Biden plans to declare monkeypox outbreak a PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY on Barack Obama’s 61st birthday, August 4, 2022
This news breaks August 4, 2022, a date that can be written 4/8. And recall, Monkeypox was declared in the US on May 18, the 138th day of the year. Thus 48, and 138, for ‘Monkeypox.
Read about Monkeypox in US on May 18, 2022.
Read more about Monkeypox by the numbers here.
But notice, the case was found the day prior, May 17, 2022, in Massachusetts.
May 17, 137th day of year
137, 33rd prime
Massachusetts = 33
Monkeypox = 33
Order of Illuminati = 105 / 201 (Event 201 gang simulated Monkeypox too…)
105, 14th triangular number
14th Amendment
Slave = 14
Obama = 14
And think. On Barack Obama’s birthday, this is the headline? And again, how many times did Barack Obama call Michelle, Michael? Plus, MONKEYpox, and the first black US president?
Slave = 59
Negro = 59
Rasta = 59
Blues = 59
Renegade = 59 (Obama’s Secret Service name)
Obamacare = 59 (Think about it… especially with the new laws and coming mandates)
-If you don’t have sovereignty over your own body, you are someone’s slave
Joe Biden just won the 59th US Presidential Election.
-JFK was killed 59-years ago *John F. Kennedy = 59
-Biden elected #46, 46-weeks after Pope Francis’ birthday
–Pope Francis = 59
–Catholic = 46
–JFK killed at age 46
Kill = 59 (Jewish Gematria)
Again all these rituals are from the Society of Jesus.
President Obama = 61
Washington DC = 61
Jesus = 61
Cross = 61
*JFK became President in ’61
*Remember, 61 is related to God in Sacred Geometry (Flower of Life)
God = 61 (Jewish Gematria)
ALSO, let us not forget that Obama won the 56th Presidential Election.
Society of Jesus = 56
Washington DC = 56
Anthony Fauci = 56
Black Lives Matter = 56
Coronavirus = 56
Covid Vaccine = 56
And the first case of Monkeypox confirmed in the world at this time is from May 6, or 5/6.
And, the monkeypox pandemic was simulated March 26, 2021, or 26/3, like 263.
263, 56th prime
These details also factor in with it being labeled a ‘gay’ disease.
Monkeypox = 33 / 48
Gay = 33 / 48
-Today is 4/8
And this is also happening on a date with 54 numerology, reminding that Barack Obama closed out the Agenda 2030 Conference, September 27, 2015, 54-days after his 54th birtdhay.
Jesuit Order = 54
Sun = 54
That was the day leaving 95-days in the year, and the Jesuits were created to counter the 95 Theses.
Emergency = 95
-Read about WHO’s July 23 Monkeypox Emergency ritual
And again, his birthday is 8/4.
Jesuit = 84
The Jesuit Order = 84
The Catholic Church = 84
United States of America = 84
-Jesuit Order = 144
-President Biden = 144
-The United States of America = 144
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“PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY” = 201 (Jewish Ordinal)
“Monkeypox Outbreak” = 129 (Reverse Single Reduction EP)(201 in base 8 counting)
“Monkeypox Outbreak” = 84 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“Monkeypox Outbreak” = 61 (Jewish Reduction)
“Obama’s Birthday” = 138 (English Ordinal)
“Monkeypox” = 138 (English Ordinal)
This news comes 165-months after the 2008 Presidential Election.
“The Catholic Church” = 165 (English Ordinal)