Will Willie Nelson survive April 20, 2020? It’s the date a stoner celeb is likely to go…
Read the August 8, 2019 news of Willie Nelson canceling his tour due to health problems:
You’ll notice Willie’s tweet was August 7, and the news covered it August 8, or 8/8.
In light of Willie Nelson being a well known stoner, and the fact that we’re keeping our eye out for celebrities associated with marijuana passing on April 20, his August 7 tweet was 257-days before April 20, the unofficial marijuana holiday, and August 8 was a span of 257-days to 420.

Notice, Williie Nelson will be 86-years-old on April 20, and his name sums to 67.

As for the news of his tour cancellation breaking on August 8, or 8/8, don’t forget how that relates to April 20, or 4/20, or 420.
Don’t forget California’s epic tribute to 420:
And keep in mind, April 20 will be a date with celebrity ‘kill’ numbers. Willie’s full name ties in as well…

4/20/2020 = 4+20+20+20 = 64
4/20/2020 = 4+20+(2+0+2+0) = 28
4/20/20 = 4+20+20 = 44