Rod McMahon, brother of Vince McMahon, dead at 77, January 20, 2021

Celebrity Entertainment Murder by Numbers News

His brother died January 20, or 1/20, like 120.

There’s more…,obituary%20was%20posted%20on%20Legacy.

He has died 149 days after Vince McMahon’s 75th birthday, on 20/1, like 201.

Remember, Skull and Bones number is 322, and Adam Weishaupt died on the 322 day of the year, November 18, 1830, 201 days after the anniversary of the establishment of the Order of Illuminati, which serves the Catholic Church, the same as Skull and Bones.

And don’t forget Adam Weishaupt was Jesuit.

As for his brother being dead at 77, while he is 75…

Catholic Church = 75
Secret Society = 77
Roderick McMahon III = 177 *The Jesuit Order = 177/201


  1. GregRamsey74 on January 27, 2021 at 1:32 pm

    Their grandfather died in ’54, at the age of 72, on 11/22, 9-years before the JFK Assassination.

    “Jesuit Order” = 54 (Full Reduction)
    “Jesuit Order” = 72 (Reverse Full Reduction)

    11+22 = 33(Vince’s middle name is Kennedy, which equates to 33)

    “Nine” = 42 (English Ordinal)
    “Jesuit” = 42 (Reverse Full Reduction)

    Their father, Vincent J., died in ’84(Jesuit)

    “The McMahon Family” = 77 (Reverse Full Reduction)
    “The McMahon Empire” = 77 (Reverse Full Reduction)

    “The McMahon Family” = 266 (Reverse Ordinal)
    “The McMahon Empire” = 266 (Reverse Ordinal)

    “The McMahon Family” = 166 (English Ordinal)
    “The McMahon Empire” = 166 (English Ordinal)

    “The McMahon’s” = 119 (English Ordinal)
    “The McMahon’s” = 47 (Full Reduction)

    He died 67-days before Wrestlemania 37(Blood Sacrifice)(Human Sacrifice)

    “Wrestlemania 37” = 86 (Reverse Full Reduction)(Blood Sacrifice)(Human Sacrifice)

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