33,000 Boeing union members begin first strike on company in 16 years, two days after September 11, 2024 anniversary

Corporate History News Secret Societies Terrorism
Notice the 10:13 post time *Boeing=113 *Scottish=113 (highest degree of the Scottish Rite is 33)

Consider this news comes two days after September 11, 2024. It is a reminder that all these things happened in 1968, 33 years before 2001:
-Boeing debuted their jumbo jetliners (Boeing founder went to Yale)
-George W. Bush graduated from Yale & Skull and Bones
-9-1-1 was made the national emergency dialing code
-WTC construction began in New York
-WTCs were designed by a man from Seattle (Boeing is from Seattle)
-The New York Jets had their only Super Bowl winning season
-2001: A Space Odyssey came out
-The lead hijacker on 9/11 was born in ’68
-Timothy McVeigh was born in ’68
-The Quran Code was discovered in ’68 (it says the book is about 19, like the # of hijackers)

*Bonesmen are the alumni of Skull and Bones

Boeing=113 *Scottish=113 (the highest degree of the Scottish Rite is 33)

Notice it is the first strike in ’16 years.’


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