1 dead, 5 wounded in shooting at Columbus, Ohio vigil, April 16, 2021
This shooting happened Saturday, April 17, 2021, the 107th day of the year.
Shooting = 107, Saturday = 107 (Repetitive pattern)
And notice how the location and ‘Ohio vigil’ come together.
It happened in ‘Columbus’.
And notice how Ohio and ‘Dollar General’ ritual.
Columbus = 25 / 47 / 106 / 110 *Ohio = 47
Columbus, Ohio = 54 / 153 *Jesuit Order = 54 / 153
The shooting happened around 7:30 PM, or 19:30 military.
Sacrifice = 73
193, 44th prime *Shooting = 44 *Execution = 44 *Kill = 44