Rapper Black the Ripper dead at 32, April 6, 2020, for unknown reasons
A rapper is dead for unknown reasons on April 6, 2020, the 97th day of the year. April 6, or 4/6, like 46, or 6/4, like 64, is the first major clue.
*Kill = 44 / 64 *Dean West = 44
And again, April 6 is the 97th day of the year…
Apparently, he was keeping it 100, and he died 100 days after his 32nd birthday.
In light of him dying at age 32, ‘Holla Black’ sums to 32.
Holla Black was his first album, released December 6, 2006.
*M2929 License Plate (Masonic = 29)