Honor Blackman, James Bond’s Pussy Galore, dead at 94, April 5, 2020
Honor Blackman has died on her 228th day of her age. *Death = 228
And it’s not hard to see why a Bond Girl would die on April 5, or 4/5.
Honor Blackman becomes the latest celebrity to meet her demise in 2020, having a 71 gematria connection.
As for her name Pussy Galore, it isn’t hard to see where it came from.
Remember, Freemasonry is based in Kabbalah, where this code of letters and numbers originates. And adding to the Freemason riddle, she died on the 96th day of 2020.

And for one last point, she has died at age 94, during the time of the coronavirus pandemic.

*This news broke April 6, or 4/6. *Sacrifice = 46