19-year-old Rapper Einar shot dead in Stockholm, October 21, 2021
Another dead young entertainer at age 19.
Blood Sacrifice = 67
Human Sacrifice = 67
Satanic = 67
-67, 19th prime
-Teen = 19
He has died 46 days after his birthday, or on his 47th day of his age.
Sacrifice = 46
Stockholm = 46
Einar = 47
-Einar = 34 / 88
-Rapper = 34 / 88
-Nils Kurt Erik Einar = 88
This happened on a ‘Thursday’,
This news breaks the day after, the day leaving 70 days in the year.
Sweden = 70
He was in the ‘rap’ game.
Don’t overlook that he was born on 9/5. The Jesuits created to counter the 95 Theses, and who serve the Catholic Church. Of course, October 21 left 71 days in the year.
Catholic = 71
-71, 20th prime
-Death = 20