201 killed in Darfur in ethnic clashes, April 26, 2022 news
This news broke on a Tuesday, named after Mars, the God of War.
Mars = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201
It broke on the 116th day of the year, April 26, 2022.
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam = 116
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Darfur’s leader, Omar al-Bashir’s birthday just happens to be Jan. 1, making this news on the 116th day of his age as well.
“African American” = 116 (English Ordinal)
“Troop reinforcements arrive in Darfur after 201 killed in ethnic clashes” = 307 (Full Reduction)
307, the 63rd prime
“Omar al-Bashir” = 63 (Single Reduction)
“West Darfur” = 63 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“Racism” = 63 (English Ordinal)
4/26/2022 = 4+26+2+0+2+2 = 36
“Racism” = 36 (Single Reduction)
4+2+6+2+0+2+2 = 18
“Race” = 18 (Full Reduction)
He is currently 78.
“Jesuit” = 78 (Reverse Ordinal)
“Omar al-Bashir” = 54 (Full Reduction)
“Forty Four” = 54 (Full Reduction)(he was born in ’44)
“Ethnic Clashes” = 54 (Full Reduction)
“Jesuit Order” = 54 (Full Reduction)
“201 Killed” = 29 (Full Reduction)
“Black” = 29 (English Ordinal)
“African Massalit” = “Black Lives Matter” = 56/259/106
Omar al-Bashir belongs to the National Congress Party.
“National Congress Party” = 266 (English Ordinal)
“Iesus Hominum Salvator” = 266 (Reverse Ordinal)
-Francis, 266th Pope