127-year-old water main floods NYC subway, August 29, 2023
They had to let you know it was 127 years old.
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry = 127
Bavarian Illuminati = 127 & 80
Keep an eye on the date September 19 (I say it just based on the post time) and the history of that date.
40th St. and 7th Ave.? 40+7=47
We know 47 is a number of time, and this is very time specific, the “127 year old” pipe.
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This news came a span of 22-days from September 19, 2023, as well as a span of 22-days from the start of the 127 ritual Maui fires.
“Water” = 22
This came a span of 101-days from the anniversary of Pearl Harbor on 12/7.
“Floods” = 26(101, the 26th prime)(8/29/2023 = 8+2+9+2+0+2+3 = 26)(9/19/2023 = 9+1+9+2+0+2+3 = 26)
This came a span of 14-days from the anniversary of 9/11, when buildings 1,2 & 7 fell(this news came on a Tuesday)
“Fourteen” = 41(9+11+20+01 = 41)
“Water Main” = 41(Year of Pearl Harbor)
“NYC Floods” = 41
“Nineteen” = 41(Nineteenth of September?)
This also came 13-days before the anniversary of 9/11, and a span of 13-days from the New York Giants’ first game at home vs ‘Dallas.’
“Dallas” = 13
“Dallas” = 41(13th prime)
“Football” = 83
“Flood” = 83
“Dallas vs New York” = 201
“Water Main Pipe” = 201
This news came on the day leaving a span of 104-days remaining in the year.
“Water Main” = 104
“One hundred twenty-seven year-old water main” = 193(44th prime)
8/29/2023 = 8+29+2+0+2+3 = 44
This also came ‘three’ days before NYC Mayor’s birthday.
“Three” = 25
“Flood” = 25
This also came while the NYC Mayor, ‘Eric Adams’ is 62.
“Eric Adams” = 62
“Pipe” = 62
He took office in ’22 as the 110th NYC Mayor, and this will be the 22nd anniversary of 9/11, where the 110-story Twin Towers were demolished. “Satanic” = 22/”Osama bin Laden” = 110
His name has three of the same numbers as ‘sacrifice.’
“Eric Adams” = “Sacrifice” = 62/73/170
His birthday leaves 121-days remaining in the year.
“Blood Sacrifice” = 121
His full name screams ritual murder.
“Eric Leroy Adams” = “Blood Sacrifice” = “Human Sacrifice” = 67/86
“Adams” = 34/38/97
“Murder” = 34/38
“Death” = 38/97
97, the 25th prime
*His birthday will come 25-weeks after the anniversary of Osama bin Laden’s birthday.
“Flood” = 25
***OUT OF CONTEXT, but equally about natural disasters***
On September 19 of this year, a national drill was scheduled in Mexico, with 4 possible scenarios: 2 earthquakes and 2 hurricanes.
The chosen date commemorates other earthquakes that occurred (by chance) on the same date:
• Mexico City earthquake in 1985, 38 years ago.
• Earthquake in Puebla 2017, 5 years ago.
• 2022 Michoacán earthquake, last year. This day was also a national drill, a few hours before the earthquake.
All earthquakes occurred on the 18°N meridian.
nevada test site a-bomb on 12/7