Snoop Dogg’s friend, 57-year-old Marvin Watkins, murdered, March 23, 2020

Celebrity Murder by Numbers

Marvin Watkins was murdered March 23, 2020, the 83rd day of the year.

Read more about murder and 83 here:

He was killed at age 57.

*Entertainer = 57

Pomona has gematria right for ‘killing’.

It was a date with 46 and 66 numerology as well.

3/23/20 = 3+23+20 = 46 (Sacrifice = 46 / Execution = 46 / Rap = 46)

3/23/2020 = 3+23+20+20 = 66 (Homicide = 66)

The death came 155-days after Snoop Dogg’s birthday.