Dixie Crush singer Lindsey Lagestee, killed in car accident, February 17, 2020 +February 21, 2020 news

Entertainment Murder by Numbers

This news was saved for February 21, 2020, despite the death taking place 4-days earlier.

2/21/2020 = 2+21+20+20 = 63


Here we have another dead musician in an ‘accident’ on a date with 59 numerology, February 17, 2020.  2/17/2020 = 2+17+20+20 = 59

Lindsey was 25.

2020, year of ‘death’.

97, 25th prime

*Lagestee = 74 / 43 *Killing = 74 / 43 *Masonic = 74 / 43 *Lucifer = 74 / 43