Trump names Mike Pence to lead coronavirus response, February 27, 2020

Politics Science

Michael Richard Pence, the man for the ‘coronavirus’ job.

These are the games of Freemasons.

Donald Trump put Mike Pence in charge of the coronavirus response on February 27, 2020, the 58th day of the year.  *Don’t 

As for this move coming on the 58th day of the year, and Donald Trump being the “winner” of the 58th U.S. Presidential selection, I want to remind that Mike Pence’s 58th birthday came 138-days after inauguration day, January 20, 2017.

*Donald Trump = 48 / 138 *Mike Pence is 48th Vice President

Also noteworthy, February 27 was Mike Pence’s 266th day of his age.

Read about the Jesuits and 266 here:

Keep in mind Donald Trump attended Fordham in 1964, a Jesuit university.  Of course, it is the Jesuits and Freemasons who have a stronghold in Washington D.C.

The Jesuits are the Society of Jesus.

It should also be noted that the announcement regarding Mike Pence taking over the Coronavirus outbreak at the White House came 101-days before his upcoming birthday.

*101, 26th prime

And last, February 27, or 2/27, like 227, is a big number in Washington D.C., the federal government HQ, and it is especially important to the Scottish Rite, who appear to be responsible for the  Coronavirus outbreak by the numbers.

*227, 49th prime

It was a date with 49 numerology. *2/27/20 = 2+27+20 = 49