‘Rain Bomb’ causes massive flooding in Australia, beginning February 22, 2022

Once again, the weather warfare clues are in the headlines.
Rain Bomb = 52
Flood = 52
Earth = 52
In this case the ‘rain bomb’ began Tuesday, February 22, 2022, 102-days after the Superior General’s birthday, a reminder that weather warfare has the Jesuit fingerprints all over it.
Australia = 102
Art of War = 102
World War = 102
-Superior General = 222
-Order Out of Chaos = 222
Notice the mention of the river peaking at 52 feet…
And notice this article was finally updated February 28, 2022.
2/28/22 = 2+28+22 = 52

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Zach… decode Barbara Olson, author of Hell to Pay exposing Hitlery Rotten Cunton. She was on flight 77 🤔
Her husband’s bday was the day she disappeared, 9/11 and he started on June 11(11/6) working for DUBYA. Her 2nd book release 10/2001 🤔.
Her pre marriage name Barbara Kay Bracher = 127