38 killed in Myanmar protests, March 3, 2021

Jesuit Military Murder by Numbers New World Order News

On March 3 it is being reported that 38 people were killed in Myanmar in the ongoing aftermath of the Jesuit controlled Burmese government being overthrown by the Jesuit controlled Burmese military on February 1, 2021.

Death = 38 *Murder = 38 *Killing = 38 *RIP = 38

Read more about 38 and murder here.

And notice the emphasis on ‘war zone’ with regards to what happened on March 3, or 3/3, like 33.

Masonry = 33 *Secrecy = 33 *Order = 33


And notice how the current military leader of the country was born in ’56, fitting in with the larger Jesuit ritual.


Born in ’56.

The overthrow on February 1, or 2/1, like 21.

Read more about the conflict in Myanmar / Burma here.


  1. aaron00022 on March 4, 2021 at 2:47 pm

    This is sad what’s going on down there, prayers to that nation. Hope the world wakes up soon

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