33,000 Boeing union members begin first strike on company in 16 years, two days after September 11, 2024 anniversary
Consider this news comes two days after September 11, 2024. It is a reminder that all these things happened in 1968, 33 years before 2001:
-Boeing debuted their jumbo jetliners (Boeing founder went to Yale)
-George W. Bush graduated from Yale & Skull and Bones
-9-1-1 was made the national emergency dialing code
-WTC construction began in New York
-WTCs were designed by a man from Seattle (Boeing is from Seattle)
-The New York Jets had their only Super Bowl winning season
-2001: A Space Odyssey came out
-The lead hijacker on 9/11 was born in ’68
-Timothy McVeigh was born in ’68
-The Quran Code was discovered in ’68 (it says the book is about 19, like the # of hijackers)
*Bonesmen are the alumni of Skull and Bones
Boeing=113 *Scottish=113 (the highest degree of the Scottish Rite is 33)
Notice it is the first strike in ’16 years.’