23-year-old Olga Carmona scored Spain’s historic winning goal in 2023 Women’S World Cup, only for her father to die, like 32-year-old Irene Paredes father, at start of tournament

Catholic Church Death Entertainment History Jesuit New World Order Sports
The nose reminds me of something.

Carmona scored the winning goal at the 29th minute.
Carmona = 29, Football = 29

2nd team to win both tournaments (two)?

Recall the men’s tournament began in ’22, and we’ll get to the link between Argentina, the ’22 men’s winner, and Spain, the following ’23 winner.

Also, notice how her name relates to Genesis 46.

Genesis begins the Torah
Torah = 62
Elohim = 62

Her birthday is the 163rd day of the year, leaving 202 days remaining *163, 38th prime (Death = 38)

Notice how her age is perfect for Spain, and how her name overlaps with ‘Spain.’

Notice she is 23-years-old. *Judaism = 23 (Old Testament rituals)

This ritual came 69-days after her birthday.
Women’s World Cup = 69 & 177
New World Order = 69 & 177
The Jesuit Order = 69
Catholic Church = 69
Illuminati = 69

It was also her 70th day of her age.
Francis = 70
Vatican = 70
*Irene Paredes = 70 (more below)

Recall how the men won the World Cup for Argentina, a day after the Pope’s 86th birthday, when the Pope is from Argentina, and they last won in ’86.
Blood Sacrifice = 86
Human Sacrifice = 86
Jesuits = 86
*FIFA = 86

Notice the history of Spain and Argentina. Again, it is NWO, New World Order.

The Jesuits followed the Franciscan’s, and the Jesuits were created in 1534.

Don’t forget this World Cup began on the 201st day of the year July 20, 2023.

That day had a big mass shooting in the hosting country, New Zealand.
Order of Illuminati = 201
New World Order = 177
The Jesuit Order = 177 & 201

Remember where FIFA connects to 201, Fédération Internationale de Football Association.

Again, a Jesuit founded the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, and he died 201 days after its anniversary.

The Bavarian Illuminati = 139 (Freemasonry = 139) (America = 139)
-Her father died 18/8 *Bavarian Illuminati = 188
Roman Catholic Church = 320 / 104
Spain = 76 & 23 (She is 23)
Illuminati founded in 1776

The Women’s World Cup has existed since ’91.
The Society of Jesus = 91

That was 32 years ago.
32 rays on Jesuit logo
Scottish = 32 (Jesuits and Scottish Rite at the 32nd degree… Ad maiorem Dei gloriam)
America = 32
7/4/1776 = 7+4+1+7+7+6 = 32

Amerigo Vespucci died in Spain, who America is named after. He also explored for Spain.

Notice, Amerigo Vespucci sailed for Spain just after Christopher Columbus.

Furthermore, 32-year-old Irene Paredes lost her father just before the World Cup began.

Notice her birthday is July 4, or 4/7.
Sacrifices = 47

And notice they won the World Cup on August 20, 47 days after her birthday.
Time = 47

What is 47?

Irene Paredes = 65 *Country = 116

August 20 is the 232nd day of the year.
Satan = 232 (Jewish)
Satan = 55 (English)
-Ages 23 & 32 (23+32=55)
*Beast = 47
*Vatican = 47
*Francis = 47
*France = 47

The U.S.A., born on the 4th day of the the 7th month, July 4, Irene Paredes’ birthday as well.

The ritual took place 119 days before the Pope’s birthday.

It took place 84 days before the Superior General’s birthday.
Superior General = 84
Jesuit = 84
The Jesuit Order = 84
The Catholic Church = 84
United States of America = 84
Both Pope & Superior General are from Latin ‘America’

And for one more familiar pattern, her father died Friday, August 18, 67 days after her birthday.
Blood Sacrifice = 67
Human Sacrifice = 67
67, 19th prime

She wears #19.

And it is worth looking into what happened four years ago, when she was 19, in 2019, the time of the last women’s world cup. In that year USA knocked out Spain on Freemasonry’s birthday, June 24.

For one last point, Argentina won exactly 35 weeks before Spain.
*Football = 35
*Catholic = 35
*Europe = 35
*Holy See = 35
*Eye = 35

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