1 dead, 10 injured in two Memphis shootings, February 19, 2023

They said Tyre Nichols died on January 10, or 1/10. Now we have 1 dead, 10 injured in the same city, Memphis, Tennessee.
Keep in mind this news comes on the 50th day of the year.
Gun Control = 50 / 49
Live Lounge = 50 / 49 (Location of shooting)

Tennessee is in the time of their 50th Governor right now.

Today is 133 days after the Governor’s birthday.
Government = 133
That is also 19 weeks, and on the 19th. *Chaos = 19

This happened in the ‘Whitehaven’ neighborhood.
Whitehaven = 52 / 47
Government = 52 / 47

And it also comes on the kill date, having 28, 44 and 64 numeorlogy.
Kill = 28 / 44 / 64
Shooting = 44

Today is 44 days before the MLK killing anniversary, April 4, or 4/4.

The shooting began at 12:43 AM, a minute before 44.
Active Shooter = 191 (43rd prime)
Policeman = 43
Killing = 43
Masonic = 43

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This comes 42-days before Elvis’s birthday(Elvis dead at 42)
“Gun” = 42
“Ammo” = 42
Or a span of 43-days.
This also comes 187-days after his death.
“Washington, D.C.” = 187
“Society of Jesus” = 187
“Lisa Marie Presley” = 187
This comes 38-days after Lisa Marie’s death.
This comes on the 83rd day of professional wrestling legend, Jerry, “The King” Lawler’s 73rd birthday. His calls Memphis home and he just suffered a stroke.
“Memphis” = 83
“Memphis Shootings” = 83
“Murder” = 83
This also comes a span of 9-months and 11-days from Jerry’s 74th birthday.
“The King” = 74(English Ordinal)
1-dead, 10-injured, like 110-story Twin Towers.
Jerry’s wight is listed at 110 kg
Jerry weighs 243-pounds
“Memphis, TN Shootings” = 243/243
“Central Intelligence Agency” = 243
“Memphis Shootings” = 223/79
Correction: This comes 42-days after Elvis’s birthday.
Bill lee is short for William Lee = 101 like 10 injured 1 dead
News reported approximately two hours before the start of the Daytona 500:
*The connection with the Daytona 500, Ricky Stenhouse Jr, JTG Daugherty Racing, Brad Daugherty,
Tyre Nichols and Bill Lee is very interesting to say the least.
Ricky Stenhouse Jr won the 65th Daytona 500.
The Daytona 500 is a 200 lap race. However, with the overtime rules, the race was extended to 212 laps.
*Ricky Stenhouse Jr = 220, 76, 212, 95 (212 connection & Super Bowl 57 day: 2/12/2023)
City of birth: Memphis, Tennessee. (October 2, 1987)
*This happed 20 weeks after Ricky Stenhouse Jr’s 35th Birthday:
*The Tyre Nichols incident took place on January 7, 2023 (written, 1/7 or 7/1, like 71 — 20th prime)
‘NASCAR’ = 20
‘Death’ = 20
*His birthday written 2/10, like 210 – 20th Tri #
‘Olive Branch, MS’ = 210
**Notice he is 35 years old: 149 — 35th prime
‘Tyre Nichols’ = 149
*Car #47 – ‘Forty Seven’ = 149
‘Whitehaven, TN’ = 149
‘Cottonelle’ = 149
Ricky Stenhouse Jr races for JTG Daugherty Racing. He signed with the team on:
October 16, 2019 *Including the end date, it was 1,223 days ago: 1223 is the 200th prime #. (200 connection)
*It was also 40 months and 4 days ago – *like 44 – ‘Shooting’ = 44
*He drives the #47 race car – ‘Four Seven’ = 44
‘Bill Bryon Lee’ = 193 – 44th prime
*47 Connections:
‘Tennessee’ =47
‘Whitehaven’ = 47
‘Franklin, TN’ = 47 (Birthplace of Bill Lee)
*October 16, 2019 has date numerology of 65 & 38 (65th Daytona 500 and Memphis = 38)
*Two of biggest sponsors for Ricky Stenhouse Jr are: Kroger & Cottonelle
‘Kroger’ = 38
‘Cottonelle’ = 50
*The JTG Daugherty Racing team’s majority owner is former NBA star, Brad Daugherty.
‘Bradley Lee Daugherty’ = 315 (number of days left in the year on 2/19/2023)
*Daugherty became the first African-American NASCAR owner to win the Daytona 500.
‘Daugherty’ = 44
‘JTG’ = 44
*Bill Lee – 50th Governor of Tennessee: (‘Bill Lee’ = 57, like Super Bowl 57)
*Assumed Office on January 19, 2019 (1/19 or 19/1):
‘William Byron Lee’ = 86
‘Whitehaven, Tennessee’ = 86
**’Franklin, Tennessee’ = 191 — 43rd prime (Franklin is the birthplace of Bill Lee)
**Happened 43 days after the incident involving Tyre Nichols (43 — 14th prime)
‘NASCAR’ = 43
‘Camaro ZL1 1LE’ = 43 (Sub-model of the race car Stenhouse Jr drove)
‘Tyre Deandre Nichols’ = 287 — 14th pentagonal
*Article Headline: ‘1 Dead, 10 Injured’ = 50, 67 & 95 (67 — 19th prime, Day of year)
*Death of Tyre Nichols: 1/10/23 (1/10)
‘William Bryon Lee’ = 67
‘Ricky Stenhouse Jr’ = 95
*65th Daytona 500, ‘Six Five’ = 95
‘One’ = 47 (**47 connections)
‘One Zero’ – like ’10’ = 44
‘Live Lounge’ = 148
‘Tyre Nichols’ = 148
‘Gun Control’ = 49 and 50
‘Live Lounge’ = 50 and 49
‘Sixty Five’ = 49 and 50 (65th Daytona 500)
‘Forty Seven’ = 50 and 49 (Race car #47)
*Bill Lee born, October 9, 1959 (written 10/9, like 109)
*107, 44, 109, 37 Connections:
‘Shooting’ = 107, 44, 109, 37
*Brad Daugherty was born in ‘Black Mountain, North Carolina’ = 157 — 37th prime
‘JTG’ = 37
‘Daugherty’ = 109
‘Richard Lynn Stenhouse Jr’ = 109
‘Richard Stenhouse Jr’ = 109
‘Olive Branch’ = 109 (Olive Branch, Mississippi is were Stenhouse Jr grew up)
*109 — 29th prime, ‘Black’ = 29
*38, 83, 79, 34 Connections:
‘Murder’ = 79, 34, 83, 38
‘Death’ = 38
‘Memphis’ = 83, 38, 34
‘Tennessee’ = 34
‘Two Zero Two Three’ (2023) = 83
‘Daytona Beach Florida’ = 83
‘Kroger’ = 38, 83, 34
‘Olive Branch, Mississippi’ = 139 — 34thprime
The numbers 106 and 56:
‘Daytona Five Zero Zero’ = 106 and 263 — 56th prime
‘Tennessee’ = 106
‘Memphis’ = 106
‘Black’ = 106
‘Camaro ZL1 1LE’ = 106 and 56
‘Daytona Beach, Florida’ = 106
‘JTG Daugherty’ = 56
‘Sixty Fifth’ = 56
‘NASCAR’ = 56 and 106
There are many more connections to this ritual, the clear evidence is quite overwhelming.