5 NBA players hailed by Pope Francis at Vatican, November 23, 2020

Black Lives Matter Catholic Church Jesuit New World Order Sports

This news comes after the conclusion of the 74th NBA season, and just before the start of the 75th NBA season. I bring that up because it occurred on Monday, November 23, 2020, a date with 74 numerology.

11/23/2020 = 11+23+20+20 = 74 *Roman Catholicism = 74

11/20/20 = 11+23+20 = 54 *Jesuit Order = 54

The five players (basketball is 5 on 5…) are Marco Belinelli, Sterling Brown, Jonathan Isaac, Kyle Korver, and Anthony Tolliver.

Catholic Church = 75 *Roman Catholic = 75 *Jesuit = 78

From Tolliver’s 35th birthday, June 1, 2020, to the meeting was 175 days.

*Pope Francis = 175 *Los Angeles Lakers = 175

*Catholic = 35 *King James = 35 *LeBron is 35 years old right now

*Pope = 52 / 56 *Society of Jesus = 56

*Black Lives Matter = 56 *Coronavirus = 56 / 142

From Korver’s 39th birthday, March 17, 2020, to the meeting was 251 days.

251, 54th prime *Jesuit Order = 54

Ad maiorem Dei gloriam = 116 *African American = 116 / 44

From Isaac’s 23rd birthday, October 3, 2020, to the meeting was his 52nd day of his age.

*Pope = 52 *52 week calendar named after the Pope? 52 cards in the deck?

*Pope Francis = 175 *Los Angeles Lakers = 175 *Catholicism = 68 *76

From Brown’s 25th birthday (Pope = 25) to the meeting was 287 days, or 41 weeks later.

*Father = 41 *LA = 41

Don’t forget the Lakers won the NBA Finals 41 weeks after LeBron’s birthday, in the year Kobe Bryant died at age 41. *Kobe Bryant = 41

Italy = 67

From Belinelli’s 34th birthday, March 25, 2020, to the meeting, was his 244th day of his age, similar to how the United States of America is 244 years old, and these were players representing the United States of America, in its effort towards “racial equality.” *It is also 122 days before his birthday *Pope Francis = 122


In light of the mention of George Floyd, this meeting came exactly 26 weeks after his supposed killing, May 25, 2020, and a span of 26 weeks from the video being released the next day, May 26.

Read about Maradona’s death, 26, and Pope Francis: https://gematriaeffect.news/diego-maradona-dies-november-25-2020-34-years-after-the-hand-of-god-play-in-86-while-pope-francis-is-83/

For one last point, this meeting was on the day leaving 38 days in the year, and George Floyd was killed in ‘Minnesota’, on 38th Street.


  1. Keenan on November 25, 2020 at 1:05 pm

    To add to your 52 list..
    Mass=52. Curia=52.
    Sterling Brown showed up with the Pope 79 days before his 26th birthday. Society of Jesus=79. He was the 46th pick in the 2017 NBA draft. Catholic=46.
    Jonathan Isaac’s full name, Jonathan Judah Isaac, is composed of 3 famous names from the Bible.
    Anthony Tolliver & Kyle Korver played at Creighton University, a jesuit school. Creighton=54/144. Jesuit Order=54/144.

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