the Saints blew out the Dallas team 44-19, for a total of 63 points, reminding of what happened to JFK in Dallas in ’63, who was #35, but also the 44th term US President (Golf Course=149, 35th prime — JFK born on 149th day). You’ll recall the last Trump assassination hoax came 45 days after JFK’s birthday anniversary.
As for the last hoax, it was July 13, 64 days ago, and Trump began his Jesuit education at Fordham in ’64. Of course, there are 64 spaces on the chessboard, and this is political chess, where instead of moves with pieces, it moves with political stooges, sometimes painted orange.
I will never surrender? This news comes on the day leaving 107 days in the year (Shooting=107).
The ‘Golf Course shooting’ comes on the 285th day of the leap year, 93 days after Trump’s birthday.
The sun is 93 million miles away, and this news comes on a Sunday.
It’s also 93 days before the Pope’s birthday.
Another name for the sun is ‘helios’ and this news comes on 68 & 32 date numerology.
9+15+20+24=68 *9+15+(2+0+2+4)=32
There are 32 sun rays on the Jesuit logo (the sun — aka Helios).
1968 was the year of the MLK and RFK assassinations, and Trump and RFK are buddies now.
Go figure this ritual comes on the 243rd day of RFK Jr.’s age.
RFK Jr.’s birthday is 1/17, like 117.
The CIA was founded in ’47, the year after Trump was born in ’46.
Notice the overlap with ‘golf course’ and ‘gun control.’
Golf Course=149 (JFK born on the 149th day of the year)
-149 is the 35th prime (JFK was the 35th President)
-JFK was killed on I-35 in Dallas
-Today is 35 days before Kamala’s October 20 birthday
The shooter is from Hawaii, the 50th and Final state (Obama’s state).
His name equates to 229 (Ryan Wesley Routh=229), the 50th prime number.
Some headlines have his name just as Ryan Routh.
He is reportedly 58, like how Trump won the 58th US Presidential election after announcing he was running from the 58 story Trump Tower. This is also the second shooting scare for Trump (Two=58).
You know the 58 list.
The real King James, a Freemason and Rosicrucian, died at age 58. And don’t forget, the Catholic Church tried to blow him on November 5, the date of the election this year. That was the “Gunpowder Plot.”
The Freemason’s study the 47th Problem of Euclid.
And what is 47? *Authority=47 *Government=47 *President=47 *White House=47
Trump is running on Agenda 47.
Read more about 47 and the presidency.
Keep in mind this news comes on September 15, or 15/9, like 159.
Notice the four values of the Scottish Rite.
Trump is 78 years old *Kennedy=78 *Jesuit=78 *Order Out of Chaos=78
Gunpowder Plot=165 & 57
Gunman’s Arc=60 *Donald Trump=60 (60th US Presidential Election)
Keep in mind Lincoln was shot on April 14, 1865, and died the next day, 159 years ago…
Notice where 58 and 68 fits in with Ford’s Theatre, where Lincoln was supposedly killed.
And in light of this being Week 2 of the NFL season, going with the second shooting just before 2 PM, it is also the 105th NFL season, going with Lincoln dying on the 105th day of the year.
This ritual also comes 201 days before the anniversary of MLK’s assassination in 1968, April 4.
Recall that the nation’s first gun control legislation came 201 days after MLK’s killing.
Today is also 127 days before Inauguration Day (Bavarian Illuminati=127, Scottish Rite of Freemasonry=127). Again, today is 15/9 (Scottish Rite=159).
For one more, this news comes 44 weeks after the Superior General’s birthday (Shooting=44).
They reported he was between holes 5 & 6 (Society of Jesus=56, Freemasons=56, Pope=56).
Then they flooded I-95, like how MLK got smoked on the 95th day of the year in 1968, and the Jesuit’s original mission was to stop Martin Luther and the 95 Theses.
For a bit more, today is 51 days before the election (Rome=51, Federal=51, Conspiracy=51).
Today is also 123 days after the anniversary of George Wallace being shot (Conspiracy=123, Kamala=123).
Today is also 109 days after JFK’s birthday anniversary (Shooting=109 & 107).
Today is also 68 days before JFK’s assassination anniversary.
Today is also 163 days after the Trump golf course earthquake of April 5, or 4/5 and 163 is the 38th prime (Death=38, Murder=38, Killing=38, RIP=38, *Election=38).
Diondre Overton, Clemson Tiger former player, killed on September 7, 2024
Diondre Overton is dead on September 7, or 9/7, or 7/9 (Death=97, Murder=79).
His name also equates to 79 (Diondre Overton=79).
It goes with his high school (Page High School=79, Page=79).
Recall, Mac Miller died on this date at age 26 in 2018, born Malcolm James McCormick.
He is dead on the day on the day leaving 115 days in the year (Killing=115).
This news breaks before Clemson plays Appalachian State in Week 2 of the College Football season.
He has died 141 days after his birthday (Thirty-Three=141, Tigers=33).
Notice he has 170 wins and 44 losses (Sacrifice=170, Kill=44, Shooting=44).
He has died on the 293rd day of Dabo Swinney’s age (62nd prime, Sacrifice=62).
And again, Swinney is on 44 losses, going with the ‘shooting.’
Today also has 60 date numerology (Clemson Tigers=60, 9+7+20+24=60).
Fox News blames liberal policies for the Sandy Hook school shooting after JT Lewis’ post on X, August 28-29, 2024, news
Sickening=152 *Kamala Devi Harris=152
His post came on 26 date numerology (JT Lewis=26, 26 dead at Sandy Hook shooting).
Recall, the shooting was on December 14, or 12+14=26.
His brother’s name has standout Gematria as well (Jesse Lewis=144, Jesuit Order=144).
Kevin Rojek speaks on Trump’s assassination scare, August 28, 2024
“More than 60 searches…” Today has 60 date numerology (8+28+24=60).
Again, the 60th US presidential election is upcoming (Donald Trump=60 & 48, Kevin Rojek=60 & 48).
And recall the parallels with George Wallace, and Trump, because it was a span of 60 days from the anniversary of the George Wallace shooting (George Wallace=60).
Also, don’t forget the 6:11 shooting time (Assassination=611).
The arrest of a father and son in Dallas in connection to a Yella Beezy beef, July 10, 2024 (for Dezmin)
Dezmin has called the livestream twice and asked us to look into this. His father was the shooter, but he was only there, not part of the crime, even though he has been arrested and charged as if he was responsible. Dezmin has informed us this had to do with a beef involving the Dallas rapper Yella Beezy.
For starters, notice the man who was killed, and the shooter are both 45 (Hip-Hop=45, Ritual=45).
Second, notice this came 262 days after Yella Beezy’s birthday (Faustian Bargain=262).
You could also say it was a span of 263 days (263, 56th prime — Society of Jesus=56, Freemasons=56, *Cedar Ridge=56). Dezmin has let us know that the lawyers involved in the case are Freemasons, and his father, is also a Scottish Rite Freemason.
July 10 is also the 191st day of the year (Society of Jesus=191).
191 is also the 43rd prime (Masonic=43, Killing=43).
And in light of the father being a Scottish Rite Freemason, this also came 103 days before Yella Beezy’s birthday (Scottish=103).
He was 29 at the time (Masonic=29).
Furthermore, the shooting was on Saturday, July 10, or 10/7 (Shooting=107, Saturday=107, Ritual Sacrifice=107). 107 is part of a very fateful pattern of ritualistic death and shootings.
For another fateful pattern, the shooting came on a lesser 38 date numerology (7+10+21=38, Death=38, Murder=38, Killing=38, RIP=38).
And for the clincher, this happened on a 58 date numerology (7+10+20+21=58). That number is heavily connected to the secret society (Freemasonry=58, Rosicrucian=58, Secret Society=58).
Also, notice Yella Beezy’s birth name is Markies Conway, another 58.
And do you recall the Dallas Police Officer shooting of 7/7?
For one last point, notice how the news broke the following date, a date with 59 numerology (7+11+20+21=59).
The father’s name also equates to 59, which is why he might have been targeted when he was.
When you’re behind bars, you’re essentially a slave.
The court date upcoming for the father and son who are charged with the crime is September 23, 2024, a date with 56 and 76 numerology (9+23+24=56, 9+23+20+24=76).
The date September 23 is 1171 days after the shooting (193rd prime number & 193 is the 44th prime number — Shooting=44, Kill=44).
That is also 38 months and 13 days later (Death=38, Dallas=13).
Keep in mind September 23 will be 28 days before the 33rd birthday of Yella Beezy (Mason=28, Masonry=33, Order=33, Secrecy=33).
Notice when Yella Beezy was a child, his father was murdered on Mother’s Day…
Again, notice the overlap with ‘mother’ and ‘murder.’
Recall, Megan Thee Stallion’s mother died, and she instantly became a star.
CNN writes about a “white woman” who killed a “black woman” in latest race bait, August 16, 2024
Notice the overlap with the killer’s name, ‘Susan Lorincz,’ and ‘Jesuit Order.’
The name Ajike Owens also has familiar numbers (Ajike Owens=59, Slave=59, Negro=59).
As for the “white woman” being 60, recall, 60 is the 42nd composite number and both the numbers 60 and 42 have to do with the racial slur, “nigger” (Nigger=60 & 42).
Trump shooting task force begins August 12, 2024, the 60th day of Donald Trump’s age
Recall that the Trump shooting hoax came on the kill date in July (July 13, 2024).
Now, here we are on the kill date for August, and the House of Representatives is kicking off its formal probe of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump today, August 12, 2024.
Kill=64/44/28 *Shooting=44
Today is also the 60th day of Trump’s age, leading up to the 60th US Presidential Election.
Donald Trump=60
Ronald L. Rowe, Jr., the new acting director of the Secret Service as of July 23, 2024
After the shooting hoax of Donald, Ronald is installed as the head of the Secret Service? Only in McDonald’s made America… and this is certainly big cheese.
Recall how big the 78 was in the shooting hoax of Trump (Ronald L. Rowe, Jr.=78).
His name also connects with Trump, born on the 165th day of the year (Ronald L. Rowe, Jr.=165).
Those numbers intersect in secret society (Scottish Rite=165 & 78).
Butler, PA, a town of 13,000 (going with the 13s in the “Trump assassination attempt”)
Read about the 13 rituals with the Trump assassination of July 13 in Butler.
I was overlooking up to this point that the population of Butler is supposedly 13,000.
Trump announces return rally to Butler, PA, July 26, 2024 (13 days later)
This news comes 13 days after the July 13 shooting, that got the perfect photo op under the 13 stripes.
The Secret Service and counterfeit money? Think of all the 13s on the federal dollar. There are 13 arrows, 13 olive branch leaves, 13 olive fruits, 13 stars above the eagle, 13 steps of the pyramid, and 13 bars on the shield.
Donald Trump also makes this announcement 42 days after his birthday, Friday, July 26, 2024 (Jesuit=42, Freemason=42, Gun=42, Ammo=42). Today is also the anniversary of the establishment of New York, July 26, 1788.
It would be something if spoke there on August 4, 2024, Obama’s birthday, his 63rd.
August 4 is a Sunday this year (Butler=84, Jesuit=84, Sunday=84, United States of America=84).
And speaking of 8/4, like 84, or even like the year ’84, 40 years ago…
…Butler is on the 40th Parallel North.
Recall, #40, Ronald Reagan, ran on MAGA.
Recall, Reagan, who suffered a shooting, won reelection in 1984, 40 years ago.
Recall the whole 214 thing (Ronald Reagan=214)(Church of Satan=214).
The shooting of Trump was 214 days after Pennsylvania’s December 12 establishment anniversary.
JFK was shot in the (214) area code.
He died at Parkland & the Parkland shooting was on 2/14.
*Reagan was shot in ’81 (President Trump=81), and August 1, or 8/1 a Thursday, is another day to keep an eye on.
Also, this news comes 101 days before the election, November 5, 2024. That date can be written 11/5.
Recall, the shooting was 115 days after Barron Trump’s birthday, and 115 days before the election. The shooter was said to be 20 years old. And Kamala Harris was in Philadelphia the same day (Philadelphia=101 & 61). With regards to Philadelphia, today can be written 26/7, and (267) is the Philadelphia area code. Also, 101 is the 26th prime, and here we are on the 26th of the month (Flag=26). Of course, the flag was sewn in Philadelphia.
Notice Betsy Ross, who sewed the flag, in Philadelphia, 239 Arch St., died at 84.
Betsy Ross=101 (101 days until the election)