Baltimore Ravens LB Jaylon Ferguson dies at 26 on the Summer Solstice, June 21, 2022, after registering 38 games with the Baltimore Ravens

Dead at 26 in the time of ‘cancer.’
Cancer = 26
Notice they had to mention he played in 38 games, the number of ‘death.’
Death = 38
Murder = 38
Killing = 38
RIP = 38
*Ravens = 38
From the Ravens’ last game to his death was 163-days later.
163, 38th prime

He also died exactly 27-weeks after his own birthday, December 14.
Ritual = 27 / 45 / 81 / 81
-He wore the #45
-He is dead 81-days before the Ravens open their season
-They open against the New York Jets on September 11
-They won the Super Bowl before September 11, 2001

Jaylon O’Neal Ferguson = 95 *Baltimore = 95

Keep in mind he has died right after Juneteenth, or 19/6, like 196.
Jaylon Ferguson = 196

At the time of this news, the rapper lil TJAY is also shot in the news. Funny enough, he is following 196 people on his social media account.

And notice, when Darius Lee died on the Juneteenth holiday date, they showed him in a Baltimore Ravens t-shirt, almost like a clue for what was to come.

Caleb Swanigan who also died on the Juneteenth holiday, played for the Boilermakers.
Boilermakers = 196
For one last point, he died 153-days after Edgar Allan Poe’s birthday, or on the 154th day of his age.
Jesuit Order = 153
Ritual Sacrifice = 154

He is also dead 257-days after the anniversary of Edgar Allan Poe dying.
*Blood Sacrifice = 257