Haim Arlosoroff’s assassination, June 16, 1933, during time of Jewish boycott of Germany & Israel negotiations
This man was attempting to negotiate a deal with the Nazis to help expedite the travel of Jews from Germany to Israel in 1933, just before his assassination. Of course he was killed, because the Synagogue of Satan wanted the war and “Holocaust” narrative for the his-story books.
This Jewish man was killed in the year of the Jewish Boycott against Germany (also known as the anti-Zionist boycott), in 1933. He was killed 113-days after his birthday, two days after returning from Germany. Of course, the number 113 relates to the Talmud and deception. Read more here: https://freetofindtruth.blogspot.com/2017/04/47-93-113-youtubes-12th-birthday-april.html and here: https://freetofindtruth.blogspot.com/2019/12/30-113-debt-film-about-lying-mossad.html. and here: https://freetofindtruth.blogspot.com/2019/03/38-83-113-anne-franks-stepsister-meets.html
He was killed on a date with 74 numerology as well.
6/16/1933 = 6+16+19+33 = 74
His assassination came 137-days after the Jewish lead boycott began, which was January 30, 1933.
*137, 33rd prime
The man accused, Abba Ahimeir, was born November 2, 1897. The assassination was 226-days after his birthday, and 139-days before his upcoming.
*Two Hundred Twenty Six = 93 *Freemasonry = 139 *Jewish State = 139