Barack Obama endorses Joe Biden for President, April 14, 2020

Federal Government News Politics

#44 endorses Biden on 14/4, like 144.

Barack Obama, who is 58-years-old, has endorsed Joe Biden on a 58 date numerology.

4/14/2020 = 4+14+20+20 = 58

Biden will take on the winner of the 58th U.S. Presidential Selection, Donald Trump, who hired the 58-year-old Steve Ray for Inauguration Day, after he announced he was running from the 58-story Trump Tower.

Don’t forget the episode of Suddenly Susan, which came out 5/8, or May 8, that foretold the Trump presidency, years in advance.

This news comes a span of 113-days to Obama’s 59th birthday, and the upcoming selection is number 59, and will be on November 3, or 11/3, like 113.

In light of the 59, don’t forget Obama’s Secret Service name was ‘Renegade’.

The date can be written 3/11 as well, like 311, the 64th prime.  

*Barack Hussein Obama = 64 *Hope = 64