33-year-old Donni Wright assaulted by police for not social distancing, May 2, 2020 (May 4 news)
33-year-old ‘Donni Wright’ was beaten for not obeying ‘social distancing’.
This story took place Saturday, May 2, 2020, a date with 47 numerology, connecting to ‘racist’.
5/2/2020 = 5+2+20+20 = 47
The date May 2 can be expressed as 2/5, like 25.
The incident was with a man named ‘Donni’, summing to 25.
It is being reported on May 4, or 4/5, and deals with ‘racism’.
This news comes on a date with 49 numerology.
5/4/2020 = 5+4+20+20 = 49
You have to appreciate that Donni was 33…
The NYPD’s knee was put on Donni’s ‘neck’.
Don’t ever forget the beating of Rodney King on March 3, or 3/3.
The name ‘Donni’ also sums to 56, like ‘coronavirus’.