16-year-old Montana teen, Selena Shelley Faye Not Afraid, disappearance story is a Super Bowl 54 riddle

News Sports

This story is about a 16-year-old native woman, who disappeared in Montana on New Year’s Eve, and then was found January 21, 22-days later.  This comes just before Super Bowl 54, which will be played on February 2, or 2/2, also known as the Joe Montana Bowl, a man who won Super Bowl 16, beating the Bengals who were kept to 16-points, while wearing jersey number 16 (S = 1; F = 6).  Of course, Joe Montana’s 49ers are playing Joe Montana’s Kansas City Chiefs, a team with “native” symbolism, and the game is being played in Miami’s football stadium, which was built on a native burial ground.

Notice her name, Selena Shelley Faye Not Afraid.

The story is out of ‘Big Horn’ County.

Joe Montana’s birthday is 11/6, like 116.  And don’t forget 116 points were scored in the Conference Championships, Chiefs won 35-24, and the 49ers won 37-20.

*Big Horn County = 63 (Joe Montana is 63)

You’ll notice below the 16-year-old woman disappeared between Billings and Hardin.

Billings = 39; 49ers = 39
