11-year-old black child Darius Dugas gunned down on February 3, 2022 (the Jesus Christ ritual)
This news broke on February 4, or 4/2, in Black History Month.
February = 42
History = 42
Slavery = 42
New Testament = 42
It’s about an 11-year-old black child killed on the 34th day of the year.
Black = 11 / 34
Think of the 42 generations to Jesus to begin the New Testament.
Jesus = 11 / 34
The victim’s name was Darius Dugas.
Darius Dugas = 43 / 74
Jesus Christ = 43 / 74
Forty-two = 43 / 74
-Jesus = 74
-Cross = 74
-Messiah = 74
-Gospel = 74
-Parables = 74