Deadly tornadoes in the South cause ‘catastrophic’ damage, Easter Sunday, April 12, 2020 | Weather Warfare
This news comes April 12, 2020, a perfect date for a ‘natural disaster’. It has 56 date numerology, leaves 263-days left in the year (56th prime), and in non-leap-years, is the 102nd day of the year.
4/12/2020 = 4+12+20+20 = 56
Notice the emphasis on ‘catastrophic’. It codes 52, the signature number of weather warfare, as I wrote about in my book Letters & Numbers.
*Earth = 52 *Flood = 52 *Hurricane = 52
It also codes 74, THEE signature number.
These ‘tornadoes’ are the work of the beast system.
Don’t forget this letter written by Warren Buffet, Saturday, February 23, 2019. The date 2/23, like 223, was no mistake.
*The Synagogue of Satan = 223 *Masonic = 223
The term ‘megacatastrophe’ is interesting…
Armageddon fits in with the ongoing Revelation theming of the outbreak.
Read about Har Megiddo and 201:
95-million people? Remember, 666-days is 95-weeks and 1-day.
*Tornadoes = 666