FDA approves a condom for anal sex, February 23, 2022, in ultimate Jesuit & Sodom and Gomorrah

Catholic Church Federal Government Jesuit Medical New World Order News Transgender / LGBTQ

Wow, the Catholic ass-fucker gang has gone full throttle on Wed., February 23, 2022 with this one.
54th day of the year
Jesuit Order = 54
Sun = 54
-“Where the sun doesn’t shine”
-Where Jesuit priests like to put it, especially with little boys

Keep in mind it was Dr. Courtney Lias of the FDA who delivered the news.

And 54 sizes of anal condoms?

And as for the 252 people in the clinical trial, can you say Sodom and Gomorrah???

Holy shit! ….Right?

Wednesday is named after Mercury, the trickster.
Mercury, the 201 Element
The Jesuit Order = 201

This comes in ’22.
Jesuits = 22
Anal Sex = 22
*Satanic = 22

Keep in mind the date can be written 2/23, like 223, the 48th prime.
Sex = 48
Gay = 48
*Evil = 48
*Illuminati = 48

The date can also be written 23/2, like 232.
Satan = 232 (Jewish Gematria)

Again, the PUSHING of homosexuality is satanic. I don’t think being homosexual is evil, but the pushing of it as an agenda is.

Read about the latest Lia Thomas ritual, 100% satanic.



And this is why I hate having Google ads.



  1. Shackia Christopher on February 24, 2022 at 8:16 pm

    The New World Order is the Old World Order of Sodomites.

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