Supreme Court throws out conviction in New Jersey’s Bridgegate scandal, May 7, 2020, while Chris Christie is 57-years-old

Federal Government News

The Supreme Court has thrown out the convictions for the ‘Bridgegate’ scandal.  This is because today is 5/7, like 57…

Notice the key words that sum to 57.

Not by coincidence, Chris Christie is 57-years-old right now.

In light of this happening with the George Washington Bridge, don’t forget Washington D.C. is named after the Scottish Rite Freemason George Washington, who was Inaugurated at age 57.

For one last kicker, notice how the name Bridget Anne Kelly and Bill Baroni who probably loves macaroni connect with George Washington.

74 and 88.


And last, don’t forget the date the Bridgegate Scandal began, September 9, 2013, the day leaving 113-days left in the year.

A little more than a week ago, Donald Trump, of Scottish ancestry, said November 3rd is a good number, or 11/3, like 113.